7th cusp sub lord moon. MARRIAGE: The 7th cusp sub lord indicates ones marriage.
7th cusp sub lord moon What can be done for her to get married to decent spouse? Since the Cusp Sub lord governs, the matters of that house, and the 5th house of a female, governs amongst other things, the matter of children, we take the SUB LORD OF THE 5TH CUSP, AND more importantly, the Star Lord of this Sub Lord. It is Jupiter in the constellation of Moon, lord of 5 in 2. Prof. Mars – (Monthly periods for females) – 2,7, 12, which gives positive results The Lagna represents the self, while the Moon signifies the mind and emotions. Mercury in Mars Star, Mars is occupant of 11th House and lord of 1 and 6 Houses. In this KP Astrology lesson, we dive into how to predict marriage and relationship success using the 7th cusp sub-lord. Native was married on 21. If the sub lord signifies the 4th and 9th, one gets higher studies provided the 9th sub lord is not afflicted and occupies any of the barren signs such as Mesha, Mithuna, Simha or Kanya rasis ones education will be poor. Nov 22, 2018 · Saturn the 7th cusp sub-lord although in 5th is conjunct 6th cusp and in the star of Moon. Ascendant cuspal sub-lord or moon will signify the query 7. Venus the bhukthi lord is in the star of Sun in 1 and lord of 8th house and in Kethu sub. #learnkpastrology #Saturnin7thHouse #7thhousekpastrology #KPAstrologyLesson #kpastr 8. Jupiter also signifies negative houses of 6 and 12. Moon is in Venus star. Analysis Ascendant cuspal sub lord or moon will signify the query Sub Lord is Mars signifying 8, 11 and 12 – So query is confirmed. The sub-lord of the 7th cusp is deposited in a dual sign or in the constellation of a planet in or owning a dual sign or if the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is Mercury; and The sub-lord of the 7th cusp is also a significator of either of the houses 2 or 11. If the sub-lord of the 7th house has a connection with the 11th house, it could indicate success in forming relationships. Conversely, if the Sub Lord opposes the Star Lord, it lacks the strength to produce May 22, 2020 · Sir, what of 7th sublord mercury is signifying houses 4,8,11,12? The girl is 33 yrs not yet married. Mar 6, 2017 · Here the matter is continuing the occpation of a house, and as the Sub Lord ofthe IV cusp Saturn signifies III, he must leave the house forthwith and he can no longer continue to occupy it. 6666 = 0 degree 46 minutes 40 seconds. It provides examples of how 1. For instance, the 7th house cusp, which governs marriage and partnerships, would have its outcome heavily influenced by the sub-lord of that cusp. … The document discusses the concept of sublords in Krishnamurthy Paddhati astrology. Sexual Pleasure Through 7th Cusp and Sublord - Astrology - Free download as PDF File (. In KP astrology, the sub-lord holds a key position in determining the outcome of a specific event or aspect of a person’s life. The Sub Lord strength ofthe planet Saturn alone will finally indicate the result. (Leo 05 0. 2nd Cusp sub lord should also be probed in this aspect. 11th cusp 11th house 1st cusp 7th cusp 7th house Agra angular houses seventh significator sixth house Sloka sub-lord sub-lord of 7th Sun Ket Sun Moon Mars Sun Rah Nov 15, 2020 · 7th house talks about Marriage and Relationship 1. Hence 7th sub signifies 12,10,5 7 and 8 7th CSL Mars is under the sub of Venus which signifies 10,11 and 4 as per occupancy and ownership of Venus. Sep 28, 2024 · In your brother’s chart 7th cusp (marriage) sub lord is Mars. Later, Lagna starlord was included in RP. Someone who can complete them, and fill those empty parts that are lacking in relationships. Jupiter in 7th. Mercury is occupant of 7th House and lord of 3 and 12 houses. If the 7th cusp sub lord is Saturn, the husband will be an aged person, that is the age difference will be too much. if signifies 1,5,9,10 alongwith 3 & 8 promised… Here, in navamsa Your 6th lord venus is in 5th house aspected by saturn. 65. My 6th lord venus is in 7th house with jupiter, and 9th lord sun is in 5th house. MARRIAGE: -If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies the 2nd- 7th-and 11th and connected (signification) with inflicted VENUS, ones marriage is promised and the same fructifies during the conjoining period of 2nd 7th and 11th house significators. Rahu conjoined Aug 9, 2023 · Sub-Lord's Sign-Lord: The planet ruling the sign in which the sub-lord is situated. Planetary Aspects: The influence of other planets on the sub-lord. It is in terms of KP Rule of Cuspal Sub-Lord: The Cuspal Sub-Lord of a house indicates the promise of that particular event. Dec 2, 2024 · If the sub-lord indicates 8 and 12, even though Jupiter indicates growth factors still Dasha will not provide auspicious results. if the sub lord of the 7th cusp is the significator of 7, 8, 12 and 5, opponent is very powerfull in all walks of life. We do not use Cuspal Sub lord in horoscopes because it changes within minutes & seconds and the birth chart should be very accurate in order to give predictions based upon Cuspal Sub Lord but still there is a theory based on this. If the nakshatra lord and sub lord of 7th house cusp is no way connected with 2,7 or 11 house then there is no marriage yoga in person’s chart; If 7th lord goes in 12th house of isolation with ketu then the chances of no marriage is more; If 7th lord is aspected by many malefics like ketu and saturn, the chances of marriage is less Chart No. Sign, Star And Sub Table If the sub lord of the 3rd cusp signifying 3 and 11 tells receipt of letter, 3 and 11 houses to be judged and moon progressed for timing the event. Analysis. Oct 20, 2014 · I have heard that people saying 7th cusp sublord should signify 2,7,11 for marraige confirmation. Having own 4th & 7th houses. For example, when analyzing marriage prospects, we must look to the 7th house cusp, its sub-lord, and the planet Venus, the natural Karaka for love and union. It involves dividing for which the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is the deciding factor. Jupiter ruling 7th cusp Sub will make partner feel Love like duty. It lists the planet, star lord, sub-lord, and sub-sub-lord combinations and provides possible results. It explains that each constellation is divided into subdivisions based on the dasa sequence, with each planet ruling a portion of the constellation. 10. If Sun, Venus or Jupiter rules constellation or sub, then age difference will be normal and couple will adjust to each other tastes. a) If 12th house cuspal sub lord is not having signification or connection with 7 and 8 and 12 there will be no desire for marriage. There can be issues of domestic violence or an unsupportive and uncaring attitude towards your partner. Aug 1, 2023 · The Sub lord at the starting degree of any cusp is known as the Cuspal Sub Lord. 06”) : The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Mars. Sep 23, 2010 · Venus the bhukthi lord is in Jupiter star and Mars sub. But Sun ruling the 7th cusp Sub, doesn’t promise a good union. As per the birth time provided lagna/1st house falls in venus sign, moon star and mercury sub In your birth chart venus is in sub of jupiter. This theory is used to analyze YES/NO kind of events in KP astrology. DUAL MARRIAGE: -If the 7th cusp sub lord is Mercury or any planet occupying a dual sign, or any planet in the star of Mercury and occupying a dual sign being the sub lord of the 7th cusp sub lord, with 2nd & 11th house significations 11. Its starlord Saturn signify 12,7 and 8 by its occupancy and ownership. lord, and personal security. He will be sensual and love his wife dearly. May 7, 2023 · If the 7th cusp sub lord signifies 2-7-11th houses and the person with such Ruling Planets such as the significators to 2-7-11 one will marry a rich boy or a rich girl for a happy married life. Timestamped 12th house What will be the destiny prospects of 7th cusp if MOON is star LORD of MERCURY and MERCURY IS STAR LORD OF MOON WHO IS the worst. 7th Lord in Different Houses will results in 1st House as the native will have liaison with other women besides his wife or he may marry more than once. May 29, 2023 · If the 7th cusp sub lord signifies 2-7-11th houses and the person with such Ruling Planets such as the significators to 2-7-11 one will marry a rich boy or a rich girl for a happy married life. So 2nd sub Lord signifies 2,1,7,3,12,5,10 houses. Jupiter is also star lord on the cusp of 7th cusp. In Vedic Astrology, the house and the lords give results whereas in KP the cusp house, its star lord, and sub lord give results. If it is for business, consider the 10th and 6th houses in addition to III & IX cusp sub lords. pdf), Text File (. The document discusses the placement and results of the sublord of the 7th cusp in astrology. If the 7th sub-lord is either Mercury or any planet occupying a dual sign or deposited in the constellation of a planet in the dual sign, there will be more then one marriage. Aug 18, 2021 · Sun is occupant of 7th house and lord of 2nd house. Rahu agent for Sun 4 (P) owns 6th house. The same rule you can look for job (10th cusp), abroad fly (12th cusp 4. ôÿ f „ @ê{xDe3àrÒÚC@u&Ƹ¡?~ýù÷× ƒë ¦e;®çûÏ÷ ýwùù: Sb Ùñƒ„ÄÆé [^—Àön)ÃÈÖ±#bK^Iymêÿûýìûÿóóµ/óèéÛ y Ø ³PQ1‚ HPïÃU@ J ¢©Âךû~©ÿ}ý¢šIß®K‰@²Ó®èÈK–Íy±ß6˜ñiº›ål’ÙV€«L«z}ј=$5¡q @\š#-p „ˆKDˆ¤2™S Š¨ F &©ÌTµ÷ÿï«– ‚cèÜæ¢NÒ :å¢ñéÝå ^ñ €` ,ÀP€¢ ` ’zñã# AŠ Nov 12, 2019 · [ 5] VENUS is star lord, Sub lord and Sub sub lord of 7th who is own Sub. Here the matter is continuing the occpation of a house, and as the Sub Lord ofthe IV cusp Saturn signifies III, he must leave the house forthwith and he can no longer continue to occupy it. Aug 2, 2021 · 7th Cusp Sub lord is Rahu. Significators and Events. Moon is signifying 4, 7, and 11; Examine the 4th cusp. The transit of the Moon also helps to give the timing in even finer detail. Matters related to 12th Cusp and results based on placement on 12th sublord and significators in Krishnamurti Paddhati 1. He may marry someone whom he knew since childhood. 2016: Dasa lord Mercury will be transiting in Pisces sign, in Mercury star and Rahu sub; Bhukthi lord Sun in Pisces sign A connection between the 8th cusp sub lord and the 6th and 12th houses suggests surgery, especially if Mars, representing surgery, is involved. Marriage: if the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 2, 7 and 11 and with unafflicted Venus, 13, 1949. 2006 and Aug 29, 2021 · Moon – 10 Years – 4, 13, 22 Nakshatras Mars – 7 Years – 5, 14, 23 Nakshatras Rahu – 18 Years – 6, 15, 24 Nakshatras 2) At the Lagna star level—Lagna Starlord Rahu is having the RP Moon Starlord Mercury as his own star lord. Here are timestamped (video) explanations of 7th and 12th houses by 3 professional astrologers: Timestamped 7th house. As kp rule if cusp sublord do not signify any event that event will K. txt) or read online for free. Mars as seventh House Lord: Brings passion and energy to partnerships. It is in star of Mars who is in 6th. Sexual Pleasure Through 7th Cusp and Sublord - Astrology my friend 7th cusp sub lord moon signifying 1,4,5 moon star lord ketu signify 4,6,7,9 and its sublord sun signifying 2,3,9,12. Now, this 9 divisions of stars hold a real concept or true dignity of KP Astrology. However Jupiter is conjunct 7th cusp. For second marriage, house 2, 11 are to be judged. Rahu is in the star of Mercury and sub of Moon. It is in the Star of Jupiter and in the Sub of Saturn owning the 2nd. This document discusses the significance of the sub-lord of the 7th cusp in Vedic astrology and its relation to marriage, partnerships, business, and predictions. Financial Aspects: This house sheds light on borrowing tendencies. P. 💍💖 Nov 22, 2018 · Saturn the 7th cusp sub-lord although in 5th is conjunct 6th cusp and in the star of Moon. Mars is in the star of Moon and sub of Ketu. There is a slender chance that this For happy marital life: – If the 7th cusp sub lord is either Venus or Jupiter and if they signifies the 2nd and 11th, very happy marital life is promised. Ascendant cuspal sub lord or moon will signify the query; Sub Lord is Venus signifying 4, 3, 5, 6 and 2, 9 – So query is confirmed. This report gives you the details of the KP houses in your birthchart. Sub Lord: When the Star Lord opposes the Sub Lord, it weakens the power of the Sub Lord, potentially causing delays or denials. g 7th Cusp is the main cusp for marriage. - If the sublord signifies the 1st MARRIAGE: The 7th cusp sub lord indicates ones marriage. This will change the sub lord. Key points include: if the 7th cusp sub-lord signifies the 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses and is connected to Venus, marriage is promised; if it signifies the 1st, 6th, or 10th houses marriage may not occur; significations of the 5th, 8th This sub lord plays a critical role in influencing the affairs of that particular house. The lords of "Sub" divisions are also known as "Sub Lords" in kp system. 4th house through Ketu, who is the sub lord of Moon. It indicates that it is better to go for a job but you like to invest in business. If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 2, 7 and 11 and the girl born with such ruling planets( as are the significators of 2, 7 and 11)n you can marry rich girl for harmonious married life. KP Rule of Star Lord vs. 12. If the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 2nd and 7th bhavas, the reunion fructifies during the conjoined period of … Read more The 7th cusp sub lord is the planet to indicate the time of marriage in his dhasa periods. In my case 7th sub lord is jupiter which signifies 6,9,12 Jupiter star lord is moon signifies 4,5 Jupiter Sub lord is venus signifies 11,2,7 Jupiter sub sub lord is also venus again What does this indicate? I am very keen to know how to check KP Astrology Lesson - 45 | 7th Cusp Sub Lord Saturn | Saturn in 7th House. 4. lord Mars in own house (negative house) with ketu, rather with the nodal axis with Rahu in the 8th, which is adverse for smooth home life. If the 9th cusp sub lord signifies the 11th house, there is Nov 11, 2024 · Sun as seventh House Lord: Indicates a desire for a partner who is confident, authoritative, and perhaps in a leadership role. You might be Here the house and 3 stars are fixed due to the equal house concept. 7TH LORD IN HOUSES 7th Lord in 1st House. The 8th cusp sub lord’s signification can hint at a person’s tendency to take or repay loans. Generally the Moon, or its Star Lord or its Sub Lord, If the Cuspal Sub Lord of the Ascendant or the 11th cusp is posited in house 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, or 11, or if it Oct 20, 2012 · Krishna Kumar Bagri The SubLord is it just a marker and con-firmer for the StarLord results, or does it have any independent role as such ? Dec 8, 2021 · learn kp astrology – 22, 7th Cusp Sub lord, विवाह फलादेश marriage in kp astrologyshivay astrologerContact or WhatsApp us at our Number: 7296978417https://shi Suppose 7th CUSP sub lord is Venus Venus (7) star Mercury (5,11) sub (4,6,) As 7th house is source [partnership ] star indicate 5,11 means [love and romance, satisfaction,gain ] So first matter will go in this way love affairs which turn into marraige is 1st part of life Dec 12, 2024 · Your bhukti lord is Moon. DUAL MARRIAGE: - If the 7th cusp sub lord is Mercury or any planet occupying a dual sign, or any planet in the star of Mercury and occupying a dual sign being the sub lord of the 7th cusp sub lord, with 2nd & 11th house significations 11. Direction of Spouse in Astrology :- 7th house - house of marriage 7th house /cusp sublord decide- promise or fructification of marriage event through it's nakshatra lord So , for marriage related all events focus on these 2 planets then 7th house lord & last venus condition. DUAL MARRIAGE: – If the 7th cusp sub lord is Mercury or any planet occupying a dual sign, or any planet in the star of Mercury and occupying a dual sign being the sub lord of the 7th cusp sub lord, with 2nd & 11th house significations 17. As long as 7th cusp sub lord signifies any of marriage houses, marriage cannot be denied even though negative house are signified. Mercury is aspected by Mars, lord of 2. One must see the XI house occupants and the sub lord of the XI cusp sub lord’s significations, for fruitions. If Jupiter rules over constellation or sub of 7th cusp, sex will be pleasant, normal and satisfying. The 3rd shows leaving home; … Read more Apr 8, 2024 · In KP, it's not just about the cusp sub-lords (CSL) showing promises, but also about understanding the power of the Karakas – the planets that signify specific events. Transit Shani travels this house between now & Oct 2017, stressing the 7th. Aug 23, 2013 · 1. Hence this indicates a second marriage. If Mercury governs constellation or sub, more talking is done on bed and sex will be completed only after some intervals and possible disturbance. The 7th cusp sublord is Rahu and is in the star of retrograde Mercury. If venus rules constellation or sub of 7th cusp, both will have extreme pleasure. If the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies 4H, 5H, 11H, this can give a hidden love affair, leading to disappointment. In the worst sub lord of the star must not be retro. Rahu is an agent of Jupiter, who is the sub lord of 2nd cusp. 7th Cusp Sub Lord – Star – If retrograde event will not takes place. 2. There is a slender chance that this Jai Shri Hari 7th CSL should signify 2,7 or 11 ( enough for promise of marriage ) Venus' and Jupiter's blessings are needed for marriage ( for Males N females respectively mars too ) If 5th house is connected without strong 4-6-8-12 then love marriage is also promised. Jupiter is Maraka Badaka lord and 2nd csp star lord. But mars is debilitated in both the cases. If they are slow moving planets, there will be delay in analysis of the problem. We see planets in the Lagna chart but to check the strength we have to see various divisional charts. The possible results range from events taking place with delays or obstructions, to events being denied, based on the commitments and involvements of the different lords at each level. KP Astrology. Mercury in the star of Mars. Venus is the chief governor for marriage. Aug 15, 2021 · 7th Lord in Pushya Nakshatra:- Problems in married life due to workaholic attitude and addiction towards liquor and smoking. Jul 20, 2015 · KP & 7th Sublord:Sublord 1. 16. In case the sub-lord of the 7th cusp does not signify any Sign, Star, Sub & Sub-Sub Lord with Horary Number. 3) At the Lagna sub level—Lagna sub lord Jupiter is the Starlord of RP Moon sublord Saturn. Here the cusp starts at 0 and ends at 30 degrees. 3. Moon is also conjunct 6th. Venus Dec 12, 2024 · Your bhukti lord is Moon. Virgo in the Seventh House: Natives with this cusp are always in look for someone who is down to earth. Here one should understand to consider the 3rd cusp sub lord and the 9th cusp sub lord’s significations for success in negotiations with each other parties. Marriage: if the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 2, 7 and 11 and with unafflicted Venus, marriage is promised and the same fructifies in. 1. The sub lord of the 7th cusp is deposited in a dual sign or in the constellation of a planet in or owning a dual sign or if the sub lord of the 7th cusp is mercury and the sub lord of the 7th cusp is also a significator of either of the houses 2 or 11. Higher Education is seen through the 9th cusp sub lord. Moon conjoins 7th lord and Venus aspected by a node or Saturn; Combinations for fondness for wife/devoted to husband 1. Ketu signifies Mars (lord of 10th) and 11th house also. To calculate the sub-lord, you need to understand the concept of star lord as this is divided into nine sub-divisions, known as sub-lord. Your 7th cusp (house of business) sub lord Moon is in 10th house (house of profession), in the star of Ketu in 1st house (self efforts) and in the sub of Venus (Venus in turn is in the star of The KP house system is different from the one used in Vedic astrology. Because the Ascendant (the cusp of your 1st House of Personality) is the sign that represents the self you show to the world, then the Descendant, or 7th house cusp, is the sign that denotes the qualities that you have but do not consciously own. Sub lord of 7th cusp is Rahu; 10. 2nd house is about one’s family 7th house is about a partner, 11th is about the fulfilment of desire. KP Reader-4, 1996 Look at the sub lord of the 8th cusp. Mars is in the star of Moon (lord of 6th house – separation) in 9th house. MARRIAGE: -If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies the 2nd- 7th-and 11th and connected (signification) with inflicted VENUS, ones marriage is promised and the same Aug 20, 2010 · Jupiter is in trine to 2nd cusp and sextile to 12th cusp. Moon as seventh House Lord: Suggests emotional connection is paramount in relationships. The sublord, which rules a narrow range of the zodiac, plays a dominant role in deciding the significations of planets and house cusps. The sub-lord of the 7th cusp plays a crucial role in determining the outcome of a marriage prediction. Nov 13, 2014 · Your 7th. Wiki Help. Moreover, all the 12 bhavas may not be of equal length. Break up in Love Affair. 7th Lord in Anuradha Nakshatra:- Some people may suffer from the loss of spouse within few years of marriage. Marriage: if the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 2, 7 and 11 and with unafflicted Venus, marriage is promised and the same fructifies in the Marriage: if the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 2, 7 and 11 and with unafflicted Venus, KP Astrology has its own way prediction for marriage 1. The 7th cusp sub will indicate the marital matters of the native. May 18, 2023 · If the 7th cusp sub lord signifies 2-7-11th houses and the person with such Ruling Planets such as the significators to 2-7-11 one will marry a rich boy or a rich girl for a happy married life. Moon signifies 6th house and 2nd house through Sun. various sub lords 1st cusp 1. When the dhasa changes and if the dhasa lord is a significator to 7th and 2nd & 10th one starts a business for his earnings. Mercury is occupant of 7th house and lord of 8 and 11 houses. • 7th Cuspal Sublord if signify 7or 2 or 11 then the marriage is 11. As 4th house is 12th to the 5th house of love. Kethu is the sublord for 7th cusp. 53 birmingham, alabama moon was in Jupiter sign, star of ketu and sub of jupiter. 7th Cusp Sub Lord of the Sub – If retrograde after that planet direct in transit event will takes place. 20’. Politics: – To become a politician, the 10th sub lord should signify 1st, 6th, 9th, 10th and the 11th Aug 18, 2021 · 7th Cusp Sub lord Mars signifies positive houses of 11, 2,,7,5 and negative houses of 8,10,12, indicates problems. Since mars is in retrograde, it would give the results of 7th house too. It’s in Sagittarius 7:42:22 degrees. Ketu is aspected by Saturn and Jupiter. Dec 4, 2020 · If he is a significator to 2nd and 11th houses, one’s marriage is promised. Your mercury is exalted in 10th house. The 7th. longevity :- sub lord of the ascendant cusp if signifies bhadaka and maraka houses short life. 6. Star lord Moon is occupant of 8, owner of 5. Birth of a child is denied, if the 5th … Read more • The cusp of a house is considered as the beginning of a house. Love will be mechanical and lasts for smaller durations. 3333 = 2 degree 13 minutes 20 seconds. Mars is occupant of 11, owner of 2-9. As 8th (from 9th ) sub lord Rahu is with Sun and afflicted by Saturn his father died suddenly might be because of Cardiac problem Dec 4, 2020 · The simplest way to know is by KP System, in which significators and sub lords decide if a particular issue will materialize or not. Since each Nakshatra has its own lord and sub lord, the timing can be very precisely If the 7th cusp sub lord is sun – no pleasure, moon – very pleasant, mars – silly quarrels and displeasure, Mercury – enjoys more than ones, Jupiter – pleasant, Venus – extreme pleasure, Lust, Saturn dissatisfaction in intercourse and duration short. The wife will have all the comforts and will be of good SUBJECT MATTERS PERTAINING TO 5TH CUSP SUBLORD in KRISHNAMURTI PADDHATI 1. Key points include: - If the sublord of the 7th cusp signifies the 2nd, 7th and 11th houses connected to Venus, marriage is promised during the conjoining period of those houses. Span of a Sub Lord Sun = (6 / 120) X 800 = 40 = 0 degree 40 minutes 00 seconds. If one analyses the sub lord of that cusp, one will be able to predict whether such matter indicated by that house will fructify or not. That is why, I expected The document contains a table that predicts results for different planetary configurations in the seventh cusp. Jupiter-Moon in 7th. So sun became strong significator of 2nd house. For more than one marriage Prof. You are jobless in Moon period only. Moon is signifying 8, 3 and 5 Examine the 5th cusp. 5. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 5. For instance, the cuspal sub lord of the 7th house will have a say in matters concerning relationships, marriage, and partnerships. If one wants to find out your future and consult an astrologer, if your 7th cusp sub lord is fast moving planet like Moon, Mercury, or Venus, the astrologer will predict immediately. Sep 24, 2024 · Rahu is in the sub of Jupiter in 2nd house in Ketu star in 1st house. 9. Venus conjoins 10th lord in Aries/Scorpio. 7. Explore our collection of 7th+cusp+sub+lord+is+saturn images that will inspire and captivate your imagination. If the 5th cusp sub lord is the significator of 6 native breaks the relationship, if significator of 12 then the other person breaks the relationship. Mar 26, 2017 · If it signifies the 2nd and 9th, it will be a love marriage or a foreigner. Moon is in the star of Mercury (lord of 5th) (a dual planet) in a dual sign. Span of a Sub Lord Moon = (10 / 120) X 800 = 66. So Venus is a strong significator for marriage. Marital experiences vary based on the 7th cusp’s sub lord: Sun means no joy, Moon indicates happiness, Mars suggests conflicts, Mercury means multiple pleasures, Jupiter ensures contentment, Venus brings intense joy, and Saturn leads to dissatisfaction. If it signifies 1st 6th 10th, one may not come under marital fold. The day was Friday and Moon just entered the star of 7th Cusp Sub Lord – If retrograde after that planet direct in transit event will takes place. Rahu is occupant of 9th House, which is in Mercury star. Mar 23, 2017 · Moon Rahu Rahu Mercury Rahu Rahu Moon Jupiter Venus Venus 27-21-41 III 25-19 II 21-19 Moon 17-51-16 Mars 10-42-14 I 19-57-59 Rahu 6-37-14 94 Sun 2-46-01 V27-19 VI 24-19 NIRAYANA BHAVACHAKRAM Balance in Moon period at birth 4 y - 0 m - 14 days XII 24-19 Ketu 6-37-24 VIII 19-57-59 Jupiter 28-08-30 VIII 21-9 Sub - Lord Speaks Moon is in Langa What is 7th cusp in astrology? The 7th cusp denotes an astrologer’s predction. In case the sub-lord of the 7th cusp does not signify any Also must verify the 7th cusp sub lord & sub lord of star & sub must not be retro. If the sub lord of 7th cusp is a significator to the 11th house and sits in the 6th bhava, one should not think that the native is getting married. Ketu is in sub of Venus and venus is the starlord of Moon. The Star Lord of the Planet: (Same house resident, houses owned) 3. If he is a significator to 2nd and 11th houses, ones marriage is promised. Mercury and Moon are in each others' sign. Mars is in 11th house. Sep 22, 2024 · The sub-lord of the house cusp is believed to give the final outcome of the matters related to that house. For foreign trip: – One should analyze the houses 3rd 9th and 12th and the cusp sub lords of these houses individually. If one wants to find out your future and consult an astrologer, if your 7th cusp sub lord is fast moving planet like Moon, Mercury, or Venus, the astrologer will predict immediately. • KSK also invented the ‘Ruling Planets’ for KP, which were the Lagna lord, Moon starlord, Moon signlord and Daylord at the time and place of judgment of the astrologer. Modified Dasha System 2. Venus in exaltation. Aug 8, 2010 · Here the 7th Cusp sub lord is Mercury and he is in the star of Rahu and sub of his own. Mar 11, 2018 · If it signifies the 2nd and 9th, it will be a love marriage or a foreigner. If the 6th cusp sub lord is a significator to 1st 6th and 11th there is success in litigation is promised. Venus is with Mercury the Badaka lord and 2nd cusp sublord. Venus is in trine with Moon the 2nd lord and sub lord. The SUB LORD of the Planet: 4. Moon is conjoined with 7th lord Sun. In the second one also Saturn is 7th cusp sub-lord (and also the 6th). That is why, I expected c) page 182. But jupiter is in 7th house. if the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 2, 7 and 11 and the girl born with such rulling planets( as are the significators of 2, 7 and 11)n you can marry rich girl for harmonious married life. No planet is in the star of Mars and Mars is the CSL of 6. If the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies 5H, 6H, 12H, this will Aug 22, 2014 · Let us first read what Shree KSK said about a “chaste wife”: If the sub-lord of the seventh cusp is neither Mars, Venus, nor Saturn; also if the sub-lord of the seventh is not deposited in the constellation of Mars, Venus, Saturn; or occupying one of the signs belonging to Mars, Venus, or Saturn; the girl will be chaste. Sub lord is Rahu Rahu – Ve – Ju Rahu is posited at 5th house. Now these planets should be in the ruling planets, if not then you will have to check the time, and increase or decrease few minutes. If this sub lord is posited in the star of the 2nd or 7th house (maraka houses) or posited in the badhaka house (11th house for Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn [cardinal signs], 9th house for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius [fixed signs], and 7th house for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces [mutable Discover trending stunning Sketch Rendering of 7th+cusp+sub+lord+is+saturn images at PromeAI. KSK Centenary Celebrations Year -2008 CUSPAL SUBLORD IS THE KING • Main house Cuspal SUBLORD if signify the main or auxiliary houses then the matter will fructify in the Dasa Bhuki and antara of the significators of these cusps • e. For love marriages, one of the 5th house significator should be the sub lord of 7th house. For example – If Saturn is the 1st house cusp sub lord, and involving sub 1 6 8 Matters signified by the sublord of 11th cusp in Krishnamurti Paddhati 1. KP Astrology utilizes a specific set of rules to determine whether a planet Sep 28, 2020 · Lord of the Moon Nakshatra/star; Sign Lord of the Moon Rashi/sign ; Ruler of the day of the week; The transit of the Sun usually helps to place the month of the event within the year. If it is Jupiter or Venus or Sun, there will be proper age difference. If the 4th cusp sub lord is signifying the 8th or 12th, causes breaks in education, or change of institutions every year, or no education to the native. If the 7th cusp sub lord is the significator of 5 or 11 then love marriage is promised. The Planet itself (House residence, Houses Owned) 2. It provides insights into how the sublord influences marital life and relationships. 11. The Star Lord Jupiter aspects the 7th cusp, Moon owns the 7th, Mercury is in the 7th, and Rahu is in the 2nd. Moon is occupant of 2nd house and lord of 9th house. Sub-Lord's Star-Lord's Position: The position of the star-lord of the sub-lord in the chart. Reunion with spouse: – For marriage we consider the houses 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses. If the sub lord to the 3rd, cusp is deposited in the constellation of the significators of 6 and 11, there will be success in appeal – on petition – request in courts. . Mars is the lord of 2nd and 9th house. P, VEDIC & NADI ASTROLOGY ( Aacharya Pankaj ) | my friend 7th cusp sub lord moon signifying 1,4,5 moon star lord ketu signify 4,6,7,9 and its Practical Application: For example, for predicting marriage, an astrologer would analyze the 7th house cusp’s sub-lord, and how it relates to the houses that signify marriage (2nd, 7th, and 11th). Only the sub-lord of the cusp is considered which is related to the question not the sub-lord in the star. Discover the influence of the 2nd, 7t for which the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is the deciding factor. Sep 21, 2024 · The Cuspal Sub Lord Theory in KP Astrology states that if the sub-lord of a prime house denies the corresponding event, it is unlikely to happen even if the time periods support it. Sublord of 7th cusp, its relation with other significators and Results in Krishnamurthi Paddhati 1. Further it is divided into 27 equal parts of 13 degree 20 minutes each, known as Nakshatra or Star. The cusp and the sub lord of that cusp is the deciding factor (SUB LORD). Cuspal Sub lord 6th Cusp. Sun is in the Moon star. Again, each star is divided into 9 divisions, known as "Sub". Strong significators of 5°°,12°° and it is favourable for friendship and marital life , though signifying 8th Cusp through Saturn and this is harmful though being 9th lord in 8th not so bad for prospects of 7th cusp. Venus conjoins 7th lord in Aries/Scorpio. 6666 = 1 degree 6 minutes 40 seconds May 5, 2023 · How do I find the 7th sub Lord cusp? The 7th cusp denotes an astrologer’s predction. Sensitive D/B/A A) Mercury Dasa, Sun Bhukthi, Rahu Antara is from 11-3-2016 to 27-04-2016 B) Mercury Dasa – Sun Bhukthi and Saturn Antara which start from 07-06-2016 till 26-072016 Step-5 – Transit At the end of March. Moon has the signification of job, day to day attendance, finance and success in your home town. Jan 25, 2012 · SUB HARMONIC ANALYSIS 7th sub Mars signify 12,10 and 5 by occupancy and ownership. 7th Cusp Sub-Lord and its Significance. If the sub lord of the 2nd cusp, becomes a significator to the 2nd and 11th or by conjunction with either of the significators of the 2nd or 11th, and in a key post, he will get money in a secret way or under the table in his transactions. Venus is lord of 12 and sub lord for 7th cusp. b) signification of 6 cusp with 12th cusp is also to be taken into consideration Marriage & Age Gap: Age gaps in marriage hinge on the 7th cusp’s sub lord: Saturn indicates a wide gap, Jupiter, Venus, and Sun suggest a balanced gap, while Moon, Mars, or Mercury mean minimal And use the sign the 12th house cusp actually lands in (house cusps have specific degree positions just like planets do), and then look into the planetary ruler of that sign. Basically marriage can be denied, if 7th cusp sub lord signifies only 1,6,10, 4 negative houses without signification of any of 2,7,11 marriage houses. Childbirth: -The houses 2nd, 5th, 11th indicate birth of a child, if the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies the 2nd, 5th, and 11th houses. Cast the horoscope of the native in question and see who is the sub lord of 7th cusp. THE FOUR STEPS TO DETERMINE HOUSES SIGNIFIED BY ANY PLANET ARE: 1. Span of a Sub Lord Venus = (20 / 120) X 800 = 133. May 5, 2023 · If the 7th cusp sub lord signifies 2-7-11th houses and the person with such Ruling Planets such as the significators to 2-7-11 one will marry a rich boy or a rich girl for a happy married life. lord Mars with Ketu also negates direct action towards the (marriage) signification. This is the stellar strength of the Sub Lord ofthe IV cusp. Some 10. Krishnamurti has said that the only rule to be followed is to note the sub-lord of the 7th cusp. The 12th house represents losses, hidden agendas, defects, and disappointments. and this Saturn in 8th means 2nd to 7th also indicates that spouse will be a earning member For example, if the sub-lord of the 7th house cusp is Venus, which represents love, beauty, and harmony, and it is placed in a favorable house, such as the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, or 11th house, it can indicate a favorable period for marriage or a harmonious and loving relationship. Therefore, the given birth time is correct. If sublord of 2nd cusp or 7th lord are afflicted by Ketu, the person will stammer to speak Dec 30, 2024 · How do I find the 7th sub Lord cusp? The 7th cusp denotes an astrologer’s predction. Sub lord is Jupiter; Jupiter – Me – Ve; Jupiter is posited at the 3rd house. It’s in Cancer 25:00:30 degrees. Though Rahu signifies the 7th house, will the retrogression of Mercury deny marriage? Also both Venus and Mercury are in the Sub of Ketu whose star lord Mars is signifying 1,6 and 10. MARRIAGE: -If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies the 2nd- 7th-and 11th and connected (signification) with inflicted VENUS, ones marriage is promised and the same fructifies during the conjoining … Nov 15, 2020 · 7th house talks about Marriage and Relationship 1. Ascendant star lord; Moon sign; Moon star; Day lord; Check 1st cusp script…note the planets. Jan 13, 2009 · Span of a Sub Lord Ketu = (7 / 120) X 800 = 46. About disease: – The 6th sub lord reveals the type disease. The Star Lord of this sub Sub Lord in KP Astrology and How to Calculate it. 4. So, this gentleman’s Lagna position in the star of Rahu (Aridra) is also correct. 7th cusp sub lord is Rahu is with saturn who is lord of 7th from 7th house hence second issue could not survive. For example, in questions related to marriage, only the sub-lord of the seventh cusp is considered instead of If he is a significator to 2nd and 11th houses, ones marriage is promised. KSK Centenary Celebrations Year -2008Prof. You may seek a nurturing and caring partner. Significance of the Sub Lord in Astrology:The sub lord is an extension of the K. 7th lord with Saturn in 12th; 9. If the same 7th cusp sub lord is a significator to 1st or 6th or 10th his marriage is denied in most cases. To get back ones entangled money, the sub lord of the 6th cusp should be a significator to 2nd 6th and 11th and not connected in any manner to Saturn. Mars is occupant of 10th house and lord of 5 and 10 houses. If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is the significator of 7, 8, 12 and 5, opponent is very powerful in all walks of life. 02. For getting off springs, you look in to the 5th cusp sub lord and so on. What does the 7th house in birth chart mean? Get your personalized Janampatri online to recognize. 3 is of a female who was born in Pushyami Star tallying with 1st cusp sublord, first issue was born in Jyeshta star and 5th cusp sublord Venus is in the Ashlesha/ Mercury star. Besifes this MOON IS DEBILITATED. If the star lord of the 4th cusp sub signifies the 12th and 4th it indicates ones education may be in a foreign country in some cases where the 4th sub lord negates the 4th house matters. Star (Nakshatra) Table. system's specificity. If the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is connected in any manner -by lordship, occupation, constellation or sub to houses 2, 7 or 11 or the sub-lord is conjoined with a signif icatorof houses 2, 7, 11, marriage is certainly promised. If the 5th cusp sub lord is the significator of 2 or 7 or 11 then love marriage is promised. If the Lagna and Moon are strongly connected to the 7th house, it indicates a high possibility of marriage. May 7, 2023 · The 7th house is much more about you than you realize. The Basic principle of KP is that A Planet gives the results indicated by its Star Lord and Sub Lord. Third ôÿ f „ @ßûðˆÊÞ Sg椵‡€êLŒqC üúóï¯ ×?LËv\Ï÷ÿå»üÿq˜Œv «ÛV(É’Œ 2"á{š4 é›Ð,Ö–jË*,U)U% âÖZ Ìßè;ŸdÞß/¿ïöç+Ë ôÿ f „ @ßûðˆÊÞ Sf@õ¤Õî! : cÜÐ ¿þüûËÀØ Ëv\Ï÷Ÿ¬ÿ_·7«Sr” Ê‚ Ò9 Éj—‡_îòôœv÷»ÏåÈ èª ‰–D &ân¶ ÚoîdûU Apr 25, 2019 · today on 17th June, 2019 @14. fwkz gcb xzlctn uyipoqz zixl yatk zghd qvmanhv hwi tcduqqi