Cde read act. • View all CDE fact sheets READ ACT REQUIREMENTS CONT.
Cde read act. Home › READ Act Statute and State Board Rules.
Cde read act Beginning in the 2024-2025 budget year and thereafter, districts are also required to submit evidence that each The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act was passed by the Colorado Legislature during the 2012 session. The ability to read is perhaps the most important skill we can teach in school. Colorado Dept. to 5 p. District Information. State law targets the early elementary grades as the essential training in teaching reading. Process. The READ Act is an investment in the success of Colorado’s kindergarten through third grade students Yes. READ Act statute includes a provision allowing the State the option to accept other evidence-based training in teaching reading as long as it is approved by CDE. ” CDE reviewed READ Act requirements to determine which elements would need to be adjusted or suspended to accommodate this new reality. UPDATED March 22, 2022 The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act), passed by the Colorado legislature in 2012, focuses on early literacy development for all students kindergarten through third grade and especially for students at risk of not reaching grade level proficiency in reading by the end of third grade. Home › READ Act Statute and State Board Rules. ). New materials may be added in March of 2022. xml ¢ ( Ì—ÉnÛ0 †ï ú ¯D'-Š¢°œC—c ) +M d"Ü@ÒÛÛw´&i•H ¢Ä 9ÿÿ I GË‹ƒ’Ñ œ F§ä,Y 47™ÐEJ Considerations from the READ Act Third Party Evaluator. UPDATED March 22, 2022 Overview. DPS currently supports DIBELS 8 and mCLASS Lectura as its READ Act assessment in grades K-8 and i-Ready in grades 6 – 12. 22-7-1209, the Colorado READ Act. The revised Act requires an independent evaluation to identify and assess strategies that the state, local districts, and schools have taken to support Colorado students in achieving proficiency in reading pursuant to C. Every child should read by the third grade. The act amends the Colorado READ Act to require each local education provider (LEP) to submit the following information to the department of education and requires READ Act Toolkit. You are here. S. state. READ Act Toolkit. The Colorado State Legislature passed the Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act in 2012 and updated the Act in 2019. Each district that receives per-pupil or early literacy grant funding must annually ensure • View all CDE fact sheets READ ACT REQUIREMENTS CONT. 23. The law was revised in Included in the READ Act is the requirement that the department create an advisory list of evidence-based or scientifically based instructional programming in reading, pursuant to C. of Education 201 East Colfax Ave. These materials can be shared in newsletters, during parent information events or parent-teacher conferences. Navigate this Page Click a button below to jump to a specific The allowable uses of per-pupil intervention money expands to include purchasing CDE approved core reading instructional programs and purchasing technology, including software, to assist in assessing and monitoring student progress. us if there are questions related to potential new material submissions. READ ACT Minimum Reading Competency Skills Matrix PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS - Instructional Examples KINDERGARTEN SKILLS INSTRUCTIONAL EXAMPLES Recognize and produce rhyming words. READ Act - SB 19-199 Amendment Updates The following resources and information are focused on updates to support implementation of changes to the READ Act due to the passage of SB 19-199. us for more information about the campaign or to request promotional materials. “The READ Act creates a system to identify students experiencing CDE READ Act Website READ Plan Resources : October 2023 : Title: READ Plan Support Author: Beth Hunter Created Date: 5/17/2024 10:21:08 AM The Literacy Curriculum Transparency Act SENATE BILL 21-151 Section 22-7-1209. “The READ Act creates a system to identify students experiencing challenges with reading, to engage parents in the development of reading improvement plans and to provide quality support for those most at risk,” This webpage provides general information about the Colorado READ Act and the importance of early literacy skills. Districts must annually report the information necessary to determine the prevalence of significant reading deficiencies (SRDs) among students in grades K-3. STAR Early Literacy, STAR Reader, i-Ready, and Istation The Educator Talent Unit at CDE will review all existing Reading Teacher and Reading Specialist endorsement for Colorado teachers and add a “READ Act Designation” to those teachers’ licenses. Parent-Friendly Fact Sheet about the READ Act (PDF) Every child should read by the third grade. CDE Release of the Colorado Framework for Writing Instruction. 01(D)(1) (effective December 30, 2022); and; Include an end of course assessment that school administrators can provide evidence of The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (Colorado READ Act) was passed by the Colorado legislature in 2012, giving the state the guiding philosophy, structure and resources to get children reading at grade level by the time they enter the fourth grade. ”The READ Act requires local education providers in Colorado to use instructional programs in reading that are evidence- and scientifically based and that focus on reading competency in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, reading fluency including oral skills, and reading comprehension -- regardless of funding source. This fact sheet includes how to support reading at home and facts about early literacy. Additional details about CORA can be found at Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act, known as the READ Act, was passed by the Colorado State Legislature in 2012 and updated in 2019 to meet the goal of every Colorado student achieving reading proficiency by the end of third grade . See also Licensing Hours For all other questions related to the READ Act email ReadAct@cde. Contact CDE. UPDATED Address the content of the principal literacy standards referenced in the state board's Rules for the Administration of The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (Read Act), 1 CCR 301-92, section 13. Reading is an elemental building block to receive a quality education and every child should read at Districts are required to use programs that are “designed around teaching the foundational reading skills of phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, reading fluency Amendments to the READ Act (SB19-199 and SB22-004) require that K-3 teachers who provide literacy instruction, 4-12 reading interventionists, and school administrators The following items are designed to help districts and schools communicate with parents about the Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (Colorado READ The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (Colorado READ Act) was passed by the Colorado Legislature in 2012, giving the state the guiding philosophy, structure and This handbook includes all current guidance surrounding the READ Act in one location to ensure that all persons responsible for supporting the READ Act have access to a This issue brief provides an overview of the Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act, and discusses recent changes to state funding for READ Act implementation. Interim assessment is defined by READ Act Rule as a universal CDE reviewed READ Act requirements to determine which elements would need to be adjusted or suspended to accommodate this new reality. Proof of completion of the teacher training requirement must be submitted to access the 5 hour online . The CDE process for the review of professional development materials for inclusion on the READ Act Advisory List of Professional Development All teachers who register for the CDE READ Act online training on August 1, 2023, or anytime after this date, will automatically be enrolled in the new online training Building a Strong Foundation for Lifelong Literacy Success. Review Period 2021-2022. UPDATED August 8 **As of May 6, 2020, CDE will accept applications from Colorado school districts or BOCES seeking approval of professional development plans to meet the requirements of the evidence-based training in teaching reading required by the READ Act (C. A request for Information (RFI) was initiated by the department to solicit reading interim assessment tools for inclusion on the Colorado State Board of Education Approved List of Interim Assessments K-3 reading teachers must complete additional training. All offices will reopen on Jan. co. However, for a K-3 principal or administrator who has previously completed the CDE-approved evidence-based training in teaching reading for teachers, as described in section 13. 2, 2025. 12-7-1208(6)(a)). See also Licensing Hours. Denver, CO 80202. (ELSR) office at CDE is developing a series of turnkey professional development options for districts to use to support implementation of evidence-based practices in the Science of Find READ Act requirements for assessing English Learners, considerations for selecting the language of assessment, determining a significant reading deficiency, and program considerations. 5 million for early literacy grants, and distribute the remaining appropriation to The Colorado READ Act (Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act) is a law passed by the State Legislature in 2012 (House Bill 12-1238). READ Act . This is an elemental building block to receiving a quality education. . The READ Act requires the use of an interim assessment to determine whether a student has a significant reading deficiency in grades K through 3. ASSESSMENTS The READ Act requires teachers to assess the literacy development of K-3 students in the areas of phonemic awareness; phonics; vocabulary development; and reading fluency, which includes mastery of oral skills and reading comprehension. Please reach out to readact@cde. Teacher: 45 hours; Principal/Administrator: 20 hours (or READ Act-teacher designation and a 5-hour course) Who: All principals and anyone employed to provide reading instruction in grades K-3 or 4-12 interventionists; by Aug. With the passage of Senate Bill 21-151 (PDF), the General Assembly enacted the Literacy Curriculum Transparency Act. All materials may be tailored to meet your Contact Us. 22-7-1209. Overview of the Colorado READ Act District Information. For Poudre School District to receive READ Funds, which are used to CDE will be collecting READ Act information yearly. Of the remaining amount, the CDE must distribute $2. STAR Early Literacy, STAR Reader, i-Ready, and • View all CDE fact sheets COLORADO READ ACT PREVALENCE OF SIGNIFICANT READING DEFICIENCIES IN COLORADO (2017) End of the year assessment data from 2017 shows 15. In March 2013, the State Board of Also, in support of effective implementation of the READ Act, the Office of Literacy continues to create resources that are easily accessible through the READ Act website Lines will re-open at 1pm. Each district that receives per-pupil or early literacy grant funding must annually ensure CDE Provided Training: In addition to being on the approved vendor list of PD that meets the READ ACT K-3 requirements, Keys to Literacy’s Keys to Beginning Reading course was selected as the live training course that is being provided by CDE staff trainers. , Do these words rhyme? moon, spoon). State law intervention programs in an annual READ plan, which must be submitted to the CDE Public information campaign. 15) for the district to receive READ Act funding. Instructional Programming. The CDE process for the review of professional development materials for inclusion on the READ Act Advisory List of Professional Development Contact Us. During each review cycle, new providers have the opportunity to be added to the advisory lists. Purchase core reading instructional programs that are included on the READ Act advisory list of instructional The Elementary Literacy and School Readiness Office at CDE will be hosting a series of READ Act Regional Meetings in the 2024 - 2025 school year. P-3 Literacy Team (READ Act) 1560 Broadway, Suite 500. 13. This list of other approved evidence-based training can be accessed READ Act Toolkit. The requirements were put into place to ensure students are being taught with scientifically proven methods on READ Act Guidance and READ Plan Resources for Educators: The READ Act states specific processes and elements to be part of READ Plan creation and ongoing student support. g. Part II - Program Review. It is important to note that an approved assessment may meet the Teacher READ Act designation but does not meet the Colorado licensure The following professional development programs have been reviewed and approved to meet the criteria for the support of implementation of scientifically and evidence-based instruction and strategies in teaching reading and addressing the needs of students with significant reading deficiencies pursuant to 10 C. These resources provide educators with support for the effective planning and implementation of a READ Plan. UPDATED Overview. See also Licensing Hours PK !V©ý› þ [Content_Types]. Aligned Intervention SIPPS, Fourth Edition. The Colorado READ Act requires districts to report specific student level to CDE to determine and report on the important milestones in implementing key revisions of Senate Bill 19-199. The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (Colorado READ Act) was passed by the Colorado legislature in 2012, giving the state the guiding philosophy, structure and resources to get children reading at grade level by the time they enter the fourth All teachers who register for the CDE READ Act online training on August 1, 2023, or anytime after this date, will automatically be enrolled in the new online training Building a Strong Colorado school districts are required to ensure all K-3 teachers who provide literacy instruction and 4-12 reading interventionists complete evidence-based training in teaching reading as a Colorado READ Act - Information for Teachers Key Messages Elemental building block. 01(C), the Amendments to the READ Act (SB19-199 and SB22-004) require that K-3 teachers who provide literacy instruction, 4-12 reading interventionists, and school administrators (including principals) must complete training to meet the requirements of the READ Act. R. The READ Act creates a system to identify students experiencing challenges with reading, to engage READ Act Training Informational Webinars. 7 . ReadWithMe. Home. Districts, BOCES, and charters that do not meet the requirements will be ineligible for READ Act funds for the 2022-23 school year. COlorado READ ACt. The READ Act repealed the Colorado Basic Literacy Act (CBLA), with a focus on kindergarten through third-grade reading development, as well as students significantly below grade level in reading. See also Licensing Hours CDE will be collecting READ Act information yearly. Denver, CO 80203 Phone: 303-866-6600 Contact CDE. 19-199 also required CDE to partner with an external evaluator to determine bright spots of implementation as well as areas for improvement . The CDE process for review The Colorado READ Act By Josh Abram Reading competency is pivotal to the academic development of Colorado’s students. 2024: 3:00 Background. A request for Information (RFI) was initiated by the department to solicit reading interim assessment tools for inclusion on the Colorado State Board of Education Approved List of Interim Assessments As of January 2021, CDE will accept applications from Colorado Educator Preparation Program staff who have designed a course or courses to meet the requirements of the evidence-based training in teaching reading required by the READ Act (C. In response, we have created the K-3 Teacher and 4-12 interventionist Evidence-Based Training in Teaching Reading Training FAQ webpage to provide timely information on the most frequently asked questions. The department determined that it was necessary to suspend the Evidence-Based Reading Training Requirements. 19-199. 01(C)(2)(a): Successfully completed a CDE-provided reading training designed to meet this training requirement and passed the end of course assessment of learning. K-3 principals/administrators that have completed the READ Act teacher training requirement must complete 5 hours of training that addresses the Colorado Principal Literacy Standards. Teacher receives a “READ Act Designation” attached to his/her teacher license. (31:25) The Colorado READ Act requires districts to report specific student, school, and district level data to CDE to determine and report on the important milestones in implementing key provisions of S. For students For immediate assistance, contact cde_communications_office@cde. The following items are designed to help districts and schools communicate with parents about the Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (Colorado READ Act). 7 percent (40,533) of K-3 Colorado students had a significant reading deficiency, which is when a student doesn’t meet minimum reading competency CDE READ Act Handbook . Overview of the READ Act and Requirements (PDF) The READ Act focuses on early literacy development for all students and especially students at Included in the READ Act is the requirement that the department create an advisory list of evidence-based or scientifically based instructional programming in reading, pursuant to C. us. All materials may be tailored to meet your All teachers who register for the CDE READ Act online training on August 1, 2023, or anytime after this date, will automatically be enrolled in the new online training Building a Strong Foundation for Lifelong Literacy Success. S . Per the feedback and needs of districts, these meetings will be differentiated with the option to attend one or both parts of the meetings. STAR Early Literacy, STAR Reader, i-Ready, and Istation Yes, some educator preparation programs that submitted to the CDE READ Act team to ha ve their curriculum and an end-of-course(s) assessment evaluated and approved for the Teacher READ Act designation. Amendments to the READ Act (SB19-199 and SB22-004) require that K-3 teachers who provide literacy instruction, 4-12 reading interventionists, and school administrators (including principals) must complete training to meet the requirements of the READ Act. 29. An Overview of the Colorado READ Act for Parents This video presentation is designed to provide parents and families with a high-level overview of the Colorado READ Act as it pertains to daily implementation in schools. CDE Hours Mon to Fri, 8 a. Most CDE offices will be closed for the holidays beginning Dec. The READ Act requires use of an interim assessment to determine whether a student has a significant reading deficiency in grades K through 3. READ Act The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act), passed by the Colorado legislature in 2012, focuses on early cde_communications_office@cde. 1 (application submitted by Aug. Included in the READ Act is the requirement that the department create an advisory list of evidence-based or scientifically based instructional programming in reading, pursuant to C. Click here to access training provided by CDE. Beginning with the 2019 academic year, the CDEmust contract with an READ Act. Today. Overview. The first hour will be dedicated to READ Act implementation About the Colorado READ Act (Resource - CDE READ Act Overview) The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (Colorado READ Act) was passed by the Colorado legislature in 2012, giving the state the guiding philosophy, structure and resources to get children reading at grade level by the time they enter the fourth grade. In 2021, West Ed conducted several meetings and evaluations to identify how the READ Act Assessments scores could be compared across the state. 01(D)(2)(c): Successfully completed a training provided by CDE or included on the advisory list of rigorous professional development programs provided by CDE pursuant to section 22-7-1209(2)(c) and passed the end of course assessment of learning. Contact Us. The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act) March 3-28, 2025: CDE Review of Professional Development Applications; March 28-April 11, 2025: Vendor Appeal Submission Window; April 14-May 12, 2025: CDE Review of Appeal Submissions; Request Access to 5 hour Online K-3 Principal/Administrator Training. • View all CDE fact sheets READ ACT REQUIREMENTS CONT. Amendments to the READ Act requires that K-3 teachers who provide literacy instruction, 4-12 reading interventionists, and school administrators (including Colorado's Commitment to Early Literacy. The information provided in these reports is CDE will be closed on Monday, Jan. The READ Act requires that all Colorado teachers who provide literacy instruction to students in grades K-3 (including reading specialists, integrated service teachers, and ELD teachers) must earn a “READ Act Designation” by meeting specific requirements. Colorado school districts are required to ensure all K - 3 teachers and 4 - 12 reading interventionists complete evidence-based training in teaching reading as a result of changes to the Colorado READ Act in SB 19-199 (PDF). See also Licensing Hours As a reminder, Colorado school districts, BOCES and charter schools are required to ensure all K - 3 teachers complete evidence-based training in teaching reading as a result of changes to the Colorado READ Act in SB 19-199 (PDF). 20 for the Martin Luther King, FY2021-22 READ Act Per Pupil Funding Distribution; FY2020-21 READ Act Per Pupil Funding Distribution; FY2019-20 READ Act Per Pupil Funding Distribution; FY2018-19 READ Act Per Pupil Funding Distribution; FY2017-18 READ Act Per Pupil Funding Distribution; The certificate of completion should be submitted through the Colorado Online Licensing System to have the READ Act designation attached to your CDE file. Rule. The information was in response to a requirement in SB 19-199 C. All materials may be tailored to meet your Amendments to the READ Act (SB19-199 and SB22-004) require that K-3 teachers who provide literacy instruction, 4-12 reading interventionists, and school administrators (including principals) must complete training to meet the requirements of the READ Act. B. READ Act Informational Webinars . Approved by CDE for the third time, the SIPPS K–12 research-based program provides a structured literacy approach to foundational skills through explicit instructional routines. Click links below to register: Oct. UPDATED August 8 The Colorado READ Act By Josh Abram Reading competency is pivotal to the academic development of Colorado’s students. The Colorado READ Act passed in 2012 by the Colorado legislature with the purpose of ensuring every student in Colorado can read at grade level by the time they exit third grade. B . You may submit your questions about READ Act and English Learners Guidance for Assessment and Determination of a Significant Reading Deficiency in Grades K-3 to CDE will be collecting READ Act information yearly. Once the review was completed, CDE staff worked with the State Board of Education and the Governor’s Office to make necessary policy adjustments. Join us each month for live office hours to learn more about the READ Act training requirements for Teachers, Principals and Administrators. In March 2013, the State Board of The READ Act requires use of an interim assessment to determine whether a student has a significant reading deficiency in grades K through 3. The following summative assessments were approved for use to meet the requirements of the READ Act through the end of the 2022-2023 school year. It is important to note that the READ Act requires that all K-3 teachers in READ Act Training Informational Webinars. m. UPDATED November 19, 2024 Further information for Eligible CORE READ Act Instructional Programs (Kindergarten through Third Grade) Note: In January of 2022, CDE completed a review of additional program materials. Program Advisory List Submission Application. SB 19-199 READ Act Implementation Measures amended the Colorado READ Act to: • Require increased budget monitoring by CDE • Require training of all K-3 teachers in evidence -based reading instruction by the 2021 – 22 school year • Expand the allowable use of per pupil funds to include core instructional reading programs For all other questions related to the READ Act email ReadAct@cde. Rule 13. Determine if spoken pairs of words rhyme (e. The READ Act requires the department to identify quality reading instructional programs and professional development for use by local education agencies. Our staff has received numerous inquiries regarding the evidence-based training in teaching reading requirements in the READ Act. Interim Assessments . For immediate assistance, contact cde_communications_office@cde. The department determined that it was necessary to suspend the use of scientifically and evidence-based curriculum, and ensure all READ Act funds are used in alignment with the READ Act . 22-7-1209 (8)(c)(III) requiring the CDE to identify “growth to standard”.