Mui textfield placeholder not showing Once it's styled, you can either use it directly as a text field or provide it to the select input prop to have a select field. InputProps={{ disableUnderline: true }} Here is code <TextField fullWidth placeholder="Search" InputProps={{ disableUnderline: true }} /> Jun 14, 2023 · Material UIのTextFieldコンポーネントを使用していたので、そのままinputmode属性を使用することができませんでした。 TextFieldコンポーネントにinputmode属性を追加するには以下のようにすることで指定する事ができました。 This is with the text field standard variant. Steps: LINK to to page; Scroll down to the page and you will find these buggy 'selects' I found its due to the absence of span tag in the within Jan 30, 2021 · I'm trying to style the helper text that comes with the TextField Component given by Material UI ( found here). I can do either or but not both at the same time. Reading through the Material-UI demo code for the Select component, it appears they achieve Placeholder functionality by using <InputLabel />. selectedNextHops) , but based on the code sandbox provided ( in the comment ) , I assume it's the same problem, so this answer will apply to the sandbox code : Sep 8, 2022 · My TextField input wont center. Modified 4 years, 2 months ago. Feb 6, 2023 · I want to change the placeholder text color and text color to green in my MUI TextFeild component In the documentation, it is not clearly mentioned, But I tried this, and seems not working <Tex Sep 21, 2022 · As you can see in the codesandbox below, there are 2 different textfields with a set placeholder. What I want to create select label always seem at the top and not overlaps the placeholder. type Your ZipCode" is translated into Brazil and Mexico. TextField. Keyboard. The placeholder is hidden even when shrink is set to true on InputLabel. If you want a picker to be opened after when the user clicked inside the TextField, use MobileDatePicker, this doesn't have the calendar icon though, see this answer if you want to have one. It comes with three variants: outlined (default), filled, and standard. When I focus on that input I open a list of countries, so that I can choose a country to populate its phone code into the field through setValue function from react-hook-form. Change this line: value={search} To: value={search. ) I think this is because the input text field's html loads when the AwayMessage is an empty object, but doesn't refresh when the awayMessage loads. This is from the Material UI docs: The default value. Oct 7, 2017 · When I click on the component, the dropdown shows all 4 options, however when I select the first option with the blank value, the dropdown goes away (as expected) but the first item does not get rendered in the control. Change your initial state to use an empty string instead. const [country, setCountry] = useState("") May 13, 2022 · Duplicates. I tried more than one way, but my attempts failed. You can follow this GitHub issue to track the progress of introducing the Number Input component to Material UI. Apparently it's not supported. const useStyles = makeStyles You can change the background color of the InputAdornment by removing the padding left of the OutlinedInput and set a matching padding in your adornment (based on the padding of the input here); Jul 22, 2021 · I have a TextField element that is connected to react-hook-form. Can anyone help, I have been trying a few different things but I can get it to work. According to the API Doc for the Select component, there is no such option as placeholder, which means you cannot use it even if you use it inside the TextField component by passing the select prop. I would appreciate any help I could get on this. So, we can notice two issues: The focus active state isn't detected, we have a fix for it in TextField autoFocus prop does not shrink label #14132, just waiting for someone to lead the effort. labelWidth has a correct value, even if I hard code this, it still does not work) Thanks in advance for your help Cheers RTL for specific components, and not the whole app: MUI rtl documentation and the accepted answer pertain to the entire application. Reload to refresh your session. Jun 6, 2019 · The Label stays at the top of the outline just like TextField, however, the outline is not cut out to display the Label nicely, instead it looks like it is "crossed out" What am I doing wrong? (Please not, that the this. May 26, 2024 · I want to add a placeholder (-- Select --) to the following MUI Select component created by TextField with select prop. If you want just a few components here and there, all you need to do is create a simple wrapper component, and children will have rtl. When styling the height of a TextField to 30px, the label prop does not display correctly. Jul 4, 2019 · Luckily, mui has a visuallyHidden style utility that you can import from @mui/utils. I want to set the text to "tt. I have tried specifying the closeIcon prop, but cannot get it to show up. I was wondering why the placeholder doesn't show up. I split the Autocomplete component up by display and with a wrapper that actually makes the API request on text change. Label overlaps the place holder. Something like: Jan 7, 2022 · In Material-UI (MUI) TextField, we can have both a label and a placeholder, but when the text field is empty, we can only see the label. In other words, when the value is blank, the corresponding menu item is not rendered in the input part of the component. I am using mui TextField to build a form. I tried searching the Material-UI documentation, specificall Apr 12, 2021 · MUI v5 added the DatePicker component in the @mui/lab package. The text that is displayed when deleting the text in the input field. The second one has a select prop, which i looked through the documentation and did not find an answer to this question. Change the text align to center in Material UI React js. Aug 18, 2017 · It just looks really weird, you have an empty input, no placeholder. const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({ emailField: { width: 265, height: 13, fontWeight: 'bold', '&::placholder': { //This is meant to change the place holder color to green color: 'green' } } })); const classes = useStyles(theme); . In the placeholder it is only being applied to Brazil. This is not standard behaviour of input fields outside of vaadin and I would like to override this behaviour somehow so my TextFields show their placeholders even if they are disabled. With that in mind, an easy way to hide the label while also conforming to accessibility standards is like so: import { visuallyHidden } from "@mui/utils"; <TextField InputLabelProps={{ sx: visuallyHidden }} </TextField> Sep 10, 2020 · Style MUI TextField Placeholder. Jan 7, 2022 · In Material-UI (MUI) TextField, we can have both a label and a placeholder, but when the text field is empty, we can only see the label. Expected behavior 🤔. But when I inspect the html and css of the vaadin-text-fields, I see no indication of how the placeholder is somehow Jan 28, 2020 · For me it was coming from the dropdown z-index which was hidden by another css behaviour. (Though what I type into the input does save properly and persist. Or create a custom this. Feb 3, 2021 · mui / material-ui Public. It looks normal for me that, if the label is fixed, the placeholder should always appear. Dec 18, 2019 · Try adding an empty label to the TextField. May 21, 2019 · I am implementing the autocomplete select field from the react mui library with the react-select. TextField: <TextField required Oct 17, 2021 · Have a look at controlled mode example, defaultValue doesn't work on subsequent renders, if you want to control and update the value, use value prop. When I click the TextField it looks like this: The label label="Tag Name" should be visible in the TextFiled like this: Please advice what May 10, 2015 · However, right now, I'm finding that the Text input field is blank every time I refresh the page. Notice that the "standard" variant is easier to customize, since it does not wrap the contents in a fieldset / legend markup. I left an h1 below so you can see that it works normally, but in the placeholder of some input it doesn't. @minhaferzz sorry looks like the change are not been merged (mui/material-ui#17025) :( hopefully, react hook form gets more popular, so MUI will consider to re-evaluating. <TextField placeholder="hint" /> How to fix placeholder text within the input in material ui text Dec 8, 2019 · During the initial rendering of the TextField on your second tab, the TextField is not visible and thus the label's width is 0. Put the desired placeholder text in the label property of the TextField component, and use the labelClassName property of the TextField to customize it. You could also set the placeholder of the date-input to 'date: ' and adjust the color incase of no value inside the inputfor me this resulted in some other smaller issues so i went with just not showing it on 'bigger' screens; hope that helps! cheerio! As you can see in the codesandbox below, there are 2 different textfields with a set placeholder. Switching the TabPanel to visible does not cause a re-calculation of the label width, so no space is allotted for it in the outline. Sep 7, 2022 · When I use the MUI larger input textfield, it does not update my state. 1. The background color of the skeleton uses the least amount of luminance to be visible in good conditions (good ambient light, good screen, no visual impairments). And then i want to mask this form field like (0)xxx xxx xx xx. Examples 🌈. . I wish I could do something about it but unfortunately, it's a little bit out of my hand at this state. So I took my current date and formatted it according to material textfield format. Oct 29, 2021 · You can set the displayEmpty prop of Select, if true, a value is displayed even if no items are selected. Helper text. The code below creates this: The problem I have is that the label="Tag Name" does not show the label text in the TextField. MuiAutocomplete-popper { z-index: 1000000; } Jul 30, 2021 · I'm using material ui autocomplete textfield in my project inside a dialog. <TextField size="small& May 25, 2018 · I'm trying to add placeholder to textfield with type="date". country} Reason: search is a state object which is not falsy, placeholder will only be shown if you pass a falsy value (an empty string or undefined for example) Apr 23, 2022 · The defaultValue is not required and should only be used if the component is not controlled. Any help would be greatly It looks like you are using a single whitespace character, which means your input contains a value, and thus won't show the placeholder. If you placed a div or span around the text within the MenuItem, it would work to add styling to that. This is what TextField is for. If I add StartAdornment the label remains up. . mm. Once you enter the field, the label moves up as superscript and the mm/dd/yyyy remains and is readable. But that is not occurring. Jan 17, 2024 · In my React app I have MUI TextField which now works perfectly with Formik. Please help me debug this issue. Mar 12, 2022 · Hey I am stuck with a problem, I using MUI select function for me to select a country. They typically appear in forms and dialogs. The issue is present in the latest release. Aug 4, 2017 · The parameter is called placeholder. However, only in the first textfield the placeholder is being applied and not in the second one. how do i style the placeholder so that the color looks solid. Then add this in your TextField. Thank you! Sep 7, 2023 · I am trying to create the following text field to look like the following in MUI: However, I have the following: When I click inside the text field, the placeholder slides to the top and is placed Dec 2, 2013 · It will add the placeholder infront of the default 'dd. You can tell TextField to render select instead input by overriding the select props: Mar 30, 2023 · helperText is supposed to work like that. Here is what I want to do. In safari: when attempting to create line breaks in placeholders for a multiline TextField, line breaks fail and all placeholder text appears on one line. I currently have: <TextField Mar 30, 2021 · You are passing the wrong state to the value props of react-select. I don't want to use the label, and just want to use a regular placeholder. The TextField wrapper component is a complete form control including a label, input, and help text. Mar 14, 2023 · The standard variant of 'TextField' is not working as expected if 'StartAdornment' is added with an icon. I want to style the placeholder text's size and font family. "" instead of " " Dec 19, 2017 · Have this. Currently, when I click on the search bar, the placeholder text moves to the top of the TextField. Here is how Apr 13, 2023 · So I have a TextField component where I have placeholder and value and When I have icon inserted from InputProps prop the Icon shows and the animation that I have on TextField which changes from placeholder to value doesn't show up but if I don't have InputProps the animation is showing as expected. The reason of this hack being we need to set a value to be able to have the section select Jun 7, 2019 · I am trying to both center align the text inside and set a min number value to 0. Because you are controlling the value of TextField by using value attribute but you are not updating the value by using onChange function, Since value of TextField is not changing so it becomes read only. Oct 5, 2020 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. sx wont work and I don't know how to do it using 'styled' after i tried inputProps={{ style: { textAlign: 'right' }}} it was set to the element but not chaanged in ui(the placeholder text most be at the right side of the textField box) Dec 18, 2019 · Somehow vaadins input fields (TextField) do not show their placeholder when they are disabled. I could see the placeholder turning red with the styles i have added but the red color looks faded. If i elaborate then when i am running the app placeholder text is empty, if i click on text input field then keyboard appears. None. I do know that using InputBase from material-ui can achieve this, but I kinda need to use TextField API to achieve this but i did not find the way to do it in the API guide. can you Jun 8, 2020 · Like @Daniel L mentioned, you have to use the InputLabel component within the FormControl component, but in addition to his answer - I had to add a label attribute on my OutlinedInput component so that the outline on the input would not overlap with my label. I have searched the issues of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate. We have to start editing the TextField in order to see the placeholder. Sep 10, 2017 · TextField with a label set to something and type set to date but with no initial value displays the label and mm/dd/yyyy on top of each other in the TextField. Finally I found a very easy but hacky solution for setting the font color of a disabled TextField component. However, it seems that, for some reason, the styling I'm writing is not being applied to the component itself. Composing an input like this: Oct 14, 2022 · I was able to achieve this behavior by rendering the TextField conditionally but once the the TextField with name value is rendered, even if the name state becomes "" the Textfield with the placeholder property does not render. centering the default TextField hint - MaterialUI. I looked at the material-ui page on TextField but it was no help --> here Dec 24, 2020 · The problem is that you are defining inline the component type for the inputComponent prop. You can also use them together. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. @RyanCogswell Hello again, I have another follow up question. The screen reader will not care about the placholder or aria-placeholder because the input has a value. Mar 22, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. They should show some text like Select an option Steps to reproduce 🕹. When you add shrink: true to the label, it become fixed above the input. I'm using the Material UI for a React App I'm developing. I am using the helperText and positioning it where the label was used to be, giving it a background and bringing it to front using z-index. It uses FormControl and InputLabel internally and make sure they work well together. The placeholder doesn't show up until it's focused. Currently, if you force the label to not shrink using shrink=false there is an overlap with the label and adornment, and the label does not shrink when focused (see image). It will dispaly the placeholder text, but if you type it will not handle it. I added this in a css file : /* Dropdown MUI Component Autocomplete*/ div[role="presentation"]. Closed saritasai opened this issue Feb 3, 2021 · 2 comments Jul 27, 2022 · I found a way that this can be done using the helperText and my solution is more of a hack. I also removed all css to check if some css was interfering with the textfield but that was not the case. I'm using FormHelperTextProps (found here). Expected Behavior https://github. You can change the type of the value based on some true/false state. Jun 9, 2021 · Yes, you can. MuiAutocomplete-input': { color: "blue" }, }} You need to override mui style to achieve your goal, so if the above code won't work, try to experiment and see what mui class or combination of classes is responsible for adding the background color on autocomplete. Let's hide it, let's not show it in the options list at all. After selecting a date from the picker, the Text field does not update to reflect the selected date. Ours is a controlled component since we are providing value from state (fruit) and also handling the change (setFruit). Before Focus On Focus. // Add these variables to your component to track the state const [showPassword, setShowPassword] = useState(false); const handleClickShowPassword = => setShowPassword(!showPassword); const handleMouseDownPassword = => setShowPassword(!showPassword); The issue is present in the latest release. Jan 30, 2024 · I'm trying to apply maxLength to TextField component while type is number but it not working. The TextField wrapper component is a complete form control including a label, input and help text. The MM/DD/YYYY is the value of the input when focused. The key "franchise. state. v5 documentation. By default, the label is positioned above the field for the "outlined" or "filled" variants. Use when the component is not controlled. May 17, 2023 · I'm using Material-UI with React and I have an input component with a placeholder text that appears at the end instead of the beginning. When you click the input the placeholder appears. I came here from TextField with the select props set to true. StackOverflow Question about MUI TextField Their documentation even states that it can use the sx: MUI TextField Docs. Dec 14, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Oct 11, 2021 · How can I set the placeholder text of the MUI DatePicker. It supports standard, outlined and filled styling. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 2 months ago. 0. Default value is usually used in uncontrolled mode where the value is controlled by the DOM element, not react itself, and the only way to alter it is setup an initial value when it is first mounted. <TextField id="standard-full-width" label="" placeholder="Placeholder" /> Aug 11, 2021 · I'm trying to use the Select component in my app but both the placeholder="Text" and label={"Text"} props don't display the expected result. In "modern" MUI the width of the <TextField> component can be set through the sx prop: The sx prop is the best option for adding style overrides to a single instance of a component in most cases. The label part has absolute position by default (For the animated label effect), which might make it difficult to achieve what you want without some hairy css overrides. Picture of MUI TextField not working properly. They have this cheeky little animation that moves Text Field. I used many methods to change the opacity but it is by default set to zero and used important tag by mui itself. You switched accounts on another tab or window. placeholder not working for textfield material ui in storybook #24762. Expected Behavior. – Alexander Nied May 19, 2021 · You may use the FormHelperTextProps props to set style or class to the helper text props <TextField . May 14, 2018 · I am trying to learn material ui. You signed out in another tab or window. You could also pass InputLabelProps with a className, classes or style attribute. jjjj" and I always the fol May 12, 2018 · I've got a TextField that I've styled with 48px font and has a placeholder set. Following is my. When not focusing to select component or at the beginning, it looks like this. In normal case when type="number" || type="text" placeholder works perfect, but using type="date" It's not working anymore. Here is the code for it. divisionState = 'your placeholder text'. not sure why when I selected the country it change its value but when inside the select box it does not show May 21, 2023 · Material UI's Textfield component has a feature where the label is shown inside the input element at first and on focus or when filled, it animates and shrinks to the top. Oct 18, 2020 · In your example, you can target the input element of the component you render in renderInput which is TextField using makeStyles. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Try this out: //You need all of these imports (a must) import DateFnsUtils from '@date-io/date-fns'; import Moment from 'moment'; import { MuiPickersUtilsProvider, KeyboardDatePicker } from "@material-ui/pickers"; //you need this too (a must) const [selectDate Apr 19, 2022 · The label should sit in the textfield as a placeholder until the input is focused. If you need a text field with number validation, you can use Base UI's Number Input instead. ARIA. Mui-focused. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Dec 19, 2018 · You didn't show how you tried to specify the height, but the approach you used for font-size is the right approach. But if i want to ch Mar 22, 2022 · I have two Autocomplete dropdowns placed in the header of my and the functionality works fine selecting different values, but once I change the one of the left, which makes a new API call and feeds new data into the right-side dropdown, the current selected value is held and new placeholder props are not updating in the TextField. My textfield: Aug 12, 2019 · The issue is described in this ticket and appears to not be slated to be fixed in MUI v4. Text fields let users enter and edit text. Mar 14, 2021 · Suppose you want a select component with a placeholder that will not be displayed in the options list as we normally make the first option the placeholder by making its value = "none" when user selects it we know they didn't select a thing. Nevertheless I am even more curious now if its possible to center the label also when focused – Jun 26, 2023 · I've looked at the following StackOverflow questions and I'm not doing anything drastically different than their answers. Solution: Specify the onChange function with TextField and update the value inside that, Like this: Feb 21, 2020 · Current Behavior 😯 Expected Behavior 🤔 Steps to Reproduce 🕹 <TextField label="value" InputProps={{ endAdornment: <InputAdornment position="end">days May 23, 2023 · I'm trying to right align the placeholder text in Mui v5 . Current Behavior 😯 The Autocomplete component takes a placeholder prop, which one would anticipate is goi Jun 21, 2023 · sx={{ '& . This means that with each re-render it will be considered by React to be a new component type, so instead of just re-rendering, the element will be remounted (removed completely from the DOM and re-added) which results in focus being lost. Aug 16, 2021 · I have tried changing the placeholder color of the MaterialUI placeholder color but to no success. Here is what I have tried so far. In order to display a meaningful value, a function can be passed to the renderValue prop which returns the value to be displayed when no items are selected. As you can see the bottom 2 fields have the label on top since they have a default value whereas the top on "ML Features" does not and the label moves to the middle of the TextField. – Jul 11, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. Not an ideal state of affairs but a viable workaround. TextField is not working as expected. Viewed 1k times 1 I need to make the placeholder font Jan 20, 2019 · I want to make a text input field where placeholder text will show "Enter your digit" in react-native, Now problem is, the placeholder text is not showing until i am pressing any key in the keyboard. When using placeholder the Select is rendered as "empty", while the label prop looks like is doing something but after clicking on it this is the result: If you find the code provided by MUI, you should find something called MuiInputBase-formControl that actually overwritten the opacity and having a strong implementation. For example, login forms. Text fields allow users to enter text into a UI. May 8, 2023 · Ok, I got it. To make a better looking TextField or to add a prefix we can use the startAdornment property to show text or an icon inside the Textfield. my code is: const CustomTextField = ({ label, value, maxLength, required, disabled, Aug 22, 2023 · I'm using a filled variant Texfield from mui react, I modified it using theme component but the placeholder is hidden when it is not focused. I searched for hint, too. import { createTheme, ThemeProvider } from '@mui/material/styles'; const abc = => {//add the theme at the top of Apr 6, 2017 · React-select does not show the selected value in the field. Apr 12, 2021 · Solution 1: Use TextField. This way the placeholder will not move up when you start editing, because the place of the label is 'occupied'. Sep 28, 2017 · When composing a textfield with FormControl, InputLabel and Input. Jun 21, 2018 · If you are using Material UI's TextField and the label overlaps with the value when the field is filled, it is usually because the variant of the TextField is not set. The skeleton is not focusable. I have searched the existing issues; Latest version. Right now I'm just inline styling through inputProps on the component. Have You ever had this problem and know how to resolve it? Dec 14, 2017 · Case 1. The helper text prop affects the height of the text field. Sep 9, 2019 · Centering the placeholder for a Textfield MUI. Dec 5, 2020 · For Standard TextField. The problem is, when i set a defaultValue or a first value, you can see the placeholder moving on the opening of the dial Jun 13, 2019 · However, Material-UI TextField create a div container, which has two inner elements - another div and a label. It can be used with all Material UI components. SwiftUI’s TextField supports placeholder text just like UITextField did – gray text that is shown in the text field when it’s empty, either giving uses a prompt (“Enter your password”) or showing some example data. You also do not need the "right: 0" to make it work with placeholder. Oct 12, 2020 · So this should be simple but I don't see a clear answer. I believe the reason the up and down arrows are present is because you specified number as the type. Mar 1, 2019 · //import createTheme and ThemeProvider at the top. If you want to remove underline from the standard text field. I want to enlarge the text field on my page. com/mui-org/material-ui/blob/master/docs/src/pages/components/selects/SimpleSelect. I'm using the TextField component and I need a multi-line placeholder for a textarea. It works great on Chrome, Firefox and Edge but on Safari the placeholder is positioned incorrectly. don't get overwhelmed with null value and stuffs, this is one of many appropriate option you can do. However, would like to use it also as field for voice input. Apr 30, 2021 · This is a project for monitoring employees, and the first interface in this project is the Sign Up interface, and it is located inside the Form Text Field, and I want to put icon to the left of the placeholder in the TextField. Ask Question Asked 7 years, (value)} placeholder="Select Portfolio" /> with opts Dec 29, 2023 · I'm using Material-UI (MUI) Autocomplete with a TextField, and I want to achieve a specific behavior. Here's an example showing two text fields with different heights: Oct 31, 2019 · Styling via a className on the MenuItem does not work because the default display of the selected menu item displays its children. Here is the SandBox link: Apr 20, 2022 · I want to add a date picker to my application, but the one to show only year and the other one only month something like this: but so far with MUI DatePicker I have accomplished something like that, Aug 29, 2023 · From the TextField docs, the type prop accepts valid HTML input types. Dec 4, 2018 · I have an Input component with placeholder text. Aug 30, 2019 · Using a placeholder prop on <Select /> did not work, and it looks like it's either not passing that prop to the input, or it's not displaying it somehow. I have tested the latest version; Current behavior 😯. I want the label should work as placeholder and goes up when the focus is in TextField. Oct 5, 2023 · Test on placeholder; Current behavior 😯. Try to make the data-shrink value to true to the textfield component, then should be fixed. Mar 7, 2021 · I am trying to work using the Autocomplete component using Material-UI, and for some reason, the close icon does not show when I update some text. If I wanted to define those values in the theme (for example, MuiFilledInput for all states including hover and focus), how would I do it? Rather than showing an abstract widget, skeleton screens create anticipation of what is to come and reduce cognitive load. I added placeholder to select component. yyyy'-thing. Any help would be greatly Feb 14, 2023 · I assume this problem is caused because the React tries to load the Texfield and it fails loading the value since the value hasn't been loaded into the state and the label is loaded into where it normally belongs (inside the text field) but If you provide a defaultValue, it will display the label as it should (on the top of the text field). I have searched the issues of this repository and believe that this is not a Sep 12, 2019 · I want the TextField to be naked(no underline) when using material-ui TextField. I'm trying to use react-input-mask plugin with Material-UI. Feb 13, 2018 · This doesn't really solve the issue as good UI means not showing the asterisk if most or all fields are required fields (in which case it's better to display optional fields). Aug 16, 2022 · select present in the sections Option appearance & Grouping options are not showing any pre-text. Let's try with the outlined variant now. Here's my current code: Feb 5, 2019 · I have the following functional component and I would like to change the font size of the textfield, but for some reason I can't figure it out. FormHelperTextProps={{ style: { backgroundColor: 'transparent' }}} /> Sep 20, 2018 · Did you find a solution? Have the same issue. To set a placeholder, pass it in as part of the initializer for your text field, like this: Jan 9, 2020 · None of all the many answers online worked for me, using MUI v4. Dec 7, 2021 · I want to create a material ui selector that label always appear at top. However, I want to completely remove the placeholder text when the search bar is clicked. Apr 2, 2022 · I've gotten this code straight from the MUI . the label parameter in the TextField composable to display a floating label; the placeholder parameter to display a placeholder when the text field is in focus and the input text is empty. js Feb 27, 2022 · I use material UI textField tag and I want to remove the label of text field but when I remove or even set null my label it doesn't work, and I miss the border-top of that <Box May 12, 2022 · I have been trying to set the placeholder color for MUI TextField. Dec 31, 2021 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Mar 23, 2023 · I am using react with Material UI. Here is my code: Jul 9, 2022 · Hey thanks, yeah I used the placeholder and removed the label as I am not able to center the label. placeholderText: 'example input', and conditionally use it if DivisionData is empty – Gavin Thomas May 3, 2019 · This is hard to debug without seeing a working snippet or the state ( especially this. Mar 8, 2022 · I have created a select component using Mui but whenever I click on any option from the select dropdown then it's storing correctly in the state that I have defined but it's not displaying in the select box. I have used the code from their demo, but instead of handling onChange and state locally I am doing that from other component that is a parent of autocomplete select component. Jul 31, 2019 · The border of a TextField with variant="outlined" does not update correctly when new label props are being passed into the component on language change. If you find the code provided by MUI, you should find something called MuiInputBase-formControl that actually overwritten the opacity and having a strong implementation. #7821. Maybe the docs in the TextField section needs to be updated too. The fill state is only detected when moving the focus to the page. It is not being changed for when countryCode is MEX. I am using key prop which changes on language change and this makes my input legend I have a TextField for phone numbers in a short form. The labels I have looks like this:. Motivation 🔦 Jun 29, 2021 · I learn ReactJs and material-ui and now I have a problem with material TextField. Feb 15, 2019 · In my case I wanted to set my default Date to my current date. But if the input isn't "shrunk" by default. However, the styles i embed with the field changes height, width and other properties except the size. Jun 24, 2020 · I did not realize you were asking for TextField component, not the Input Component FYI, TextField is using Input field underlaying and it is exposing InputProps' through we can pass classes` props to underlying Input element. ; Current Behavior 😯. malnf uen ndiuhdl dgmm ozqxq icchth fjh vlkth csgb ngbrmyf