Factorio train acceleration. com | Forums | Wiki | Mod Portal | API .
Factorio train acceleration.
I like one-direction trains.
Factorio train acceleration Standard Shuttle. Transportation Mod tag: Transportation This mod makes train acceleration realistic and depend on cargo. It is a burner machine that runs on typical locomotive fuel. Reduces breaking force and acceleration of all locomotives, even if modded Tweaks Mod category: Tweaks Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics. Slower train acceleration. Factorio version: 0. Instead of a base speed of 259 km/h, the base speed is 86 km/h (1/3 of default). So a train of 4 wagons with 2 locomotives accelerates much faster than with 1 locomotive. Reply reply Factorio version: 1. The standard shuttle is available at green science. Enjoy! Higher acceleration; Supports vanilla wagons ; Recipe and research. Highlighted mods Recently updated Factorio version: 1. Is the max speed stil independent of the train le Goal: Trains will have more realistic acceleration and braking behavior. The technology is unlocked with red, green, blue, violet, yellow with a total of 10K of each. 1 Downloaded by: 1. 0: Download: 7 days ago: 145: 0. 15 train speed/acceleration. 2: 1. The effects are quite Locomotives are burner devices and require fuel to run; the more powerful the fuel used, the faster the locomotive's acceleration and top speed will be. Otherwise trains, by comparison, remain mostly the same as before besides fluid wagon capacity doubling. Trains Mod tag: Trains Trains are great, but what if they could do even more? source code This mod makes train acceleration more realistic and depend on the amount of Cargo. acceleration etc. This should affect any locomotive or wagon added by mods. 1: Download: 2 years ago: 148: 1. Always wanted to have something like this mod in factorio, however, from my in-game testing it seems like this mod substitutes every locomotive's This mod makes train acceleration more realistic and depend on the amount of Cargo. Note that on a two headed train, the engine that's going backwards will be inactive, so instead of improving acceleration, it will make the train slower in acceleration as the active locomotive will have to pull it. Enjoy!. Speedy Trains!!! Locomotives and wagons have a massive increase to top speed, and locomotives can consume more power to reach those speeds. 0: Download: 10 days This mod makes train acceleration realistic and depend on cargo. We now calculate the weight of such a container, based on its contents. Always wanted to have something like this mod in factorio, however, from my in-game testing it seems like this mod substitutes every locomotive's For an accelerating train (or one which is attempting to maintain top speed), the Train::updateSpeed function appears to do the following, in order: Speed is slowed by the (total?) friction_force divided by the total weight. (youtube demo included) Tweaks Mod category: Tweaks Small changes concerning balance Hey there! Love your mod and how it makes trains behave more naturally and saves my immersion from breaking :P. Enjoy! Currently, the top speed modifier on fuels only affects the top speed of trains. Modded to 100k Acceleration (from Concrete on the wiki. This is done by varying the weight of train wagons, depending on the cargo they cary. 25: 2. Version Game Version Download Release Date Downloads ; 1. 0. This means there is no need for a hard limit on maximum speed anymore. (youtube demo included) Tweaks Mod category: Tweaks Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics. 999925 vs 1 I like one-direction trains. 1 3. The X axis is the number of locomotives, the Y axis is the number of seconds required to In addition to total train weight (all cars added together), there is an air resistance stat which alters acceleration. Factorio version: 1. Throughout my Factorio playing I used 1-2 trains and been very happy with them. If a train in Factorio is traveling at 200 KPH, and one track tile is 2x2 meters square, then it is traveling 100,000 track tiles per hour, braking force is one of those variable with an effect that cascade of to many other variables, so is acceleration, train composition, network topology, junction design amongst others . Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay. 1 Downloaded by: 18 users. However, due to the adjusted top speed an acceleration the train with rocket fuel will have traveled farther. Others made the hypothesis that the factorio train braking algorithm is updating braking force in real time to If a train in Factorio is traveling at 200 KPH, and one track tile is 2x2 meters square, then it is traveling 100,000 track tiles per hour, or 27. I wondered whether someone has already done the math/experiments for the new 0. (youtube demo included) Train acceleration, speed, and top speed are not functions of properties, but more just set numbers. 10K. There are more researches, items, sounds, recipes and logistical challenges and trade-offs to explore. It's pretty minor, but suffice to say always have a forward-facing locomotive at the I'm looking for the formula how factorio calculates train speeds. Modded to 100k Acceleration Content Mod category: Content Mods introducing new content into the game. 23K users. ( if you reach the same speed with LCLCLCLC or LCCCLCCCLCCC or LCCCCCCCCCLCCCCCCCCC it would mean the more dense in wagon is always the better at this point of the mathing/modeling). This means there is no need This mod will make train acceleration more realistic, by both reducing the acceleration to real world levels, and making it dependent on the cargo of your wagons. Adjustable in startup settings. So I want to make the train with player inside going by itself on cruise speed, which can be add by button "W" to max and "S" to min. In addition to being faster than the average train in regards to both acceleration and top speed, [2. It will then instantly calculate the Train acceleration (and vehicles in general) should include drag. The 600kw provided by the tooltip is both the wrong unit and the wrong number for modeling train acceleration (Edit: I suppose the number would be right if you used the unit for momentum, meaning 600 momentum is added every tick). I tryed to find any usefull information to how make it correct using . This mod will make train acceleration more realistic, by both reducing the acceleration to real world levels, and making it dependent on the cargo of your wagons. Since drag increases squared to speed, trains converge to a certain speed. I typically run 2-4 (locs/wagons) unidirectional trains for heavy cargo, 1-2-1 for distant mining outposts, 1-2 for fluid transfer, and some smaller trains for low volume traffic (such as acid to uranium mines). Acceleration is the only way to go. 15x acceleration) I researched the actual real-world densities (weights) of most vanilla items, including deadlock's stacked items. Each chart is for a certain number of cargo wagons (or fluid wagons, same mass) and directional-ness. Goal: Trains will have more realistic acceleration and braking behavior. 25: 1. riven8192 . The question I have is does concrete and refined concrete have a measurable impact on train acceleration I wondered whether someone has already done the math/experiments for the new 0. Modded to 100k Acceleration. Trains take longer to speed up So for short and light trains, multiple engines don't really help, but for longer trains it can make sense. These mods feature small trains (less weight, less powerful), and containers with lots of items (like 1 container with 2000 iron ore). It doesn't happen when i just removed a 2nd locomotive (for some odd reason). 1 I think it would also explain why the formula seems more precise the heavier the train in Milo's test and why it's super precise on farcast's test with a 50 loco train but i'm not sure i understood that part correctly, 50 loco train would yield a negligible air_resistance, but the setup can be made arbitrarily precise, though it's 0. With acceleration train will move out and arrive faster on a station that will improve how goods you move on time. Turning the feature off makes the trains move again. I used this to calculate train acceleration in bulk, then I wrote a web calculator for more specific calculations. , 0. The train acceleration, on the other hand, is benifiting from more locomotives when there are wagons to pull. 1. By default train speed, power and braking force are doubled. This should result in train movement being relatively the same (i. Factorio version: 2. g. 1. However, it feels odd when an empty 1-1 train going at 50km/h takes the same distance to stop as a partially loaded 1-8 train moving at the same speed. 17 - 1. (youtube demo included) This mod makes train acceleration more realistic and depend on the amount of Cargo. 1 Downloaded by: 118 users. This mod makes train acceleration realistic and depend on cargo. 999925 vs 1 we are trying to measure with a 50 For train it is all about how many train you can put on a line and what is the output of a station. 15 - 1. Top. com | Forums | Wiki | Mod Trending Search mods Rivens Realistic Train Acceleration (based on cargo) by riven8192. by Ghost1881. [2. com | Forums | Wiki | Mod Portal | API Factorio version: 0. An acceleration test over a short course (19 rails) using only one locomotive with rocket fuel (approx measurements): - no mods: 1. However over long distances, It could be factorio is modeling some kinda air resistance that's only applying to the head train unit. 6s Thanks u/DrMorphDev and u/doodle77 I got a simulation working and it seems to be mostly accurate. I'm currently trying it out with the Freight Forward modpack which includes some mechanics around trains and ships having /10 storage (Klonan's mini trains are added with only 2 stacks per wagon and regular trains are pushed further down with 4 slots, When i ride a train and rotate it, it just stops completely. Thanks for the good mod. 5. whatever Factorio version: 1. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. It would also make intersection design more important, and if there were super costly train tunnels, they would be attractive to allow rails to cross If it happens again, you might send the last-autosave file :) What I patched was a case where train was already forcefully braking (like changing a rail-signal to red through the circuit-network), the additional braking that the mod did, flipped the velocity to negative values. The new infinite research gives 20% braking force, with linear cost scaling. Multiplies the acceleration & braking force of locomotives by a value. I made a video for convenience: Slow Trains. 0) - A train fuel for Slower acceleration would make trains less attractive for small loads or short distances. The train-weight mod calculates the weight of the train and adjusts the weight of the wagons. Trains consume fuel at a constant rate (600kW or 600 kJ/s) so a train with ten solid fuel will run for longer than a train with one rocket fuel (200 seconds vs 166 seconds). It seems that with a large enough load, a train actually has negative acceleration according to the wiki equation which is not correct in my experience. Also, the 250kg stack size is based on the assumption that a wagon should weigh 10 tonnes and has 40 stacks; K2 wagons have 60 stacks so Factorio. (balancing the Realistic Train Acceleration mod). Thanks. Anyway, here is a google doc spreadsheet with a bunch of charts for both one- and two-directional trains. Trains max speed is equal no matter the locomotive count. The train-acceleration mod calculates the weight of the train and modifies the train speed every frame. The factorio engine will then simply do all the acceleration calculations itself, as opposed to the mod 'hacking' it every frame. Tweaks Mod category: Tweaks Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics. (you can't make a train with a slower acceleration but higher top speed). Weight determination of cargo. This mod makes your trains accelerate slower when they are full. Compatible with Bob's Locomotives, Angels Petro/Smelting Locomotives. Slows down trains, because the default speeds are silly. 0 Compatible] The most advanced electric train mod out there! This mod adds balanced, UPS friendly and futuristic themed MAGLEV trains. 51 Train acceleration and top speed Trains accelerate faster or slower based on their mass, air resistance of the wagon in front (usually a locomotive but it can be anything), and total number of wagons, including locomotives. Is the max speed stil independent of the train le Factorio version: 0. Adds new fuel type "Enriched Rocket Fuel" Which has a better acceleration rate and higher top speed then rocket Fuel it self. And the fuel usage barely mattered since it felt it takes ages for the train to use it. com | Forums | Wiki | Mod Portal | API Docs. 3 years ago. Speed is increased by 10,000 times the number of locomotives times the fuel_acceleration_modifier divided by the total weight Factorio. Hi Quartofel, thank you fod the kind words! Regarding your question: given how supporting something as simple as trains, that were also modded by other mods, are already such a headache, I think that when it comes to vehicles, which come in all shapes and sizes, it would open a bug can of worms, that I'd rather not peek into :) This mod makes train acceleration realistic and depend on cargo. In this context top speed and acceleration are proportional. Firstly - great idea, this is what always bugged me in Factorio, trains accelerating near instantly, which also made the train braking research Faster Fuel and way more train brake upgrades! Factorio. SoShootMe Factorio. Adds a new locomotive that works with nuclear fuel cells, can reach a maximum speed of 600k/h, has a higher acceleration but everything comes with a cost to balance the mod. These trains have a increased top speed, acceleration and capacity (mod configurable). 1: 1. Mods by riven8192 Rivens Realistic Train Acceleration (based on cargo) - Space Age. Can be disabled in startup settings. % of time spent accelerating/braking), while being twice as fast. The effects are quite drastic, so you should expect 'some' reorganisation of your trains, stations and intersections. 0: Port of 'Rivens Realistic Train Acceleration' to Factorio version 2. Fuel has been rebalanced to provide less acceleration bonus and no speed bonus. Changelog Version 1. by riven8192. braking force is one of those variable with an effect that cascade of to many other variables, so is acceleration, train composition [2. Any ideas or suggestions please. Trains—in particular cargo trains—have difficulties in keeping up with this new level of throughput. hello, very nice mod, been looking after it a while and testing from time to time and i think it need 2 things : - there is no difference which locomotive i use from bob mods (mk1,mk2,mk3 all same) and if i use armored loco (a lot better than other, more HP, more grid) it is also the same , only braking start faster , i guess cos its lot heavier 2024 Info: - New item and technology Features: - Alkaline PowerPacks are here! These can be researched immediately after electric trains and are an inexpensive way to run your electric train network. 1-2-1 trains (single direction, not double headed) on my current map. Modded to 100k Acceleration Trains are heavier and more powerful. 1: So for short and light trains, multiple engines don't really help, but for longer trains it can make sense. Easy to check Train acceleration hasn't meaningfully changed in the past 4 years or so afaik, so those old posts and calculators are just as valid now Reply reply If you ask Factorio players to build a 1-4-1 train, 99% would build a bidirectional train. ) On the wiki page for Locomotive it mentions that the train max speed does include train friction force as part of the calculation but it does not have any reference (other than having the word friction) to the concept of rolling resistance. I like one-direction trains. By default, trains are a lot more heavy. Factorio. If a train arrive full speed on a shared line it will slow down less the train already on the line. 0: Download: 10 days This mod makes train acceleration more realistic and depend on the amount of Cargo. What? AFAIK, train speeds are just a basic calculation of the weight of the full train, the air resistance based on the first entity, and the fuel value. Locomotive Max Power = 2400kW Higher acceleration; Supports vanilla wagons ; Recipe and research. I probably will continue using them for ore trains on isolated short dedicated routes to minimize the mine station footprint. Although i understand that those super trains might go against the intent of your mod, it's still abit sad being outperformed by a train that 50 times less resource intense, this might not be that relevant if i went and changed the cargo values BUT if i do that i just end up with just small fat trains that carry millions in them and that's Firstly - great idea, this is what always bugged me in Factorio, trains accelerating near instantly, which also made the train braking research somehow less relevant, short of some optimization pushes. 1: I have noticed that trains are very slow (this mod + K2); probably easiest to increase train power to compensate. Configuration: It seems that after the fuel type changes, trains that don't have "fuel" now have no power? In my case, Electric Locomotive of "Realistic Electric Trains (Fork)" are probably the slowest possible, even while empty, running at a max speed of about 0. Version Game Version Download Release Date Downloads ; 0. Having fun with such small stations and high-acceleration trains. 1 18. Modded to 100k Acceleration Currently, the top speed modifier on fuels only affects the top speed of trains. That's what upgraded locomotives and wagons are for. 2 months ago. Trains run with decreased top speed and acceleration when using them. 1 Downloaded by: 4. Acceleration is slowed, weight is increased, and braking force is reduced. Reduces breaking force and acceleration of all locomotives, even if modded Tweaks Mod category: Tweaks Factorio version: 1. The Factorio API does not support altering the weight of any entity once the game is running. 0 This mod makes train acceleration more realistic and depend on the amount of Cargo. I think it would also explain why the formula seems more precise the heavier the train in Milo's test and why it's super precise on farcast's test with a 50 loco train but i'm not sure i understood that part correctly, 50 loco train would yield a negligible air_resistance, but the setup can be made arbitrarily precise, though it's 0. e. WHAT I AM SUGGESTING I want to be able to make fuels which can influence the acceleration or top speed of cars independently of each other. Been a while since I did 1-1 or 1-2, might have to try that again some day. Having quality affect wagon capacity it under standard multiplier (up to 2. Is the max speed stil independent of the train le In the long run, train acceleration is far more important than fuel cost. The acceleration modifier on fuels affects the acceleration of trains, but for cars if affects both acceleration and top speed. Modded to 100k Acceleration Meaning that train with very slow acceleration but still able to reach the maximum speed a train can go would be given a disproportionnate advantage. They have a high fuel value but cannot be recharged or refurbished. On the one hand i'm tempted to ask how did you come to this conclusion with math and explanations, but on the other hand, last time i wasn't able to follow everything, so i can understand you'd want to avoid that Maybe you'll spot the differences with my tests. 39K users. 1 Downloaded by: 951 users. (can get really slow if you set it to realistic, like 0. Each chart is for a certain number of cargo wagons This mod makes train carriages hold 4x as much cargo/fluid (balancing the Realistic Train Acceleration mod). Don't forget Train Gun the best train-related mod, and also the best Factorio mod overall. Be careful, they will easily roll over players and biters. Do you also think trains are too fast? This mod adds 5 config options to alter the acceleration and maximum speed for trains. Log in. I saw in an earlier discussion that making the braking distance depend on cargo is not possible, but what about changing it depending on the number of train cars? This mod makes train acceleration more realistic and depend on the amount of Cargo. copy the mod directory into your factorio mods directory; rename the mod directory to OS-Speed-Train_versionnumber, where versionnumber is the version of the mod that you've downloaded (e. This mod makes train acceleration more realistic and depend on the amount of Cargo. acceleration. My guess for signal vs train stop is because signal are only 1x1 entity wheras train stop are 2x2, so that a Aeternus wrote:It depends on the scale of your network, and can be important for the type and size of crossings you have to make, and the size/layout of the stations. Consider a train network. The wiki has this formula: The maximum speed that a locomotive can get to depends on the train that it is Acceleration seems to be mostly a function of max_power and total weight ignoring friction_force and weight of the locomotive. 26: 2. These containers fill only 1 stack in the train. But I am considering larger trains for the rest of my cargo and I received an intriguing suggestion. But can't understood how it works. Trains take longer to speed up This mod + Krastorio 2 + Multiple Unit Train Control = very slow trains. In total 3 locomotives and 4 wagons have been added. A train with 100ton can be accelerated by a mere My goal is to develop a calculator where the user can plug in the quantity and type of wagons, forward locomotive, backward locomotives, and fuel type. Aside from the departure and destination, you want the train to be chooching along at 100% speed for as much of the time as possible: I just have a hard time imagining that trains in Factorio matter when it comes to fuel management, they just Slow Trains. 3kph. Also adds more braking-force levels of so you can stop Multiplies the acceleration & braking force of locomotives by a value. I probably should have figured out it was an algorithm to calculate speed tick by tick but oh well, thanks for the help. I'm using the mod, really like it. 78 (rounded) track tiles per second (55. 5x) would help trains at least slightly here. Trains take longer to speed up This mod will make train acceleration more realistic, by both reducing the acceleration to real world levels, and making it dependent on the cargo of your wagons. 16. Solid fuel, rocket fuel and nuclear fuel will give +20%, +80% and +150% Trains can accelerate quickly! But how do the different configurations compare to each other? Well, with this gif, you have a convenient visual guide! Includes the following configurations: I Train acceleration (and vehicles in general) should include drag. 56 meters/sec). Version Game Version Download Release Date Downloads ; Slow Trains. Transportation Mod tag Factorio version: 1. Or simply how to set the train. cxeaejtoerqedpvmqboxxpiavaiiqvsjgstuuajdctfwamnrk