Dye stealer wondfo. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
Dye stealer wondfo Share Sort by: Not all test brands will show a dye stealer. Like. Later that afternoon, i had a light but obvious line. So this is my first time using this brand, for any others who have used these before approximately when did you get a dye stealer? This is also my first time really doing a progression line since it’s our last baby and I want to remember it This is not true at all. In fact, i don't think they were obviously dark til 15 dpo and not as. It wasn't even a dye stealer at 20dpo. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs I’ve been testing using Wondfo and MomMed. the stick ones are just less sensitive I think so there's less difference between Wondfo to Easy at home and Frer progression. Wondfo Pregnancy Test offers accurate pregnancy testing services; however, occasionally there may When do you get a wondfo dye stealer? I got mine today at 18dpo And I just got my cheapie (wondfo) dye stealer. First Year. Would you trust the frer as more accurate?? I think I’m about 16 dpo today I got dye stealers on everything else like a full week before wondfo and the next day, the hook effect popped up. But then after many days and the Wondfo was taking so long to darken, I got frustrated with them and switched back to only taking FRER. This was my dye stealer the next day, but I'm sure it would have 'stolen' sooner! I already got a dye stealer on a frer , and have extra wondfos so ive been testing daily just to see if they'll turn dye stealer for me so far it's as dark yesterday and today, but I got a dye stealer on FRER at 18 DPO, but still haven’t gotten one on the cheap Pregmates tests! The line is still super dark- but not darker than the control. Wondfo cheapies claim: Get Result 2 Days Earlier Than Standard Pregnancy Test - 10 mIU/ml cut-off level. New. My FRERs stalled for several days in the middle so I’m glad I tested with multiple brands. 28 DPO, last Wondfo! Anyone know what their HCG levels were with a wondfo dye stealer? Question Archived post. Last updated: 2023/08/03 at 12:23 PM. My tests have been getting darker every 24-48hours which is reassuring but I’m just worried. I’m using the wondfo brand from amazon and my last tests the last few days don’t seem to be getting darker but I’m wondering if it’s even possible to get a dye stealer on these? I’m 4w3d and usually get dye stealers at this point but my last three pregnancies didn’t stick so I’m paranoid** don’t mind DPO 9 (negative) through 21(dye stealer) line progression with Wondfo. Latest: 2 months ago Wondfo dye stealer? When did you get your wondfo dye stealer? It’s taking forever for me! I know this is a long shot but does anyone happen to know what their hcg was when their cheapie started crossing over into a dye stealer ?This is my wondfo at 17dpo and it looks like the dye stealing is beginning. Controversial. First Response Early Response brand name tests are more likely than Posted by u/Important_Sweet_1881 - 4 votes and no comments I’m using the wondfo brand from amazon and my last tests the last few days don’t seem to be getting darker but I’m wondering if it’s even possible to get a dye stealer on these? I’m 4w3d and usually get dye stealers at this point but my last So I'm a POAS addict and I've been testing my progression with easy@home and struggling to get a dye stealer im 6weeks today and still nothing. Archived post. Open comment sort options Easy at home dye stealer, unknown dpo (maybe 6 Vfl on Wondfo neg FRER Home Pregnancy Test The wondfos were from 9dpo and 10dpo showed up within 5 mins of taking and all 4 of them have vvfl I got excited and took a Frer and it Negative! Whats the chances of getting 4 faulty wondfos in a row?? Share Dye stealer 16DPO 🥰 8-18 DPO (CD21-31) progression with wondfo and easy@home, plus bonus 18 DPO FRER dye stealer Progression I was so worried about my progression on 13 DPO when I felt my tests hadn’t darkened from 11 DPO. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs Brand: wondfo & first response 11-21dpo. Share. Shouldn’t my most recent test at the bottom (10dp5dt/15dpo) 7DPO-26DPO Wondfo Progression with Betas Archived post. 5. I'm 5w1d today and had an early miscarriage last month (so Hey ladies! I’m expecting a due date in late September and I got my dye stealer today! Just wanted to share because I’m so excited! Last cycle was a chemical pregnancy, so still nervous but feeling good so far! A dye stealer is not an accurate way of testing for twins; however, if you get a dye stealer test very early on in your pregnancy, it can be a strong indicator. I got a decent dye stealer on FRER this morning though, so I'm hoping The second to last test was taken Saturday at 18 dpo and I had one more test so I waited until today, 22 dpo cuz I wanted a dye stealer and yay!!! Why is it I have gotten a dye stealer on this type of test but not until 20dpo, and I got my first positive on late 8dpo early 9dpo. FOR SCIENCE - with BETAS 11–19 DPO Wondfo - Clearblue - dye stealers early 🥹 Home Pregnancy Test Share Add a Comment. This is a positive sign of a healthy pregnancy. Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week. I would definitely go by the FRER progression! The first and second photos are only half an hour apart from each otherI took the cheapie test first, and saw that the line was getting lighter and freaked out, so I took a frer shortly after. A pregnancy test resulting in a dark, It takes time to get a dye stealer as hcg needs to build up. 38K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. ( i know that it doesn't Posted by u/OCD_Data_Queen - 12 votes and 2 comments 16 votes, 10 comments. Update: HCG 17/18dpo 564HCG 19/20dpo 1,440. Are they known for indents or could this be something? It did dry faintly purple 13 DPO, FRER - Is this a dye stealer? This is the darkest line I've ever gotten!. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs Wondfo cheapie VS easy@Home cheapie: IF positive, will the Wondfo detect the positive sooner?? Why?: Most at home pregnancy tests (cheapie and name brand) we use detect a positive pregnancy test with a hCG level of 25 mIU/ml. Baby Development Month by Month. Has anyone else I got a dye stealer on FRER around 13-14 dpo! Some people were saying you don’t get dye stealers on wondfo unless you’re having twins or around 6 weeks along. I read all the time about dye stealers and I'm worried this will be another loss (I've had 2 already over the last 3 years). Confused about line progression Progression I’m really confused about about my line progression. It’s hard to tell in your pic but maybe for me but it could just be my eyeballs I want to say yes but also the test line should be suckin the life out of the control side a little more. Locked post. So satisfying, I just got my first dye stealer at Yeah they did eventually get dark for me but it took a long time. Old. Share Sort by: Best. Used my last FRER this morning so I’m done testing! (with the control and test line equally as dark). Thoughts on the progression line at 18DPO? Share 8-19 DPO progression (with betas) - FRER / Wondfo early result / easy@home + 19 DPO tests at 5 minute mark. So wondfos are great for catching nearly positives but kind of garbage for It got gradually darker and took about 10-12 days more to be a proper dye stealer. I’m using the wondfo brand from amazon and my last tests the last few days don’t seem to be getting darker but I’m wondering if it’s even possible to get a dye stealer on these? I’m 4w3d and usually get dye stealers at this point but my last DPO 9 (negative) through 21(dye stealer) line progression with Wondfo. But in most cases, if you’re taking a few tests throughout your pregnancy (shout-out to all the TTC women out there ️), the test line will likely get darker over time, anyway. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs Wondfo tests. Baby Products. Only 5 days later and I have my dye stealer!! I’m out of tests now so going to call it quits on testing. Wondfo Pregnancy Test Progression: Understanding Your Results. (Had an early scan at 6. And on top of that, I recommend just getting betas and putting the tests away cause they’ll drive you insane! Just like Dye Stealer Pregnancy Test, these tests are known for being quick and user-friendly, yielding results within three minutes. It got gradually darker and took about 10-12 days more to be a proper dye stealer. Fingers are crossed for you! X My progression lines have been the same the past couple of days (currently 16/17dpo) using Wondfo. December 16, 2024 | by lissalemon. It took me til 20 dpo to have a dye stealer and my hcg was pretty high then. After freaking out yesterday that my tests weren't progressing fast enough I got Ahhhh!! Just need to share my excitement somewhere! This is our 7th pregnancy and I’ve never had a dye stealer! I am 18 DPO - 4w6d - EDD 3/11! We found out a week ago at 11 DPO and I can’t believe the difference in the tests in just 1 week! the stick in the picture is Wondfo the super sensitive early detection ones! I’ve also been 44K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. They're not perfectly made tests and I'm sure the dye can vary a lot between each test. The cheapie tests take a long time to darken. 5 Min Read 45K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. So I’m just Hi this is the first time I got a dye stealer I used a CVS brand extremely sensitive one because I was getting negative test results with the cheap dollar store ones even after being 5 days late Hi folks, Happy Friday! I want to start by acknowledging my POAS addiction is out of control and cannot be helped due to my past experiences! I am currently 6 weeks Pregnant, however I still do not have strong line progression I’m 19dpo (4+5) and thought I would have a dye stealer by now. natswurphy. weeks 2 days pregnant got my dye stealer today 22/24dpo on wondfo but did use other brands to confirm but kept on with wondfo to see the line progress. Most pregnancy tests are fairly easy to use and interpret. 1. At 16dp5dt my HCG was 3538. This is my I had a dye stealer for my previous pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage, and for this pregnancy (twins, no less - I’m 11 weeks now), I never had a dye stealer using the Pregmate strips from Amazon! I was obsessed with line progression, even after my betas, and my RE reminded me that these tests tell you if you are pregnant and nothing else. I got my first slight dye stealer on a wondfo two days ago! Today is a lot darker! Latest: 23 days ago | BMAMA1114. I got a ridiculously faint line on 9dpo but it slowly turned into a real line. Like Report as Inappropriate. I started getting my FRER dye stealers at 16 DPO where it was teeeeny but darker. Recommended Reading. Considered using a FRER to see if I’d get a dye stealer. I’m 19dpo (4+5) and thought I would have a dye stealer by now. Stopping testing with first faint positive on 10 DPO! Progression Archived post. The tests below go from 5-10 dp 5dt (this is an IVF with PGD pregnancy). Confirmed with a FRER after but even that was extremely light. progression lines and HCG please!My 10/11dpo hcg- 4812/13DPO hcg- 171I feel like my lines are taking forever to get a dye stealer. I haven’t tested with Wondfo since Saturday (first picture with FRER) and now this is my test on Tuesday. The one on 14DPO was darker than 12DPO, but still not as dark as the control ine. Not sure if it’s the tests or what. So, the equivalent of 10-15dpo. General. Products. Then I got a dye stealer on the FRER I used Wondfo but didn’t get a dye stealer until 20+ dpo. Q&A. So a dye stealer is when the HCG hormone from the baby is so high, the test line steals the dye from the control line; causing it to appear more faint. I got a dye stealer with First Response days before I got one with Wondfo Extra Sensitive (I think Wondfo is similar I was super impressed with Wondfo when it caught my vvfl easier to see than the FRER I took after seeing the Wondfo. Pregnancy. Open comment sort options. If you see a dye stealer on your test, it suggests that your hCG levels are high and rising quickly. are wondfos just bad with progression? I was getting so frustrated because I got a dye stealer on my first response like a week before. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs 33K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. And I had 4 betas taken and I was more than doubling each time! Like. Fingers are crossed for you! X. r/CautiousBB. Top. Please let this be my rainbow 🌈is But if your test line is darker than your control line, that could mean you’ve experienced a dye stealer pregnancy test (basically, your pregnancy is loud and proud!). I A dye stealer pregnancy test does not guarantee a healthy pregnancy, twins, or a specific gender of your baby. Wondfo brand, 10dpo. Your result at 18 dpo was a stunning dye stealer! Congratulations mummy! This is great! I was a serial tester with my first pregnancy and vowed I would not be with my now second. However, it is important to remember that the absence of a dye stealer does not necessarily mean there is a problem with Not having a dye stealer at 4w2d isn’t bad. For cautious pregnant people on this great, perilous journey to parenthood. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs A dye stealer pregnancy test indicates a rapid progression of hCG levels. 5 weeks 5 days. It only gets to be the same color as the control line. At 14 dpo I wouldn’t expect hcg to be very high / get a dye stealer. I’ve noticed the dry down makes it much more noticeable. General Friday, 27 December 2024. Do they progress slower? I got a dye Wondfo had me so nervous and then I look at my first response progression. You May Also Like. I’ve looked up progress pics online and most test lines seem to be darker than mine by now. n. Also 13 DPO does seem really early to have dye stealer - are you positive about your dates? Wondfo, FR, Clearblue, 17 DPO (4 I don’t use easy@home but wondfo are the exact same, I’m 7 weeks today and honestly the range of tests I get are hilarious the only thing I can comfortably use them for is saying I’m pregnant lol! Let me see your line progressions!EDD 9/26 or 9/27First pregnancy, 4w3dFirst dye stealer on a first response. Best. In July 2025 Babies. (Hook effect) I finally got my dye stealer on my wondfo this morning at 21dpo. 4wks and all was fine). Why are my cheapies so light for 20 DPO? Progression I’m out of cheapies now and hesitant to order more. Hopefully getting blood work done tomorrow afternoon. I used a Wondfo first just to make sure I was still pregnant and wouldn't waste a digital. For the record, my hcg at 19dpo was 1,575. I’ve been testing 44K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. Sort by: Best. They are cheap for a reason. 18dpo - does this count as a dye stealer? 😬 This is the first time I’ve ever purchased wondfo so I’m not too familiar but this is the 4th test I’ve taken out of the box and the first one to have a shadow. I get dye stealer on easy at home at 19dpo - it just that frer would be a dye stealer a week earlier Reply reply More replies. Digital pregnancy tests are the most Once you get a dye stealer you should stop testing. Users should look out for two lines appearing in the control window that indicate the success of an attempt. I just need some peace of mind that the numbers are increasing so I can make it through this weekend. I just looked back and I got my first positive on 9/25 and I didn't get a dye stealer on the wondfo until 10/7. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 3rd pregnancy with no living babies. I’ve been waiting for that dye stealer to chill out the testing but nothing yet at 18DPO. So wondfos are great for catching nearly positives but kind of garbage for I’m using the wondfo brand from amazon and my last tests the last few days don’t seem to be getting darker but I’m wondering if it’s even possible to get a dye stealer on these? I’m 4w3d and usually get dye stealers at this point but my last three pregnancies didn’t stick so I’m paranoid** don’t mind Hi,Is anyone else a serial tester and is using Wondfo? I’m concerned that my line isn’t really darkening and the past 3 days all kind of look the same. I was also testing with pregmate which wasn’t showing any line progression after 15 dpo until I diluted the sample and then it gave me a dye stealer. Line progression on easy 9 DPO thru 18 DPO | Wondfo Early Result |Progression Progression Very faint line on 9DPO. Took one again 2 days later with a clear. But a total dye stealers at 21 DPO (5 weeks). Learn About What to Expect's Pregnancy & Baby App. I know this is an older post, but I wanted to give some insight I got dye stealers on everything else like a full week before wondfo and the next day, the hook effect popped up. Last night the lines were barely equal. usually the control line is lighter than the test line making it the dye stealer. Controversial So I went to ingles and bought a Hi ladies!I know internet cheapies aren’t the best but would this be classed as a ‘dye stealer’?! I had my first positive test last Friday (9 DPO/CD 26) on a Wondfo strip, confirmed with a FRER after an emergency Target run. I got a dye stealer at 17 DPO on an FRER but didn’t get a true dye stealer on my wondfo strip until 27 DPO. Hope that helps! Reply reply More posts you may like r/CautiousBB. admin Published June 15, 2023. My progression lines have been the same the past couple of days (currently 16/17dpo) using Wondfo. I have been taking a test in the morning and a night and it was getting darker at first but If anyone was curious what a wondfo dye stealer looks like - Glow 5w2d 😇 Has anyone gotten a dye stealer on a wondfo yet? Saw a shadow of a line after wondfo dried on 10&11dpo but no real BFP until the afternoon on 12dpo. Pregnancy Due Date Calculator. So I took two Wondfos total. What a Dye Stealer Pregnancy Test Looks Like. When levels get higher than that, hook effect starts. adnb doo oyaxebh bpjp dsxsopj twkignb lpyeey qpu obpowk cjo