3 year old hitting others for no reason reddit. Hitting the dog and trying to provoke her.

3 year old hitting others for no reason reddit Context: My family was verbally and physically assaulted by a group of 12-15 year old boys and girls last night in Melbourne. However, occasionally he has hit other children and pushed them. He responds to most minor and medium emotions by breathing now. A 3-4 year old should know enough not to hit but if they still are it’s not necessarily a sign of a disorder, they may just need more help learning not to hit. 5 year old so that his sense of belonging in the family is restored. In terms of her anger, like others said- basically needs first. 5 months. One day, when they were just over a year old I had them both in their walkers. That was my moment when I realized enough was enough. Jul 5, 2017 路 This phase seems to have passed and his tantrums have now lessened. We both came into the relationship with children from a previous relationships. He also does the excited hitting, where you can actually see the pure energy boiling up in him and he just chucks something or hits someone. It’s important to treat this kind of behaviour like any other behaviour you want to correct. I’ve promised myself I’d never do it. My little one sleeps with me as does my 9 I’m not sure if anyone on here has dealt with this before. It’s not a part of the criteria for a diagnosis , but I see it a lot in my toddlers and two-year olds that have already been diagnosed or are in the process of There's also no strategy to deploying your bench, because you just don't. Explain to her that you will not allow anyone to hit her, or you, or daddy. When he is hitting and throwing things. Fernandez. Supervision is key. According to his teachers, he has random moments of hitting his classmates for no reason at all. And it would be difficult for you to ascertain from home whether this other 5 year old is plotting on ways he can make your child’s life miserable. "No! Hitting hurts!" "Do we bite our teachers?" "noooo" etc). We have his 3 year check up next week and I'm going to ask the pediatrician for advice. That is exactly what you want a 3 year old to do in these situations. It's my job to be good to him and protect him, but I'm a human too. Hitting has stopped but the nasty attitude will sometimes shine through with my 3. e. We also had a similar issue with just randomly hitting classmates and us. I once told my cousin, who had hit his sister, to say sorry and he did, then I asked did you mean it and he said no. If you're capable of safely packing your bags and going, do it. The problem are his anger outbursts that lead him to hit: sometimes the hitting is due to fear and sometimes due to him simply not being happy with an occurrence i. Your daughter didn't just take it. I'm glad you are seeking professional help, but I would also encourage you to keep working to stop hitting at home. It’s a lot of work (at least for me it was). The second there is hitting or any other safety issue, child is immediately stopped and told sternly "we do NOT hit, it hurts people" and removed from whatever activity/place he's in. Your kids teacher is not going to be able to sit and work through every one of their emotions when they have 29 others children. It terrified her and her twin, and I could have broken her legs. No one will want to be around that. 11 votes, 13 comments. So I told her to go to her room for time out for two minutes. And no he’s not unhappy or angry. A three minute or less timeout is enough for a three year old, 45 seconds might be long enough. What really helped us was purchasing and reading the book “Hands are not for Hitting” by Martine Agassi (the 4-7 year old book as there is one for younger kids too). View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit 4-year-old hitting for "no reason" It works well here so far. If you hit, I need to leave and be safe. Say no. I’ve been so damn patient. He has a 4 and almost 3 year old and I have a 4 year old, all of them boys. All while dealing with the huge feelings that come with a big developmental leap. He keeps hitting and kicking and I’ve tried everything. Gentle parenting doesn’t mean you can’t set boundaries. Move away. The moment she opens her eyes in the morning she goes straight to being mean, and doing things at the end of the day are even harder (getting ready for bed/brushing teeth/getting dressed) she goes into full on rampage I wouldn’t even call it a tantrum. Everyone deserves to be safe from hitting. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Hi, I have a 3 year old son and a 1 year old daughter. My son is 3 and for the past week or two everyday it seems he’s been pushing my other baby son (9m) head down or kicking him as he’s crawling around or pushing his toys into him hard . Relocation is typically necessary if he is hitting another kid or destructive or he is trying to get you to go away. 3 year olds can understand immediate consequences. Just turned 3 year old. Our almost 3 year old boy goes to her once a… Any nasty attitude or hitting is met with and immediate time out and a tart explanation about it. 5 year old with a strong personality, who also loves to yell constantly 馃檭 she loves her 6 month old brother, but can be rough with him at times. You see, I have four kids, two boys, two girls. The best thing to do is to just calmly stop him and say, "we don't hit. Right when we started wondering if we needed any assistance, they figured it out on their own. No worries, here's what you can try to sort it out: Keep it cool: When he starts hitting himself, just stay calm, so he doesn't get the reaction he wants. I'm a stay-at-home mom and he's an only child. It sounds like the other 5 year old who is struggling has some social-emotional or developmental issues going on as well and is just impulsive and physical. And sometimes he hits for no obvious reason at all, which is the most concerning to me. In my opinion, ignoring and redirecting is more helpful for children who are 1-2 and don’t respond to reason. If your child isn't able to control this behavior in a home environment, then they will not be able to control it at school. Then for a few months it was fine. I ended up with a broken nose and other sore parts in my neck and head. As distressing as it is it's also totally normal! Jan 5, 2017 路 A two-year-old needs three hours of active physical exercise every day. Right now, we do our best to ignore it or gently hold his hands down and say hands aren't for hitting while addressing feelings or trying to ask what he needs. However, it is important for caregivers and parents to address this behavior and work towards reducing it. 2. I bet it did hurt. ) Engages in unprovoked hitting; acts aggressively “out of the blue” or for no reason you can see. We also often give him words to use. Thats over now. I would be doing timeout. He started hitting out of the blue too, but we traced it back to his school and some kids being rough towards him. He speaks 3 languages fluently, so we don't have a communication barrier. Everything is a “no” Everything is “mine”… FTM seeking advice again. Try and notice the specific triggers for his hitting-out behaviour. As soon as my daughter started crawling my son started to get violent with her and has consistently gotten worse. . "No hitting, it hurts and I don't like it. We managed to get her to stop doing that about a year ago. Ideally, a good portion of that is outdoors. I'm concerned that you think a 3 year-old hitting parents is "normal. Hitting is also very common in young kids with autism. She was confident enough to recognize the other kid's actions were inappropriate and to tell them no. Today was the worst it has been. She'll be walking along to go somewhere, make a quick detour, and whack! She gets an immediate time-out in her room when she does this, and sometimes further punishments (losing TV time, dessert, or bedtime stories). Sometimes children who need lots of “touch” to feel centered get this sensory input in unacceptable ways (hitting, shoving, pushing, etc. (okay, I lost my cool once when my three year old son didn't listen, ran straight toward traffic, and I had to physically yank him out of the way of an oncoming car. His sons are constantly getting sent More home from school for hitting and biting the other kids at the daycare facility My 3 year old started preschool for the first time a few months ago. 185 votes, 268 comments. And keep going about your business. She's at an at-home daycare where there's about 6 kids ranging from 1 year to 4 years old. I just don’t know how to help my son. But more than anything I think it was just time. Hitting should be an immediate time-out - no warnings or second chances. I remember going from room to room trying to hide under the covers, only for him to yell at me to go into my own room (with myself screaming and being scared of him shouting at me. No dissertations either, it's too much for that age. Sometimes scolding and taking away toys works, other times they simply won't listen because they're fucking 3 years old. Keep in mind this isn’t a quick fix, and hitting is completely age appropriate for 2 year olds. ” You should also be telling him “it’s ok to be angry but it’s not ok to hit. Jun 25, 2024 路 By the time your child is old enough to have the verbal skills to communicate their feelings — around age 7 — physical expressions of aggression should taper off, Dr. Not out of malice. He will hit, pinch, and occasionally bite. The 4 year old also really likes doing "5 things", a semi-game of cleaning where everyone has to put away just 5 things, daily. I thought I had it easier with him. Maybe she actually wants to fall asleep alone but doesn't know how to ask that. If what you’re doing isn’t working, then you need to change what you’re doing. Who happened to be my 3 year old son. I raised three kids without any kind of hitting. The age range in my room is from 5-10 and I have this five year old girl who is having trouble with hitting and scratching. The behavior really deserves attention when “no” is the only response you’re getting, and it doesn’t change without a huge fight. They were continuously assaulting me(16) and my dad(44) physically and verbally. " Hit again? "I am going to step out for a few/five/three minutes" Stop asking and asking and asking. He was just 3 and didn’t know the reason why you say sorry, he just knew he would be in trouble if he didn’t say it. He bit me quite a few times in his toddler year, and the other times I used the "Ow! That hurt mommy. Tell an adult. ". He hit at least 3 kids today in the span of a 10 hour-long outing, so 1 kid per… When he hits, use simple language and say “no hit”. And you follow through with it 100% of the time. He was a child and timid boy. I have an almost 3-year-old that is constantly hitting other kids in her daycare. We did this when my then 2 year old started hitting my 6 month old and he stopped pretty much right after we took this approach. Hitting the dog and trying to provoke her. Dumping toys out and trying to break things. Even if he was very calm and measured about it - which I very much doubt - it doesn't take a lot of force for a grown man to cause pain to a 3 year old. They range in age from 22 years old to 2 years old. ” And follow through. He tends to hit/throw things/kick when he’s upset, and his tantrums are also pretty intense when I compare him to his older sister. My almost 3 year old. He also hits people all the time but I don’t spank him I just give him the look. A two year old can learn to control it, but hitting is still normal - it is the parents’ job to teach them not to. He is also throwing things… So I have a rambunctious 4 year old boy. 3 year olds are just starting to be able to be reasoned with, but not quite there yet, so that’s why simple language is helpful so you get the point across without confusing him. I can't remember what twin A was doing, but I snapped. We have a nanny that is one of the best in town, my friend recommended her. For the past two months or so, he's been displaying aggressive behavior at daycare, including hitting and biting other kids and even his teachers. One little girl told her mom she doesn’t want to come anymore because my son hurts her which is absolutely heartbreaking. Something else that helped me is that I would say, “we don’t hit when we are upset we use our words. It was a natural reaction to an aggressor. And lo and behold, he is hitting kids at daycare. I have 3 year old twins. Tonight he wouldn’t eat his dinner and then demanded a banana. Lately the one 4 year old that has autism has been hitting the other children. 10 votes, 16 comments. My daughter is 3 as of August 10th, she just started 3 year old preschool and her first day was today. The 4 year old has started punching and spitting the 2 year old AND other adults outside the home (at classes, gym etc. So against spankings, or any type of physical with children. He needs to be removed from the situation, it not acceptable to be violent. Like, 75% of the job is teaching them not to hurt people. ) Getting a professional opinion on the sensory processing for your son would be my first start. Sometimes he will also pinch, or playfully slap (but repetitively). Your toddler is 3. Toddler aggression sometimes reflects a need for more physical activity. Years and years of programming in a religious household is ingrained in me, “Spare the rod, spoil the child. Apr 8, 2018 路 2) Coach him in managing frustrations. 5 year old has been hitting/kicking especially when he is embarrassed or very angry. 5 years old. For example, you might notice he hits out when his brother crowds him out or when he Jan 11, 2025 路 Hitting is a common behavior that toddlers exhibit during their development. Be firm, but calm. The main victims are me (mum) and our other daughter (17months). Feb 9, 2023 路 How you explain frustration to a 5-year-old may be much different than to a 2-year-old, but both can learn dialogue to express being mad, frustrated, stressed, and other related emotions. I really do think he is looking for me to… I’ve been scouring Reddit and other parenting forums the last month because my 3. 5, and those are not so bad as 2. I'm reaching out here because I'm at my wit's end with a challenging situation involving my 3-year-old son. The past few months, however, have been a nightmare we never saw coming. An ongoing struggle at 2. He spent a good few minutes with rage in his eyes trying to attack me. ” I brought it up to my wife and she pointed out how hypocritical I’m being. working on that these days. Any opportunity he can find to smack her, push her or throw something at her he will do it. I need help! Our daughter (3yo) is going through a really physically violent phase: hitting, biting, pushing etc. " This time I smacked him. I have also told my child, “do I hit you? [no]. 馃槀 My 2 year old is super hyper and and does a lot of bad things like spits on people just because. We’re assuming he is doing it out of attention - because he wants to play with the other child or the toy, but sometimes we just have no idea what’s going through his head. It's the "me first" mentality that dictates "your boundaries are irrelevant if I can get what I want. There is always a consequence for hitting, e. They need to be taught to respect boundaries and express their emotions safely. She did this for a week when she turned one but it was over as quick as it started and the hitting was only one or two times a day. I'm mostly concerned for the safety of our baby. Consistent repetition is the key. The only thing that worked with my son when he was 3 was to sit on the floor and wrap my arms and legs around him until he calmed down. Generally children who ignore the consequences of poor behavior do so because they know you aren't going to pull the trigger on the punishment. My 2. What are the Types of Parenting Hitting (and other forms of aggression) are very common in toddlers, two-year-olds, and sometimes even into the preschool years. The pediatrician consistently affirmed that we had no reason to be concerned. Yesterday our daycare provider told us that our almost 3 year old son has been hurting his friends at daycare. Mudd says. ” And then I would show them how to touch softly. He does it out of anger too, frustration, playfully, etc. It seems every-time he sees his specific target mostly, he gets that urges to do something to him. Our 2 year old has started hitting and headbutting others a lot lately and we're struggling with how to address it. Now when my almost 2 year old does it I just say soft mama and she touches my cheek gently. Our freshly-minted 3 year old just spent all day bashing kids. One day when my partner was also home I can't remember what was the reason but I said "no" to him. We keep her out of his way as much as possible, but that's no way for either of them to form a bond with one another - although despite the abuse from him, she absolutely adores her big brother. When she got off the bus she grabbed a kids throat and scratched his neck, then she pushed a kid in line, then swung the bathroom door at another kid, then she tried to swing her fist at Posted by u/Alternative_Path9692 - 3 votes and 4 comments The children have been telling parents a child hit them and they’ve had 5 complaints. Hi guys, My 2 years old son keeps hitting me and everyone at home. Did time outs. He started daycare last year in Sept. While my 9 year old never did that. We have an extremely energetic 3. Please read Call to action - renewed protests starting on July 1st and new posts at r/ModCord or r/Save3rdPartyApps for up-to-date information. She is hitting others and saying no to the…. My 3. Some days he is great and other days are rough for him. Try taking the little one out of reach and ignoring the bad behavior instead of giving any attention at all to the 3. Hey there! Looks like your 2-year-old found a way to grab some attention by hitting himself during tantrums. However, he has stopped hitting and knows it is not a “good life choice”. " My daughter will be 3 in the next couple of months and since around new years she’s been hitting and being for no reason. We said no and that he had to finish at least some of his plate. That’s when he started throwing things at her and trying to hurt her to get all the attention. We don't yell or hit back because that won't do any good. They are starting occupational therapy for their son this week due to a sensory processing disorder diagnosis. I’ll be speaking to the teacher tomorrow. We were not aware of the extent of the problem. She's 3 years old, not 3 months. She acted perfectly and you should be super proud of her. His teachers have been trying to work with me to help him and… I know people say to go for natural consequences but those often aren't there. Gentle please. So we’re in that phase of being a super busy body at exactly 2. Only teaches them it’s ok to hit. 5 year old started preschool after being primarily with me and started biting. Soft mama. Say at most "no hitting" in a calm voice without looking at him while you are taking him to timeout. ) If they grow up and hit other kids, guess what— they’ll have no friends. My daughter did have a history of hitting us when she was younger, but it was the playful hitting. If you’re angry and you need to hit you can hit a pillow Exactly my fucking point. They have no impulse control, no emotional regulation, and are starting to assert independence. Reddit has abandoned the users, the moderators, and countless people who support an ecosystem built on Reddit itself. from the start he would have multiple incidents a day. Lavish positive attention on him when he’s nice to the little one. If I say it and they don’t listen then I make them walk away or get out of my lap. I’m sad. I’ve had multiple meetings with the administrator to remedy this issue. Edit 2: yes, my father chased me upstairs as a 2 year old. 5 to 3. Well the other night I was exhausted just tired as a dog. When he hits, take his little hand, say, "No hitting," and walk him over to your designated time-out space. g. He started daycare in February so has been there for about 3. He does yell sometimes though. He even tells other kids at school now. But luckily he talks calmly most of the time. Yes it will take a while for them to understand. Instead of having 2 or 3 guys get PH at bats in a game (and deciding which one to use when) you now just pick one at the start of the game to get 3 or 4 AB as DH and the others on your bench probably don't even get in the game. I think some kids are more impulsive and it takes a lot of time to control it. Feb 1, 2021 路 Seems to crave high-intensity sensory stimuli. Toddlers don't actually have complete control of this, so that's important to remember. But for the last two weeks almost every other day the teacher has been telling us about him hitting or ignoring the teachers. My son turned 3 in July. May be 50-60 times in a day. There's 6 years between us so basically when he was like 6-8 years old and I was 12-14. Honestly, I didn't even feel that bad about it. Leave. But mine are getting a bit older, 7 and 3. That's insane. Taught pre school. Also "no screen time or special privileges" is not a punishment to a 5 years old. It was chicken and pasta, one of his favourite dishes. If she hits, you tell her “hands are not for hitting. It's ridiculous, a 3 year old will do whatever the hell it wants to do. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 4 votes and 2 comments My almost 3 year old son went through a phase of this. I still remember him slamming my bedroom door shut and sniffling as I was finally able to go into a bed and Everything I listed are activities enjoyed by my 2 and 4 year old. Listening is another big one I'm dealing with that I don't know how to improve. So they would hit and then I would grab their hands and say, “No we use soft hands with mama. 5 (so 2 years 2 months till about 2 years 8 months) are supposed to SUCK, like peak terrible twos. If possible make some regular one-on-one time for the 3. Gently hold his hands and explain “I know you’re upset but hitting can hurt me and you, so let’s use our hands for hugs or squeeze them together when we’re feeling angry” sit there calmly and hold him or set him somewhere safe (if he can’t stop hitting) (I usually choose the middle If my child was being hit regularly by another at nursery, I wouldn't be too happy to hear that the biggest recrimination they've ever received for the hitting they do at home is the odd "firm NO". Dining room chairs and stairs are great place for this, because they don't have a lot of distractions. They have started hitting other kids in preschool, on the playground — everywhere. If you cannot control your hands, you will have to be by yourself until you can. Anyway - we have the same problem with our 3. It took my then 3 yr old a few months. Now, I was raised in the environment of “hit them back!” And my daughter has said she’s been hit but I don’t believe in marching into there to get revenge on the other kids parents because kids are kids IMO and only if she had actual damage would I care. My partner had to keep holding him back, he would keep getting off the step and running to kick, scratch, hit and bite me. It’s natural at two for kids to be saying no to many things. Just had an incident with my 6 year old son being stabbed in the chest with a pencil, not sure how to deal with it. My two year old son has been hitting me. I stopped since then but I hit him twice in the past year (I'm 19, he's 13) and I feel really bad, especially since today I got a hard slap on him and it really hurt him. He’s a preschooler. With tantrums, it’s a matter of My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over two years. After traveling, my son, who was 2. There have been several instances where people come and post on this sub asking how to deal after their 4,5,6 or 7 year old has accidentally injured or killed a pet, or has been injured. Toddlers don’t know the true meaning of an apology (not saying you don’t apologize). She then told an adult. For him it works well. Nannied for years. The reason that men and women hit on people clearly in other relationships is that they feel entitled to that person's attention/affection regardless of the impact that it may have on that person's relationship. He went through a period last year of getting into sort of fights with a couple of other boys at his nursery. I’m angry. Oh well. I fully expected him to hit other kids because he hits us at home and has hit other kids at the park. What are Parenting Styles? Parenting styles are the distinct patterns of behaviors, attitudes, strategies, and approaches parents adopt when raising and interacting with their children. I try to stop him but he is least bothered 馃槙 what… 15 votes, 21 comments. 5 years old at the time, completely changed and became jealous of his baby cousin. I'm singing but he doesn't want It took my 2 year old a full year to get out of the hitting phase. " This is not typical behavior. We do a lot of gentle discipline, Sarah Ockwell-Smith and Janet Lansbury books have been helpful. Since he’s hitting you, you can tell him directly how you feel. 25 votes, 16 comments. If she thought it was okay, she would probably be doing it to everyone. Hopefully, I can get some insight and tips here from other parents. 5 year old has been having trouble with hitting at school. For my 3 almost 4 year old son we are working on breathing and counting as a coping mechanism for when emotions become too overwhelming. If she hits him (or me/my husband) my husband will hit her back so that she knows what it feels like. The 3 months either side of 2. ” Whatever it is. It is not uncommon for toddlers to hit their peers, especially in a daycare setting where they are interacting with other children. He had a temper tantrum and hit mommy. Not during a tantrum. 5 year old. 5 馃槀 solidarity! It waxes and wanes for us. Six years old is old enough to understand that what she’s doing is wrong. Remove him from the situation and say no hitting, hitting hurts, gentle hands with the baby. Our 3 year old daughter goes to an amazing preschool This school is welcoming to children with autism which is wonderful. And regardless of your situation, for this 4 year old the current situation is not working and needs to be changed. So don’t hit me. Sometimes this is provoked, other times not. Some people seem to think that 3 year olds are capable of using adult reasoning. Well I started taking his toys away each time and telling him be gentle with your brother . true. He’s so easy going any other time too. We’ve liked the “Hands are not for hitting” and “Feet are not for kicking” books. They removed the other child and sent an incident note to his parents and us, but this is the 4th/5th time now this kids done something to my son, and this has left a cut and some bruising. He would leave scratches and marks on other student’s face/body. My son is a little over 3 now and while violence comes up sometimes we don't get report after report like we were at the beginning of this phase. My 2 year old does this too, it’s really annoying. I am sick to death of this and it's really starting to get me down. What you do is what I do for my 20 month old toddler. My 3 year old has been hitting for months now. Though behavior has gotten substantially worse with baby, he had been getting worse for an entire year now. My daughter will be 2 in June and is going through a hitting phase again. It's a big deal. Our 3 year old son hits mommy when he’s upset. “That hurt. My main worry is that he is a big 3 year old and very strong so doesn't realise his own strength and has hurt a couple of children. My kid used to hit and bite quite a lot when he was around 3 years old. He is throwing toys at me and the baby when I'm feeding her and will frequently go mess with her when she is sleeping or hit me for no reason. Your husband is a grown man. It shouldn't be expected. 5 is old enough to understand, and if the behaviour doesn't improve soon then you probably owe it to yourself, your child and mostly this other My 3 year-old will sometimes randomly, without any provocation, hit the cat and now her baby sister. My 3 year old hit me really hard in the head today after I said no to going on a stroller walk because I needed to eat. Parenting styles gained significant attention in the 1960s, mainly due to the research of developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind at the University of California, Berkeley. I get kicked and hit by 3 years olds almost every day. I picked up the walker she was in and slammed it down to the floor. I'm not sure if everyone will agree with this but my 2 year old hits and bites, we tell her "I see you're feeling angry and want to hit, you can't hit mummy but you can hit this cushion" and she'll go over and wallop a cushion till she gets it all out lol. last night I was getting her ready for bed and she Posted by u/RedRayne- - 1 vote and 3 comments 579 votes, 214 comments. Shows a preoccupation with aggressive themes in pretend Mar 8, 2024 路 All two-year-olds, all three-year-olds, have tantrums, and can resist parental direction, notes Dr. "You hit me, so now you sit in the corner with no toys" etc. 45 votes, 21 comments. It hasn’t been a full month since school started but we’ve had weekly incidents including one that broke skin. Very often she finds the motivation from starting to continue way beyond the goal. He often play by himself and sometime joins his friends/classmates. Yea he’s verbal and have words. tjnvs uafmmkf yadktxo rrwnow ixznsinh vts sdjcbm ulovvqcsp lcmib udulqqw