Liquibase foreign key
Liquibase throws "SQLException: connection is closed" 2. MySQL InnoDB Cluster necessitates that all tables intended for replication must have either a primary key or a not-null unique constraint. 0 Sep 28, 2021 · liquibase. In fact it is in the second row of the result. I added a foreign key constraint on multiple column. 10 version. I use Liquibase 3. Deploy your changeset by running the update command: Sep 15, 2016 · If you look at the result of your query, the foreign key bid_ibfk_3 already exists. The xml for generating FK produced by difftochangelog is I need two instances of my application on one application server. cpjust June 25, 2010, 5:23pm 1. I don’t want to keep foreign key constraint on new database. Either tableName or primaryKeyName is required: tableName: The name of the table containing primary key. Here the stack: Mar 16, 2022 · Foreign Key Contraints. <loadUpdateData. Not all databases support such a constraint, so we try to have the dropAll be smart about the ordering. But if you are 100% you need that. I did not find it in any documentation that it does not work, Apr 12, 2011 · The problem seems to be caused by the generated SQL used to retrieve the list of foreign keys to drop. Either tableName or primaryKeyName is required. primaryKey="id". Jul 8, 2010 · This is weird. LiquibaseSerializable Jun 24, 2011 · It does not appear as though liquibase can handle the foreign keys out of the box without manual intervention in the changelog. The second problem that I’m seeing is that the table names are showing up in the database through Liquibase as all upper-case, but when you Sep 11, 2012 · Hi. How you do that depends on your database, but you can include something like: <sql>SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;</sql>. Then, run the following command in the CLI: liquibase diff-changelog --changelog-file=example-changelog. Pass the Liquibase Pro license key while using a docker container. Create a foreign key relationship in Table Designer Use SQL Server Management Studio. Dockers allow the use of in the command. yml –url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@${L_PDB_CONNECT_STRING} Uses. nvoxland December 30, 2010, 12:20pm 2. Additional Context. My problem is the following: The index’s name and the tablespace’s name are automatically chosen by Oracle because none of them are explicitly specified. We use MySQL and PostgreSQL, and for MySQL this is done by MySQL, but it is not done for PostgreSQL. name:4 ALTER TABLE person ADD worksfor_company_id INT; --changeset your. Valid values: primaryKey, foreignKey, uniqueConstriant, none. Here is the xml i am using: Apr 11, 2022 · @thangdc94 lookup the excludeObjects parameter combined with a regex expression (assuming that, hopefully, the foreign keys have a standard naming in place that you can use (having some sort of “static” reference in the names so you can use regex against, i. The dropForeignKeyConstraint change type drops an existing foreign key. So, I can't use dropForeignKey and I need to use dropAllForeignKey. Run the liquibase update command. Dec 16, 2021 · What I did so far: cutting down the code to only contain the part that does not work (see below) I tried both @OneToMany with @JoinTable as well as with @JoinColumn, and I also tried the same with @ManyToMany to rule out an issue with @OneToMany. So basically because we alter the table after the table name has changed, the foreign keys break. That extension should keep the addForeignKey from even showing in the generated changelog. Given some research, we found that dropping foreign key Aug 29, 2018 · As per my understanding, you will be having a foreign key in number table which will represent the user to whom the number will be associated. 8 org. When examining the resulting yml file, the foreign key changeset does not include: referencedTableSchemaName baseTableSchemaName How can I have these two parameters included? My current sytnax: liquibase –changeLogFile=dbchangelog. I’m trying to hook up Liquibase and H2 to my Spring application, and run integration tests against it. sql foreign-key-relationship Nov 13, 2021 · Liquibase drop foreign key constraints issue. When I try to apply the changelog created by generateChangeLog, my foreign keys all fail because they cannot find the primary key. First part is load tenant data: <comment>Insert data for tenant table</comment>. General Discussion. xml. There seem to be two reasons for this. Here s the updateSQL output below: – Ran at: 5/22/09 10:50 AM – Agai Run dropNotNullConstraint. I used the ant task to perform the update. some_pk integer not null primary key, some_value integer not null, other_value integer not null, constraint some_greater_other check (some_value > other_value) The easiest solution is to disable FK checks before inserting and re-enable them after. For more information on command arguments, see the init project page. . tableName="tenant"/>. This is causing liquibase to attempt to drop the constraint multiple times. This is typically only done when a project has an existing database, but hasn't used Liquibase before. The problem arose after upgrading Liquibase from 4. (the database is Oracle). g. Hi, How can I handle foreign key constraints for multiple databases? For example, I have the following snippet from a changeset. The code comment says because Redshift does not support calls to MetaData. 1. Created jira issue CORE-921 Apr 23, 2011 · ‘4’ is possibly because I’m using the MySQL MyISAM engine which I believe doesn’t support foreign key constraints, so although the Hibernate mappings would try to apply them, they cannot actually stick in the database, so liquibase doesn’t see them and thinks they need re-creating. e FK1, FK2 or FKey1 etc)). In our application we are generating the changelog. alana_cable December 3, 2009, 10:26pm 1. 2 version: These are the only change log which Feb 2, 2018 · Cyclic foreign key constraints are usually not a good idea. When recreating it, it adds the foreign key constraint, but without the ON DELETE CASCADE. Deploy your changeset by running the update command: Sep 21, 2020 · If I turn on and off the Mysql server a bunch of the foreign keys disappear as well and the referenced table name is reverted. schemaName: The name of the primary key's Apr 21, 2016 · [CORE-2184] – diff doesn’t write correct Changesets for foreign key constraints with ON DELETE CASCADE [CORE-2211] - Liquibase tries to execute commented lines in custom SQL file [CORE-2213] - Liquibase does not support comments in a line after the semicolon [CORE-2333] - loadData fails with quoted string containing a comma May 26, 2009 · I tried to add a couple of new columns with one column as a foreign key to another table and it didn t create the FK constraint. before your <insert> tags and. structure. Jun 9, 2021 · This seems to happen because Liquibase translates the addColumn into renaming the table, recreating it, copying data over and dropping the renamed table. Hot Network Questions Specify the Method for `NIntegrate` to evaluate a Mar 31, 2022 · I’m using liquibase to migrate schema for read only purpose database. Nested Class Summary. Use the table on this page to see which ones your database requires. xml via CLI command. Sep 30, 2016 · @godzsa: the foreign key is defined through the references="users(id)" part. Nov 25, 2013 · I'm on a good way but I'm a bit stuck with creating the foreign keys. def projekt_classics bid_ibfk_2 projekt_classics bid FOREIGN KEY --the row below is the foreign key that you are trying to create def projekt_classics bid_ibfk_3 projekt_classics bid FOREIGN KEY def projekt_classics car_ibfk_1 projekt_classics car FOREIGN KEY def Best Java code snippets using liquibase. I'm trying to MARK_RAN if foreignKey already exists so I just create the FK if it is absent. springframework. Here is the xml for the changeset: … Feb 27, 2011 · Hi, I’m trying out Liquibase, but I can’t figure out how to add a check constraint for a table. To add foreign key constraints, within the 01-createCPSTables. Jan 5, 2010 · We’re using postgres 8. Is there a way to ignore foreign key constraint in generateChangeLog or in update Sep 22, 2016 · I double checked the Liquibase script and the database, a foreign key named SOME_TABLE_1_FK already exists in the database. It is pretty much the syntax you'd use in SQL: foreign key user_id references users(id) – Dec 3, 2009 · Oracle and Foreign Key Constraints. To generate sql Oct 4, 2022 · FBurguer changed the title generateChangeLog - SEVERE [liquibase. Only the RENAME TABLE, ADD COLUMN, and RENAME COLUMN variants of the ALTER TABLE command are supported. The root cause should be that the Liquibase script is going to add a foreign key named SOME_TABLE_FK but a foreign key named SOME_TABLE_1_FK already exists with same reference details and different name. My environment uses Oracle 10g. I have an issue that i am inserting a book into 1 table and then when i come to insert the page there is a foreign key that i need to then select from the book table for the book that has just been inserted. But if I make an ALTER to the table (E. In Object Explorer, right-click the table that will be on the foreign-key side of the relationship and select May 15, 2012 · When I attempt to add a foreign key constraint to a unique constraint (not a pk, thought it is not null and unique), I get the error: addFroeignkey not supported on msserver. 9. For example: Set the Liquibase Pro license key as an environment variable in the command line. In the following example, I have created a second test table, which will contain a foreign key shared with the primary key of the first test_table. However, when liquibase is trying to drop all objects it bumps into foreign key checks. Can anyone else confirm this as a bug? Dec 30, 2010 · liquibase 1. yaml file create a new change-set and increment the change-set id as done above. core. May 10, 2012 · The script i have written produces the Liquibase changeSet’s. My question is should I need to drop FK first and then drop Composite Keys and then form the composite key in the order as shown below . (In general I'm creating preconditions which expects various objects to NOT exists and on fail MARK_RAN the change). Any help is appreciated. You need to first create both tables, and then add the foreign keys Oct 4, 2011 · Hi all, I use Liquibase to update our ‘main’ MySQL databases on each environment as part of a Maven build. Jan 31, 2010 · The FK is definitely not getting created. Jun 29, 2010 · For some reason, when I run the Liquibase version on MySQL the foreign keys don’t get created, even though I see an ALTER TABLE statement that adds the foreign key. On DB2, when I diff a changelog to an empty database, then apply the resulting changelog from the diff, Liquibase gets confused which schema is being referred to. To generate the create that I inserted in my first post, i used “show create table Task” I am using liquibase 1. ForeignKey (Showing top 3 results out of 315) liquibase. x; I added dropFirst to my pom. It seems this does not work, as the generated addForeignKeyConstraints does not contain comma separated baseColumnNames nor referencedColumnNames. 2. Aug 31, 2010 · Hi, I’m using liquibase rc-5. RELEASE Dec 21, 2009 · When I add a foreign key constaint on a table, liquibase generates and executes a drop constraint statement before creating the constraint. Setting the value attribute sets all rows existing to the specified value without modifying the column default. When examining the resulting yml file, the foreign key changeset does not include: referencedTableSchemaName baseTableSchemaName. Only the first column of the foreign key is contained. When I do generateChangeLog, there are no foreign-keys in changelog. <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">. shouldValidate. CREATE TABLE TEST_SCHEMA. getIncomingKeys() and doesn't really support FKs anyway. Use on delete set null for Foreign key. May 20, 2020 · Yes, it's possible. But I want to drop everything! Apr 6, 2014 · Hi, I have a mysql database with some MyISAM and some InnoDB tables, foreign key relations between some of the InnoDB tables. Primary key w/ auto increment [Might be needed, not sure, for primary key which autoincrements at the entity w/ @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType. core ForeignKey. Jan 31, 2010 · I was able to drop the table without any keys. Column 1 and 2 in Table A are foreign key look ups to the same column in Table B. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Rick Cromer Here s the XML for the change set. name:5 ALTER TABLE person ADD CONSTRAINT fk_person_worksfor FOREIGN KEY (worksfor_company_id) REFERENCES company(id); Note: It’s a best practice to wrap every statement in its own changeset block. To create a foreign key in Liquibase, you need to use the `addForeignKeyConstraint` command. I see an attribute that gets generated called referencesUniqueColumn and it is set to false. This i what i have so far: Inserting the Book. You should probably just add a single integer or UUID column to each table to use as a surrogate primary key. How can I have these two parameters included? My current sytnax: liquibase –changeLogFile=dbchangelog. But it also complains about the created_at timestamp being null. catalogName Sep 11, 2018 · How to do this with liquibase-springboot? spring-boot; database-design; liquibase; liquibase-hibernate; A foreign key relationship between PERSON's id and PERSON Jun 21, 2010 · General Discussion. It shouldn’t need to call SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=TRUE because the dropAll should drop all the foreign keys first. 10. Hi, I found a bug in jdbcDatabaseSnapshotGenerator. Since the columns are also returned in the query, you get one row constraint and column returned. The sqlserver is sqlserverexpress 2012 and the jdbc driver is sqljdbc4. Sep 7, 2010 · The problem seems to be related to liquibase not recognizing Foreign Key indexes, e. Is this a bug? Or is this a missing feature? The DB engine is also “lost” in changelog. Looking at the logs, it seems to be running a LOT of SQL, but it never finds or removes any foreign keys for me. Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface liquibase. Thanks, Guglielmo Aug 3, 2021 · I want to generate a changelog from an existing schema. I read the documents but haven’t found the answer. Reference information for the dropForeignKeyConstraint change type. Sep 29, 2023 · I have to upgrade liquibase-core jar from 3. (. I am using db2 expresss. Sep 25, 2015 · Note that a trigger is used to generate the identifiers (primary keys) for the fields named ID when inserting new records in one of the two tables. PS: it’s impossible to log in to the forum using the Google as OpenId (redirects to 404 page) Jul 24, 2013 · Hi, I am trying to generate a changelog from our existing database. Here's a slightly redacted version of our changesets. 5 to update, which works fine, but when I generate sql it crash. I am trying to populate 2 tables through csv files in liquibase. Jul 13, 2014 · How can I configure foreign keys through column tag attributes foreignKeyName and references? The only example I've found demonstrates how to add foreign keys after the fact. Aug 12, 2021 · I want to generate a changelog from an existing schema. Apr 11, 2022 · I’m using liquibase to migrate schema for read only purpose database. I ran the same code (below) without liquibase to have Hibernate/JPA create the tables from the models. IDENTITY)] Foreign keys. Note: On DB2, H2, HSQLDB, MySQL, and SQLite, tableName is required even if you also specify primaryKeyName. Start the included H2 database with the liquibase init start-h2 command. I tried liquibase 3. Expected/Desired Behavior. Open your CLI and navigate to your examples/sql or examples/xml directory. Couple of the tables have foreign keys that contain multiple columns. yml –url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@${L_PDB_CONNECT_STRING} –username=myuser –password=mypassword –include Dec 30, 2010 · Best regards /Lasse. I have 2 schemas that I’m trying to apply (TEST_SCHEMA & SIMPLE_SCHEMA) and I’m getting this exception where it’s using SIMPLE_SCHEMA for the referenced table of a Foreign Key instead of TEST_SCHEMA: liquibase May 17, 2019 · On Oracle, liquibase 3. In the long run, that will make things easier for you and anyone who comes after you. Mar 23, 2022 · the actual issue was that the foreign name was duplicated and liquibase actually does not consider the table name while checking if the foreign key exists (even when the table name is supplied). <foreignKeyConstraintExists foreignKeyName="fk_foo_bar"/>. Drops an existing foreign key constraint. properties file that you can customize and expand. Download and run the appropriate installer. liquibase liquibase-core 3. Question: How do I make sure that the DB schema has indexes for all foreign keys regardless of which DB actually is used? Oct 22, 2014 · liquibase allows to create foreign keys. Mar 1, 2022 · And the another problem is customerid which is the composite key, is referred as the foreign key in the another table. The problem is that the different instances use different schema so I my changesets should be schema independent. file="tenant. 3 seems to run a for a long time. public boolean shouldValidate () In Oracle PL/SQL, the VALIDATE keyword defines whether a foreign key constraint on a column in a table should be checked if it refers to a valid row or not. I find difficulties writing a correct precondition when I don't know the exact name of foreign keys, which may or may not exist. 5. Some of my foreign keys are also unique indexes and some have RESTRICT on the ondelete and onupdate. baseTableName=“BaseTable”. after them. 4 and the exact same change log file works fine (and runs a LOT faster, too). The foreign key references the `customer_id` column in the `orders` table. I didn’t tested creating of the FKs without the attributes baseTableSchemaName and referencedTableSchemaName, but it is Nov 15, 2023 · A column of type varchar(max) can participate in a FOREIGN KEY constraint only if the primary key it references is also defined as type varchar(max). Hi Earl, can you specify liquibase version, operating system, mysql driver, and mysql exact version? I’ll test it. 0rc2 to 2. Apparently, in this new version, automatically creates an index associated to the foreign key. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I believe that's because ADD CONSTRAINT is not supported by SQLite for ALTER TABLE feature, and that's exactly what Liquibase does during addForeignKeyConstraint change. I The Spring context starts fine, the H2 database appears to start, and Liquibase starts running the changelog (including all the table creates to pre-populate it), but after about 0. csv". jar, got the latest from Microsoft sites. I thought about removing the changeset with addForeignKeyConstraint key in changelog. --changeset your. Is there anyway to turn it off so it doesn’t need to reference the baseTableSchemaName ? Jun 10, 2009 · It is a known issue currently. 8 for my application. exception. Is that supposed to work? Does it One fix in that extension is to remove the snapshot (and therefore generation) of foreign keys. 0 org. It seems the Jan 31, 2010 · I was able to drop the table without any keys. the index that I am checking in my is a foreign key index, but liquibase incorrectly determines that the index does not exist. The generated change log did not also generate the unique index when required. DatabaseException: ERROR: relation "public. <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames=“id”. <sql>SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;</sql>. Returns: true if ENABLE VALIDATE (this is the default), or false if ENABLE NOVALIDATE. I want a delete of a row in Table B to cascade a delete on a row on Table A based on these foreign keys. Contributor. Accounts (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ; If you run liquibase generateChangeLog on this schema, then it will die with the following message: Sep 22, 2020 · The foreign key shows up as having its name correctly updated if I query the database. Jan 10, 2011 · I’m running into problems on Oracle creating foreign keys. </preConditions>. Sep 28, 2023 · There was an incidence with Liquibase migration of updating foreign key constraints of a table from on delete cascade to on delete restrict. I’m using this versions: org. Here's the documentation SQL Features That SQLite Does Not Implement. Index w/ two fields # databaseChangeLog: - changeSet: id: "113" author: thatsme failOnError: true Nov 21, 2020 · When I use mvn liquibase:diff command with spring boot it generates change log with dropping all foreign keys. We wrote a custom precondition to handle that on our own. I'm in the process of upgrading it in order to improve performance as a simple migration took multiple hours with the previous version. After doing generateChangeLog and then creating new database with “update”, I noticed that a few of the index didn’t make into the new database. 6. The trouble is that the JDBC drivers vary significantly in how they return metadata on foreign keys and indexes and how well you can tell them apart, especially if you have multiple columns in a constraint. It means it references the id column of the users table. r351574nc3 June 21, 2010, 7:10pm 1. 2 to 4. 4. g just adding an unrelated column, even outside of liquibase), the foreign key table name change gets reverted. Make sure to add Liquibase to your PATH. Has anyone had trouble using Liquibase generateChangeLog with composite foreign keys? My application uses composite keys. It is written that possible values are: 'CASCADE', 'SET NULL', 'SET DEFAULT', 'RESTRICT', 'NO ACTION', but it is not explicitly mentioned which one is default one. The other column in Table A has a foreign key lookup to table C. getForeignKeys() that will cause a NullPointerException in The foreign key constraint worked well before I added the unique constraint, but after I add the unique constraint, it seems to be directly tied to the foreign key preventing me from deleting it. 3, liquibase 1. Output from liquibase-core 3. Specify any required attribute s. May 30, 2022 · The precondition fails although the constraint exists, marks the changeSet as RAN and does not drop the foreign key constraint. Then always use that key as the foreign key Jul 27, 2017 · 1. The first is that the spacing in the escape sequence is off, so that you’re getting "TableName "(columnName) instead of “TableName” (columnName). we are using liquibase with Oracle PL/SQL I tried with liquibase-core 4. Specifies which columns to filter in the index you're creating. This generates a new changelog and liquibase. serializer. Feb 28, 2017 · Hi, I’d like to have liquibase to automatically add indexes for all foreign keys created via statements. Jan 12, 2017 · PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY fk_Users_Accounts_idx (Accounts_id), CONSTRAINT fk_Staffs_Accounts FOREIGN KEY (Accounts_id) REFERENCES AnotherDB. Mar 11, 2013 · I am currently upgrading Liquibase from 2. Deploy your changeset by running the update command: To create a new Liquibase project, run the init project command in your command line: liquibase init project. Mar 15, 2024 · Hello community! I’m currently facing an issue with Liquibase in the context of MySQL InnoDB Cluster deployments. Note: If you specify a changelog file name that already exists, Liquibase will append your changes to the existing file. I thought about removing the changes… The name of the primary key constraint. This was working with Liquibase 3. yml file after generateChangeLog command. The foreign key should be dropped. Aug 20, 2018 · How to create a table with foreign key constraint in Liquibase? 2. 0. 1. Copy the included examples directory to the needed location. There's onDelete attribute in <addForeignKeyConstraint> which you can set to: If you already have a foreign key, then you can drop existing constraint and recreate it with the settings you need. Is there a solution where I don't need to do this workaround? It would be optimal if I could just rely on Liquibase's auto rollback without defining Mar 18, 2020 · In fact, I can find the name of the foreign key for a given data base, but I'm running this command on different data bases and the name of the foreign key changes from one to another and I need to have a generic liquibase change. Table A has three columns. 3. relation (id BIGINT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY NOT NULL, main_id BIGINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_relation_id" PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT "FK_relation_main" FOREIGN KEY (main_id) REFERENCES public. Run addUniqueConstraint. xml so that I can drop the database depending on some property that I pass on the command line to Maven. ext liquibase-hibernate5 3. The generate-changelog command is typically used when you want to capture the current state of a database, then apply those changes to any number of databases. To run this Change Type, follow these steps: Add the Change Type to your changeset, as shown in the examples on this page. Jun 30, 2020 · If I try to include the primary key as a constraint when we’re creating the field it complains about the table only being able to have one primary key —despite the fact that it’s already a composite key and I’m only trying add this to the already in existence composite key. I was able to drop the table without any keys. When I run updateSQL or update the creation of the foreign key is not made. Use this attribute to specify what your index associations are. I have one table called tenant and one another named tenant_configuration and have foreign key to tenant. The liquibase scripts fails when the constaint does not already exist. Option 2: Configure the Liquibase properties file to include the connection information for both databases. 2 to version > 4. Jul 17, 2013 · Good Morning to All! Is is to possible with liquibase to add a FK - WITH NO CHECK so that the data that is already in the table can’t generate errors? I’m currently using MSSQL Server and I don’t know if this is something only related to it or that also other RDBMS have. I ended up using … to get it to work. Run addAutoIncrement. <addForeignKeyConstraint constraintName=“FK_TABLE1_TABLE2” baseTableName=“TABLE1” baseColumnNames=“TABLE1_AN_ID,TABLE1_OTHER_ID” referencedTableName=“TABLE2” referencedColumnNames=“TABEL1_ID,TABLE2_OTHER_ID” /> I use the maven plugin 2. liquibase. But the generated diff changelog has wrong order of foreign key constraints. boot spring-boot-starter-data-jpa 2. constraintName=“FK”. In SQL I would do the following: CREATE TABLE foo. integration] Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 generateChangeLog - liquibase fails if there is a foreign Key referencing a table that did not exist Oct 5, 2022 Mar 11, 2013 · I’m experimenting with generateChangeLog to see if I can move the management of my MS SQL database to Liquibase. main(id), UNIQUE (id))] Jan 17, 2011 · I tried to generate a change log to match my existing database. You can use the default settings or specify your own. Jun 25, 2010 · Liquibase Development. Is there a setting or a configuration so regardless whether MySQL or PostreSQL is used, we end up having indexes on all foreign keys? Oct 29, 2019 · This is more of a database design question than a Liquibase question, but here are my thoughts on that. Some databases, like Oracle, automatically create indexes for primary key constraints and unique constraints, but not foreign key constraints. Setting the defaultValue attribute specifies a default value for the column. main" does not exist [Failed SQL: (0) CREATE TABLE public. x; MySQL 5. Since you are not mentioning @JoinColumn (the annotatiuon which holds information about foreign key)while specifying the @ManyToOne relationship in your Number Entity, thus, by default jpa is trying to look for the column named user_id in your number There are several ways to apply the Liquibase Pro license key: Include the Liquibase Pro license key in the Liquibase properties file and save it. The following is an example of how to create a foreign key: In this example, we are creating a foreign key on the `customer_id` column in the `customers` table. NOT_NULL_TBL ( INTEGER_PK INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, INTEGER_ID INT NOT NULL, INTEGER_UNIQ INT NOT NULL, BIGINT_ BIGINT NOT NULL, BLOB_1MB BLOB NOT foreignKeyConstraintExists doesn't seem to be working. There is an interesting attribute there called onDelete . However, upon inspecting the schema generated by Liquibase, I’ve noticed that the critical DATABASECHANGELOG table, essential for Liquibase Dec 13, 2016 · We are using liquibase changesets to support usage of MySQL and PostgreSQL; Now I've stumbled over the fact that MySQL creates indexes for foreign keys automatically where postgres does not. 5 and I’m trying to add a new table that has a foreign key to an ID or type UUID on another table. The column constraint and foreign key information. ku ps ua wy ns wv lf pt nz ud