Esphome gas meter I’ve tested 4 different 5V power supplies, all connected to the same socket in my kitchen, then to another socket also in the kitchen. Preamble: I live in germany and my counters are the following Gas: Water: ESP: Y… Sep 21, 2021 · I’ve recently bought the ESP32 Camera Module so that I can use it on my Gas meter flashed with the ESPHome firmware. This is exactly what needs to be done. Defaults to 0x76. So, my questions are as follows: How do I create an automation that once it wakes up, it will capture the image and send it? How do I send Apr 6, 2023 · Hi there, I’m trying to integrate my home water and gas usage into HA. I am able to see the magnetic field change using my phon Oct 31, 2024 · What is the MQ6 Sensor? The MQ6 gas sensor is designed to detect gases like Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), propane, and butane. for battery operation) and filtering and summation of I2S data will still take less than 15% of single core processing time. The gas meter gives me a pulse every 10 liters. Define virtual sensors with the utility meter integration. ESP32 Hall Sensor¶. If your gas meter reader is available there, it’s a little strange that home assistant doesn’t pick it up from esphome automatically. Gas concentration. I was setting different chip. For example, if the limit is 16 kW Thought I would document this as I've been running it for just over a month now and it's been very accurate and involved minimal work! I have an Elster BK-G4 gas meter that I wanted to monitor, and luckily this meter has a small magnet on the last digit of the meter. This project demonstrates edge computing using the ESP32, a low-cost, AI-capable device, to digitize your analog meters—whether water, gas, or electricity. yaml separately to find the values you need and then use esphome-two-meters. I count these pulses with a binary_sensor to derive my hourly and daily energy counts. The I²C Bus is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work. Der Stromzähler ist eine der wesentlichen Energiezählern im Haushalt, auch der Gaszähler ist sehr wichtig. Sep 4, 2021 · Hi petsie, I’m trying to achieve something similar: I bought an ELV ES-GAS-2 module for my ELSTER gas meter. Stepper motor blinds by @tronikos. This project implements a cheap and easy way to read out meter pulses from the Pipersberg G4 RF1 c gas meter via an Espressif ESP8266 micrcontroller and a PL-05N proximity sensor. I tried it over one winter and it worked almost perfekt (lost about 1% of the pulses). Contribute to esphome/esphome-docs development by creating an account on GitHub. Lukt dit achteraf niet, dan kun je een upgrade voor een kleine meerprijs aanschaffen waardoor Aug 28, 2022 · Hi, I’m trying to read out my Gasmeter via ESPHome and Home Assistant. For example, the Kamstrup MULTICAL 403 is a meter used by some energy companies in The Netherlands to measure delivered heat by a district heating network (in Dutch: stadsverwarming). The main difference is that the esp32 includes a built-in inverter in the UART hardware, so the external inverter in Marcel's design is not required, although I did require a simple capacitor signal filter due to noise on the data line. 0 disabled_by_default: false force_update Jan 15, 2023 · Hi I am wondering if it somehow is possible to utilize ESPhome in building a simplified water usage meter ? I am thinking about using an YF-S201 or YF-B6 water flow sensor - but the challenge is, that these outputs a signal based on the water flow (HZ = 7. gas_resistance (Optional): The information for the gas sensor. It is widely used in gas leak detection applications due to its sensitivity and reliability. I wanted to start with AI on the edge but this just seems too complex, without guarantee of success. Assume i’m missing something obvious here, my esp YAML is: # Gas Meter Pulse Sensor 1 This ESPHome package allows reading your water meter or gas meter using the QMC5883L or HMC5883L, a triple-axis magnetometer. For $10 an easp32 and a QMC5883L Magnetometer can sufficiently read magnetic changes inside the meters! After some reading in issues in this repository I decided to rebuild my meter with an ESP32 (Lolin S2-mini). The sensor has two wires ("No polarity to be observed. No they won't. 1 to 8. ¶ Jan 12, 2020 · I have attached a reed switch to the gas meter and every time the second decimal place completes one turn the switch gets triggered. This ESPHome package allows reading your water meter or gas meter using the QMC5883L or HMC5883L, a triple-axis magnetometer. Since Months (!) i try to read my Gas meter. The Esphome is connecting to HA with the native api. When testing, I simply touch my two cables together from the ESP32 to simulate a ‘pulse’ and seem to get random readings, but never 1ft3. Dec 10, 2023 · Install ESPHome to Home Assistant. Upgrading from 2023. It seems to return slightly more accurate values at higher flow, but interestingly seems to also have a longer loop time (and reports "qmc5883l. The new approach works good, for 2 Feb 2, 2022 · So how do you measure the water usage and make this analog meter smart? During research I’ve found multiple different solutions for water meters. There is a list of known compatible meters in the documentation. The esphome yaml is like this: sensor: platform: pulse_meter id: gas_meter pin: GPIO4 unit_of_measurement: 'm3/h' name: 'Gas Usage' filters: multiply: 60 total: name: "Gas Total" id: gas_total unit_of_measurement: "kWh" accuracy_decimals: 1 filters: Oct 10, 2023 · Hi, I created a device to read remotely electric and other types of meters. Smart gas meters are often identified by a digital display. I have created a pulse counter with ESPHome and a utility meter inside Home Assistant that tracks the total daily usage based on the pulse counter. Voltage main meter off-peak production; gas meter (if any) water meter (if present, only in Belgium) How does it differ from the Smart Meter WiFi gateway? The Smart Meter WiFi gateway is fully developed by Smart Gateways and can be paired with an unlimited number of home automation solutions. Little thermostat based on AZ-Touch hardware and esphome by ingbenna. 0, the pulse_meter function seems to have broken/changed. iir_filter (Optional): Set up an Infinite Impulse Response filter to increase accuracy. A quote from him: Well, now you can lower the frequency of ESP32 down to 80MHz (i. To make things easy, most modern utility … Feb 7, 2021 · The gas meter is connected to the smart electricity meter, the only non-smart meter is the water meter…. but now HA does not offer my gas meter as an option in the dashboard, the sensor looks like this: - platform: mqtt name: "Gas consumed" state Aug 17, 2023 · The problem Greetings. # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection failsap:ssid: "Gas-Meter Fallback Hotspot"password: "XXXXXXXXXXX" captive_portal: # Enable logginglogger: # Enable Home Assistant APIapi:password: !secret esphome_api_password ota:safe_mode: truereboot_timeout: 10minnum_attempts: 5 With old meters, there is often a cable between the two meters. I won't get much faster, but slower down to standstill at any position - if no gas is used. I don’t have proper results with pulse_counter either and stumbled across your post. Smart Gateways biedt ook ESPHome edition aan van hun Slimme Meter Gateway die gebaseerd is op dezelfde hardware maar waarbij je zelf de code kunt aanpassen. yaml and esphome-gas-meter. Sometimes, I need to manually adjust the meter reading, so I set up a homeassistant sensor: sensor: - platform: homeassistant … Mar 6, 2021 · Hi @noxx I am also now collecting data from the gas meter using a reed switch. 5V and 24V. I am using a Wemos D1 flashed with Esphome and with currently 1 hall switch connected to get pulses from a magnet on the last dial of the gas meter. Discover step-by-step instructions for integrating smart meters, water meters, gas meters, and much more. Here’s the calculation involved: Load Limit in Watts: Establish the upper load limit that the meter is designed to measure. Verbinde den Reed-Kontakt-Sensor mit dem WeMos D1 Mini ESP8266 nach dem Schaltplan. It is intended to be a drop-in replacement for the pulse counter component. It's a Cyble sensor. sensor took a long time for an operation" ocasionally). The ESPHome edition is only compatible with Home Assistant Aug 21, 2024 · 1. After the update it counts 100-200m³\day. The Current Transformer Clamp (ct_clamp) sensor allows you to hook up a CT Clamp to an analog voltage sensor (like the ADC sensor) and convert the readings to measured single phase AC current. 1. address (Optional, int): Manually specify the I²C address of the sensor. I have some experience with espeasy. Rather than counting pulses over a fixed time interval, the pulse meter sensor measures the time between pulses. In this repo I am going to document my setup for reading my gas meter using a ESP8266 and a reed sensor and display it in Home Assistant. 255 Equipment identifier 0-n:96. Device-Type 0-n:24. Also: I get mixed messages when reading about the need for debouncing on the thing. Seems something broke with your update today for esphome-gas-meter. PMSA003I. I know people have used a hall effect sensor for gas meters but they all are different meters. If I install an ESPHome update the total value will be resetted. Chances are you can use some of them for your house, but equally likely you may have different devices or need some customization. 0 total: name: utility-pulse-counter_gas_meter_total icon: mdi:fire device_class: gas id: gas_total unit_of_measurement: ft³ filters: - multiply: 10. So first, create a simple configuration with the esp32_ble_tracker and the mopeka_ble component like so: Gasverbrauch mit ESPHome in Home Assistant Visualisieren. The sticky part of this is that my gas meter is an antique and its located on the exterior of my house. Until the 11. Then, in 2021, Home Assistant added an Energy Management feature that keeps track of electricity and gas usage. Create an automation triggered by the ESPHome counter. Sep 20, 2024 · Based on the post tagged in #31 referring to #28, I have tried to get it working but get an i2c failure. . Apr 20, 2023 · If anyone has had experience with this gas meter, and knows how to use an ESP to get the gas usage, it would be much appreciated Nov 3, 2023 · I am currently tracking my gas consumption with an ESP32 and the setup described here: GitHub - svenwal/gaszaehler-home-assistant-esphome: Adding automated reading of your gas consumption to your Home Assistent setup with minimal hardware setup. Working like a charm!!! It was not fried. Let's make your home smarter together! Jun 13, 2024 · As @Karosm mentions, the MQ-5 has an analog output for measuring the gas and a digital output that will trigger above a certain level, which can be adjusted using the pot-meter. The problem, however, was that the display value of the physical meter and the calculated values were out of sync after about a day. Das ist, zumindest Feb 28, 2023 · Cool! Please compare the value of the gas meter with the value of the ESPHome node in a few days to verify the multiplication is correct and the ESPHome increments the counter just as fast as the gas meter. Much like our Split Single Phase Energy Meter, the 6 channel uses current transformers and an AC transformer to measure voltage and power the board(s)/ESP32. I tried it, didn’t work… Feb 27, 2023 · As I had serious trouble integrating my gas-meter and later the water-meter over MQTT I thought I could share how I got it working. The magnetometer is used to read the rotating magnet inside your water meter. The inverted time difference between two falling edges is proportional to the power (energy / time). After the update ESP32 seems to hang at boot. e. ESP8266's and ESP32's are widely available on webshops and Aliexpress for a few bucks and can be used to read sensors like temperature, humidity, CO2, PM2. Running on an ESP32s, my meter output is 1 pulse = 1ft3. To make things more complicated, the meter is located outside so I have issues with weather, bringing power out, optical setup etc. Water meter uses pulse_counter sensor to count pulses per minute and total count. Jan 10, 2022 · esphome_gas_meter. The Kamstrup Meter Protocol (KMP) is used by certain Kamstrup utility meters and can be used to read measurements from the meter. So a Gas meter can be installed on channel 1, 2, 3 or 4. With the help of a reed switch (magnetic sensor), esp8266 and UPS with measuring the battery charge in the event of a power failure. "). So I've found ESPHome Glow to be the easiest and cheapest way for HA integration using the meter red flashing LED with the 1000 impulses/kWh radio and my ESP32 with a photodiode module. These sensors are great for measuring objects up to two meters away, and they have some cool features. Nov 24, 2022 · A while ago I setup a hall sensor on my gas meter and everything was working perfectly, gas usage was showing up in the energy dashboard, however, it corroded and broke - didn’t fix it for a year. the device will be in Deep Sleep and it will wake up every few hours to capture a still image and upload it to my server for processing. I ordered a capacitive pulse sensor having seen that done before. My Configuration: esphome: name: "esp8266-gas-keller" esp8266: board: nodemcuv2 # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "###" ota: password: "###" # Example configuration entry wifi: ssid: !secret privatewifi_ssid password Jun 12, 2024 · For example, gas meters may not always be found by Home Assistant. I created a sensor to measure gas consumption according to several instructions on the Internet. Current state : i get the pulses from the dial in pulses/min on the esp8266. The grove_gas_mc_v2 sensor platform allows you to use your Grove Multichannel Gas Sensor V2 with ESPHome. The device supports DSMR versions 2 to 5 for real-time monitoring of electricity and gas usage. be (same sensor and code logic, just for the power meter instead of the gas meter). Checked 3 different ESP-WROOM-32 boards as well #homeassistant is required and #esphome; you need working wifi signal next to your gas meter; gasmeter, i have an G4 RF1; some sort of ESP8266, i am using a Wemos D1 mini; hall sensor and breakout board, i used a KY-024 (pay attention to the voltage, it needs to output 3,3v not 5v) The gas meter I use has a reflective mirror on one of the fractional numbers of the meter. with both meters connected I can flash just water or just gas and it works fine. Here are common voltage calibrations for the Split Single Energy Meter: For meter <= v1. To get the actual power of my gas heating I use the pulse_meter. Nov 16, 2020 · I recommend using GitHub - tronikos/esphome-magnetometer-water-gas-meter: Using ESP8266 or ESP32 and QMC5883L, a triple-axis magnetometer, to read your water meter or gas meter that supports easy calibration. Another question I had is what happens when the gas meter stays for a couple of time with the magnet near the reed contact (no more warm water needed Jan 14, 2023 · Trying to set up my gas meter with ESPHome. I used the pulse_counter. I got a result, so the ESP8266 works. The original issue is resolved (although unclear what happened, I didn’t change anything) but I discovered a new, smaller one: pulse_meter is counting slightly more pulses than binary_sensor. PM1006 Sensor. Jun 12, 2024 · Het aanpassen van de ESPHome Smart Meter firmware kan dus frustrerend zijn en veel tijd kosten. I used to use a utility meter helper but it no longer appears as a selection in the gas consumption the other ESPHome Homepage - Reimagining DIY Home Automation. Apr 11, 2023 · I’ve got my electricity monitoring figured out, would like to monitor our gas consumption as well as that is a pretty big portion of our energy use (heating). net, there is a whole active community of slimmelezer users, and Jasper Zuidwijk is usually active there too) Feb 20, 2021 · The KY-003 hall sensor module is based on the 3144EUA-S hall-effect sensor and has a higher operation voltage between 4. 1 spin of the last rotary dial will result in 0. A cheap and easy way to read out meter pulses from the Pipersberg G4 RF1 c gas meter via an Espressif ESP8266 using ESPHome sensor homeassistant esphome-config esphome gas-meter esphome-configuration gas-meter-monitoring In Ivan's project SOS filters are implemented using ESP32 assembler, so they are really fast. The home’s water utility meter is very accurate. 2. It is based on this blog post by Benni translating it to English, adding some more details on the overall setup and extending it by some (for me) important features. The signal is equivalent to a dry contact signal (e. Feb 23, 2024 · I have a gas meter and I am counting pulses in ESPhome to get the current meter reading. Also, the DSMR Slimme Meter integration is only compatible with a few countries, like The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden and Luxembourg. RS / 2001 LA is a mechanical gas meter by Pietro Fiorentini designed in conformity to high accuracy and reliability standards. The reading of this spin is done with a TCRT5000 Infrared Reflective Sensor Pulse Meter Sensor¶ The pulse meter sensor allows you to count the number and frequency of pulses on any pin. Not that it’s bad, au contraire, I love it. Nov 9, 2021 · I have got a pulse counter (wemos d1 mini with esphome API) mounted to my gas meter. I blamed the reed contact and tried a different approach based on an HMC5883L and this guide The problem, however Nov 8, 2022 · So I’ve set up the pulse_meter sensor to read out my gas meter and I’m trying to figure out how I can persist the total number of pulses between reboots / updates, since the total value returned by the sensor resets to 0 when I update the esp. So far my virtual gas meter is roughly The Expandable 6 Channel ESP32 Energy Meter can read 6 current channels and 2 voltage channels at a time. This is derived from Marcel Zuidwijk's "ESPHome powered P1 meter", and modified to draw the graph on the OLED. Not sure how useful it is paying £56 for the frient electric only diode reader personally. HMC5883L Magnetometer. My provider was so nice to provide me with a sensor for free. random man says: February 8, 2021 at 5:10 am Aug 23, 2019 · Hello, i am trying to get my water and gas meter readings in home assistant. Used in Lux only. When this option is disabled (for example, if the source sensor is a domestic utility meter that never resets during the device’s lifetime), the difference between the new value and the last valid value is added to the utility meter, which avoids the loss of a meter reading after ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems. Connection via ESPHome ESP8266 and magnetic sensor. For meter > v1. yaml This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. I tried the pulse_meter as well, but I never got it to run reliably. I’ve not seen anything that Using ESP8266 or ESP32 and QMC5883L or HMC5883L, a triple-axis magnetometer, to read your water meter or gas meter - tronikos/esphome-magnetometer-water-gas-meter Aug 14, 2024 · Hi everyone, I am using a gas-meter based on ESPHome for more than a year now and recently (I think since 2024. Aug 19, 2021 · 7. 0. The hmc5883l allows you to use your HMC5883L triple-axis magnetometers (datasheet, Adafruit) with ESPHome. I have tried to see the logs from esphome, but device (all devices) shown offline (they are obviously not offline, data Mar 11, 2024 · Hello all, I have connected a reed switch to two different GPIO to have both a binary_sensor and a pulse_meter, as I wanted to troubleshoot strange pulse/min nb I was getting. I’d recommend asking on gathering. AI-on-the-edge-device is a project running on an ESP32-CAM and can be fully integrated into Home Assistant using the Home Assistant Discovery Functionality of MQTT. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Having trouble calibrating my gas meter installation I have my instance set up like the attached image, but with the sensor on the back side of the meter instead of the front as it's shown. Dec 15, 2023 · Here’s my code minus security stuff esphome: name: "gas-meter" friendly_name: Gas Meter esp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: arduino # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "" ota: wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "" password: "" captive_portal Mar 20, 2021 · Sampling 1s to HA with esphome. It exposes 4 different gas sensors for qualitatively measuring Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ethanol (C2H5OH), and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). The OBIS reference Channel number (n) will be defined by the installing order of the M-Bus devices. If you do need to show these sensors for calibration the easiest would be to just use the esphome-water-meter. 3 Gas Data The following is only applicable if Gas meters are connected. But I’ve come around to fixing it using the exact same config but it no longer works. All options from Sensor. Jan 19, 2022 · In 2019, I built an energy monitor to keep track of our electricity consumption. Vor allem in Haushalten, in denen der primäre Energieträger Erdgas ist, ist der Gasverbrauch essenziell und wird im Smart Home auch optimiert. Jan 12, 2020 · I have attached a reed switch to the gas meter and every time the second decimal place completes one turn the switch gets triggered. 8) I struggled a bit getting my energy meters on the new dashboard, but the new state_class: 'total_increasing' solved my issues without requiring any workarounds. It was my lack of knowledge in getting it to work. Reply. Hall effect or reed pulse sensor is another viable option. sensor is marked FAILED If I create a completely new project and just flash Nov 7, 2021 · I did, at least for my setup. Your problem reminded me of mine when the reed switch was too deeply immersed in a magnetic field. I wasn’t really happy with this approach with the reed sensor sometimes bouncing and I’m not experienced enough to build a hardware debouncer. <REMAINDER> - id: gv_gas_meter_display_value_integer_part type: int restore_value: yes initial_value: "16319" - id: gv_gas_meter_display_value_fraction_part type Sep 1, 2021 · The problem When going into deep sleep mode, the flash turns on at half brightness exactly as described in this issue: espressif/esp32-camera#163 I'm trying to use a lambda function at shutdown to implement the solution described in the Dec 14, 2023 · Using ESP8266 or ESP32 and QMC5883L or HMC5883L, a triple-axis magnetometer, to read your water meter or gas meter - tronikos/esphome-magnetometer-water-gas-meter 1 Like Bondo2 (Bondo2) June 30, 2024, 6:17am Apr 19, 2024 · the reed switch is attached to a esp32-cam with i2c configured in esphome, I can also take photos with the measurement. Add a template to compute the cubic meter value. I lost the measurements when I removed my Brultech GreenEye energy meters in favor of Sense energy monitors. I found different variants using pulse_counter or pulse_meter, Can anyone write me the best… ESPHome Household Meter Configurations These are ESPHome configurations and custom code I use to read out my household meters (electricity, gas, water). Sep 2, 2021 · All, Previous release ( 2021. 5 but also motion detection measuring Inside that snout-like housing is a Lolin Wemos S2 or C2 Mini board, based on the Espressif ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 respectively, with 2MB of pseudo-static RAM (PSRAM) and 4MB of flash storage, which runs the ESPHome firmware and its IEC 62056-21 component — providing compatibility with modes A, B, C, and D, but not mode E, and only for meters Feb 2, 2022 · This article will provide you with a walkthrough on how you can build a water usage meter sensor that integrates with your Home Assistant for under 10 $/EURO without the need for any soldering or coding skills. 4: 37106 - 9v AC Transformer - Jameco 157041 Oct 15, 2021 · Hello. reed switch). Aug 10, 2023 · The Ultrasonic Distance Sensor allows you to use simple ultrasonic sensors like the HC-SR04 with ESPHome to measure distances. I have not found a I have a pretty standard gas meter as shown on the picture below. My setup works perfectly for 99. I attached the sensor just close the last digit of the gas meter. Oct 19, 2022 · The problem I am using the pulse counter sensor for my gas meter. District Heating Meter. With this sensor, you can send a trigger pulse and get an echo pulse back to calculate the distance. Aug 8, 2023 · FYI, GitHub - tronikos/esphome-magnetometer-water-gas-meter: Using ESP8266 or ESP32 and QMC5883L, a triple-axis magnetometer, to read your water meter or gas meter supports both water and gas meters. Repeat as necessary. A cheap and easy way to read out meter pulses from the Pipersberg G4 RF1 c gas meter via an Espressif ESP8266 using ESPHome sensor homeassistant esphome-config esphome gas-meter esphome-configuration gas-meter-monitoring Mar 10, 2022 · Hi there, sorry for the late reply. Let's explore how to make AI on the Edge a reality! 🌟 Source for esphome. This meter connects easily via the P1 port and integrates seamlessly with Home Assistant, thanks to the pre-installed ESPHome firmware. The device is compatible with all types of meters supporting the IEC 62056-21 optical interface, offering a seamless solution for collecting meter readings remotely. TLDR; Add this to your ESPHome device configuration: The magnetometer is used to read the rotating magnet inside your water meter. The minimum pulse width threshold is determined by considering the upper limit of the load the meter is designed to handle, as well as the meter’s impulse constant (x pulses / kWh). In my case it is located on the last number around the number 6. The meter reading can be calculated and stored locally and used by a Home Assistant instance using ESPHome . Try to determine at what value your magnet is located (for me, this is the number 3), and try to place your magnetic field sensor Feb 20, 2023 · After much revision this is the code I ended up using which I uploaded to the ESP32 device using ESPHome:-esphome: name: gas-meter-monitor esp32: board: nodemcu-32s # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "*****" ota: password: "*****" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password # Enable I'm trying to bring in my water meter usage into HA preferably with esphome. io documentation files. No HW, no FW changes were made. 6 pulses per l/min for YF-B6)… I am not interested in the flow rate - more the water consumption CT Clamp Current Sensor¶. May 27, 2024 · I installed your version of the QMC8553L sensor but get the error: Communication with QMC5883L failed! Component qmc5883l. I’ve seen where people use hall effect sensors and ESP camera modules to read their analog meters. tweakers. g. It digitalizes your gas/water/electricity meter display and provides its data in various ways. below is my two-meters code I have tried to get thi esphome_gas_meter. Jan 31, 2021 · Measuring the usage of domestic utilities such as water, gas or electricity usually boils down to measuring a repetitive pulse signal with respect to time. It is simply 2 cables that make continuity every ‘pulse’. > - platform: pulse_counter > pin: GPIO18 > id: vodomer_esp > unit_of_measurement: 'l' > name: Průtok vody > icon: mdi:water > internal_filter: 13us > > total: > unit_of_measurement: 'l' > name: 'Stav vodoměru' Both flow and total values are sent Aug 16, 2024 · Real-Time Energy in Home Assistant with the Smart Meter ESPHome Edition. ESPHome has been great for me, I’m just loving it. See PiggyMeter — Aquaticus Docs documentation It is based on ESPHome + custom component and optical interface. The below now causes the counter to go crazy and increment at a high rate endlessly. 3: 42080 - 9v AC Transformer - Jameco 112336. Besorge dir einen Reed-Kontakt-Sensor und einen WeMos D1 Mini ESP8266. 01 m³ of gas consumption. Advantages of the MQ6 Sensor: High Sensitivity: Capable of detecting low concentrations of gas, ensuring early detection of Sep 16, 2021 · - platform: pulse_meter pin: number: 33 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: false unit_of_measurement: ft³/min name: utility-pulse-counter_gas_meter icon: mdi:fire device_class: gas filters: - multiply: 10. You just need to press a button and the proper axis and thresholds will be picked. Therefore the KY-003 module can be connected to an Arduino, but not to an ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontroller board because the operation voltage of 3. I was very excited to see we can now also use gas meters. At first I tried using a Reed Contact taking this as a starting point. Setup and install the ESPHome firmware to the microcontroller. It gets far as resetting boot loop counter and then stops responding. dmcentire (Dennis McEntire) June 14, 2024, 4:35am Jun 6, 2021 · esphome yaml. Dec 11, 2020 · For a long time I was avoiding ESPHome on my esp-based P1 readers. 255 Using ESP8266 or ESP32 and QMC5883L or HMC5883L, a triple-axis magnetometer, to read your water meter or gas meter - tronikos/esphome-magnetometer-water-gas-meter It sends a pulse every cubic meter of gas. May 4, 2022 · Zu einem Smart Home gehört es fast selbstverständlich, dass der Verbrauch von Energie aufgezeichnet wird. Most solutions where for Arduino and using proximity sensors that need resistors soldering and some even required external power supply. Jan 12, 2020 · I have attached a reed switch to the gas meter and every time the second decimal place completes one turn the switch gets triggered. set_total_pulses service to set the total value to match my gas meter. Define a counter helper in HomeAssistant. The Smart Meter ESPHome Edition is a user-friendly and versatile solution for monitoring energy consumption. However, I want to prevent the traffic and solve it on esp side. 5 pulses per l/minute for YF-S201 and 6. But you are right on track with your workaround. Grove Multichannel Gas Sensor V2¶. 7. This should be compatible will all the Configuration variables: decryption_key (Optional, string, templatable, 32 characters, case insensitive): The key to decrypt the telegrams. Oct 11, 2022 · I built something for the same power meter type, using the approach documented in Tracking gas usage with ESPHome, Home Assistant, and TCRT5000 | Savjee. The esp32_hall sensor platform allows you to use the integrated hall effect sensor of the ESP32 chip to measure the magnitude and direction of magnetic field around the chip (with quite poor accuracy). It connects via the P1 port and integrates seamlessly with Home Assistant, thanks to its pre-installed ESPHome firmware. What we need: Required: ESP8266 or ESP32 (I used ESP8266 wemos D1 for) -Magnetic sensor (no matter what you use I used the cheapest available on aliexpress Thank you for your continued work on this. This project helps you to monitor the consumption of your home gas meter remotely over the internet by using pulse counting methods. You can buy it for around 60EUR. 3V is too low. Moving your gas meter, service or Requiring a disconnection If you are an existing ESP customer and are undertaking building work you may need to move your gas meter or service to maintain its safety, or you may wish to alter its position for access purposes. I use an IR pulse receiver on ESPHome for my electric, RTL-AMR for gas, and an ESP32 Cam on my water meter. The metering cartridge determines the meter accuracy, and it is submitted to several and strict quality control procedures during the whole production process. Nov 8, 2022 · So, we will connect the LJ18A3-8Z/BX proximity sensor to our board with the ESP, be it ESP8266 or ESP32, and then we will glue the sensor to said water meter spinner. For some reason, my hall sensors did not pay attention to the magnet on the last drum. As a bonus it exposes the temperature sensor that the QMC5883L has. Once it arrived I went to hook that up and realized the meter is a digital encoder type unit and doesn't seem to have a spinning magnet that is typically used in this application. binary_sensor is perfectly Dive into the world of home automation with us! Our blog is run by passionate enthusiasts dedicated to sharing knowledge about popular home automation products like Home Assistant, Homey, and Domoticz. Read your water meter or gas meter using a triple-axis magnetometer by @tronikos Jan 3, 2025 · It connects to your energy meter’s P1 port and comes pre-installed with ESPHome firmware, automatically detected in Home Assistant. Report comment. With affordable hardware and simple instructions, you can turn any standard meter into a smart device. This makes it possible to also read natural gas consumption with the smart meter gateway. If your meter is DSMR/ESMR version 5, no external adapter is needed and the device can be powered from the P1 port. The automation calls counter increment service. Additionally, water meters from Fluvius in Belgium do not work because water meters are not included in the DSMR standard. Easiest and safest approach is to not interfere with the utility delivery, and treat this as a "removable" add-on Dec 31, 2023 · Hello. One of OFF, 1x, 3x, 7x, 15x, 31x, 63x and 127x. Meter Compatibility : The device is Enable this if the source sensor state is expected to reset to 0, for example, a smart plug that resets on boot. But my problem is that the workings of Aug 9, 2021 · The recent release of Home Assistant's energy dashboard inspired me to restore my gas and water utility meter monitors. MAX9611. relevant configuration parts from my config (just for reference): # ----- # Testing float to integers <WHOLE>. I bought a cheap water flow meter with built in hall sensor from ali, but it wasn’t accurate at low flow rates. Converting a Carro Home DC Fan to ESPHome by Bill Church. It was, however, necessary to solder the wires 16K subscribers in the Esphome community. gas_mbus_id (Optional, int): The id of the gas meter. Another address can be 0x77. 32428 - 12v AC Transformer - Jameco 167151. Feb 13, 2023 · Hi guys, I use binary_sensor and pulse_meter for my gas meter. Oct 7, 2021 · Hello, Please set which setting for gas consumption calculation is best. Mar 26, 2021 · Hi all, I am running water meter on ESP32 with ESPHome installed. If your gas meter is not yet smart, you may be able to make it smart with our Smart Gas Meter WiFi Gateway. This should be compatible will all the water meters the Flume water sensor is compatible with Jan 8, 2022 · Making my power and gas meters smart, I tried to read my gas meter (BK-G4) with a reed contact. 7 get an error when I want to update the FW for the gas Update gain_voltage for all phases in your ESPHome yaml, recompile and upload. Even that Building a device for reading the pulse count of a gas meter using a hall effect sensor, and sending the counter value to an MQTT broker for further processing. Particulate. yaml. ESPHome is a framework for working with ESP devices, and making them easier to setup and use in a home… Feels like it'll be a few more years before my SMETS1 gas and electric meters are migrated to the new network at their current rate, "By the end of 20XX". What is the Smart Meter ESPHome Edition? The Smart Meter ESPHome Edition from Smart Gateways is a practical device for monitoring energy consumption in Austria and other countries for Smart Meters with P1 port. This article will also cover the configuration that’s needed in Home Assistants to translate the ‘pulse’ to liters … Continue reading "Build a cheap water usage sensor using Using ESP8266 or ESP32 and QMC5883L or HMC5883L, a triple-axis magnetometer, to read your water meter or gas meter - tronikos/esphome-magnetometer-water-gas-meter I had just recently installed a remote read meter, but it will be probably read only by the electricity supplier, without providing me with home readout. Droplet Smart Irrigation System by PricelessToolkit. Gas Meter with reed switch and ESP8266 using Light Sleep and Blynk (which I can wake it up with a GPIOs). I can verify every time the wheel makes a loop ( till 9 ) and its at 0 value the sensor output gives a big negative value. 1 update it counted the pulses properly, 2-3m³\day. Automated Coffee Bean Roaster by brooksben11. But what I get just doesn’t make sense. So naturally, I had to make my gas meter smart as well. I’ve tried setting the target sensor up as a platform: homeassistant sensor and reading it back from there but I always get back a value of MAX Jul 7, 2022 · Does anyone have experiences with a sensor like this connected to an ESP32? I’m specifically worried about cable length, as the gas meter is roughly 2-3m away from my closest ESP32, and I don’t want to add a dedicated esphome node just for that sensor. The issue is that the counter is susceptible to false counts as an effect of other electrical devices kicking in, in your house, and causing some effect on the ESP power supply. To set up Mopeka Standard Check devices you first need to find their MAC Address so that ESPHome can identify them. ycnu oijed omjdb qacuy kckl zen jtmiw ampvs fvp ryvhmzf