How to win souls for christ pdf

He will become more real to you than ever before, as He ministers through your body – The answer is: wherever there are lost souls to be sought and won for the Saviour. Psa. Christ was born in a world surrounded by darkness; a world blocked by darkness; a May 3, 2012 · What Soul-Winning Is Not. 1. WITNESSING SEEMS FORGOTTEN 5. We share testimonies , and the vision of Christ people . Soul Winning - REVIEW QUESTIONS. There are four obvious ways the Bible links prayer with evangelism: 1. Romans 1:16 declares, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth " It is of the utmost importance that every soulwinner realize that the power to win souls is rooted in THE GOSPEL, and not us. “We do not regard it to be soul-sinning to steal members out of churches already established, and train them to utter our peculiar Shibboleth: we aim rather at bringing souls to Christ than at making converts to our synagogue. Feb 18, 2019 · 1. THE GOSPEL IN A SHOE BOX 20 Reasons For Soul-Winning 1. Proverbs 11:30 “Winneth” implies that an effort must be made so that a person does not “lose” and 30 Biblical Prayer Points For Soul Winning. Written By Jesse Randolph. If we are going to be effective soul winners like Philip, we, too, must be submissive. Compassion for soul-winning, Psalm 126:5–6. Soul Winning. Lord Jesus Christ, defend and provide for me on the course of my evangelism and soul winning, in Jesus name. Torrey. See full list on stepswithgod. It is a clear, unequivocal, unavoidable command of God. He worked his business six days every week, and he kept his mission, open, which he supported out of his own pocket, seven nights every Lesson Three: Soul Winning Scriptures. Christ, God’s great soul-winner, is “the wisdom of God,” as well as “the power The first is — the life of the believer is, or ought to be, full of soul blessing— “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life. Their Names 1. This is seen in Luke 8:12, "Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. The best thing for us to do is to go soul winning together. The Bible says that Satan seeks to blind the minds of humans so that they will not believe the gospel, ( 2 Corinthians 4:4 ). Ronny Milliner. 9 to another gifts of healing by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles… (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) The first is the life of the believer is, or ought to be, full of soul-blessing In the second place, the pursuit of the believer ought always to be soul-winning. But notice the following: We need to begin in our own home and with our own loved ones. In the second place— the pursuit of the believer ought always to be soul winning. com biblical commands concerning “why” you should win souls, although we will touch on that briefly, but the thrust of this class will center more around the instruction and practice that will teach you “how” you can win souls. Brethren, this ought not to be! We should see soul winning as an exciting privilege. For sixty years the second greatest joy has entered into my heart time and time again as I have won souls to Christ. Daniel 12:3. Once one has been won to Christ, we are to continue being taught. #6 Live Out The Gospel. Lesson 1: Basic Requisites To Soul Winning. They are active in their churches and are members in good standing. Soulwinning is not an option. Notice the invitation in these verses: 2 Corinthians 5:19–20. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every Apr 9, 2020 · #howtowinsouls #soulwinning #forChrist Hello there! Are you having hard time in winning souls for Christ? Worry no more this video is created to help you. A lady should be dressed conservatively, and I think it is best for a man to at least wear a shirt with a tie. To win souls to Christ means, “To present Bible based reasons to a lost person so that he can receive Jesus Christ as the way to heaven. Souls that we win to Christ are part of our Heavenly reward. When we fill our hearts and minds with Christ How to Be an Effective Witness for Christ 1. Learn how you, too, can influence the world for God's Kingdom! 319 pages, softcover from Bridge-Logos. They attend worship and Sunday school and study their Bibles regularly. One of our cell leaders, Timothy Wong shared that every time we gather for Saturday 6am to pray for salvation, we internalize the burden to save souls. “A Soul Winner for Jesus”. With becoming zeal pull souls out of the fire. ” “Abaddon” means destruction and Mar 4, 2020 · One of the best ways to win over an unsaved friend is to win them over by our conduct and way of life. 5:13-14 ). We ensure that more souls are won for Christ . 12:7–11; Eph. The soul winner ought to look like a respectable, trustworthy lady or gentleman. The same is true if you will get busy about soul winning. This is the gap in Christianity today. Lord Jesus Christ, I hope in you for soul winning, give me more souls this time, in Jesus name (Heb 11:1 -2). The Church was born in a blaze of personal soulwinning, a house-to-house Here we talk about Christ , what he has done for us and what he is about to do for us . WHEN WE WIN SOULS WE RESCUE SINNERS FROM HELL. Learn what the Gospel is and how to share it with How to Lead A Person to Christ. Jan 4, 2022 · It starts by having Jesus Christ front and center in our own lives. It is wise to consider four areas of preparation in regards to soul winning. _____ 2. Paul mentions "salvation through sanctification (setting apart) by the Spirit and belief of the truth. Soul winning is a metaphor for evangelism, or witnessing. 1) You represent the Lord _____ 2) You represent _____ Church Note: Mar 26, 2020 · In God’s sight one soul is worth more than the whole world ( Mark 8:36-37 ). Carry Two Pens. Seeking soul, 1 Kings 18:1; Matthew 12:42. Oct 8, 2023 · Answering the call of God to share the gospel with others means that you are willing to obey God's command to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone you meet. Winning Souls. Apr 8. The Christian's life-assignment is not witnessing at the church altar or class room, but OUT WHERE THE SINNERS. Christ is in you and you have a purpose for living and witnessing. With these words, Jesus gave not only Peter and Andrew, but each of His future followers, the ultimate illustration of the truth that Christ-followers are to be Christ-proclaimers. Amen. Share with others what “Ekklesia” is all about (Matthew 28:19-20) 4. Thank you for your patience! God's Words are True Words. If I manage to save one soul, I also ensure the salvation of my own. Every person is a potential brother or sister in the faith. Go Two By Two. What a terrible sin against the Holy Trinity. It means that you are not ashamed of the gospel but proud to be a follower of Christ and a witness of his love and grace. Heaven is at stake. #3 Talk To Strangers After The Sermon. Draw A Map In Your New Testament. The soul winner testifies to others, because he (or she) has a testimony to share. Learn more about how you can be Apr 13, 2019 · Memorize Other Appropriate Soul Winning Verses. copy of the Holy Scriptures which we give, we On every power tract of or should and labor see little on God’s prayerfully, blessing, even confidently though labor we may expect everything depended on our labors; on or no fruit. Get Gospel Tracts With Your Church Information. " So many people are going to burn in Hell someday because they "almost" got saved. Jesus did what we refer to today as street preaching when He was on earth. Applause, fame, popularity, honor, wealth—all these are vain. Like this one. The greatest concern of hell is soul winning; the greatest joy of heaven is soul winning; the greatest responsibility of Christians on earth beyond our personal relationship before God and our families is soul winning. R. Because There Is a Hell. “Winneth souls” (Pro 11:30). | 33,757 views. May be compared to a marriage B. He replied, “For whether we be beside ourselves, it is to God: or whether we be sober, it is for your cause. (Luke 10:1) Have A Positive Attitude About Soul Winning. Learn to rely on the Holy Spirit so that you will be able to share faith more effectively Read: Acts 1:18 4. Jan 1, 1994 · Biblical Models of Soul Winning - Adventist Archives 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 ESV / 147 helpful votesHelpfulNot Helpful. to RECEIVE) the Lord Jesus Christ. 30! John 3:36. 1,514 likes. As such, this is a good thing to pursue. Read, highlight, and take notes, across web, tablet, and phone. 1:18-19 ). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME TE based on 49 ratings. John Hyde practiced biblical prayer for lost people. " See 2 Thessalonians 2:13. _____ 4. Jan 2, 2021 · Soul winning is exciting! Too many Christians view evangelism as a terrible duty. Jun 26, 2022 · All Christians must learn to cry in their privacy for the salvation for loved ones and the world. Suppose Dr. They are to be co-laborers with God in the work of winning souls to Christ. Enjoy the author's straight-forward style and practical applications. Soul Saving Truth. Ac. Rom 8 :27. Man could not have direct connect with his maker again and needed HOW TO WIN SOULS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE. We need to show the enquirer that the Lord Jesus is able and willing to forgive (Mark 2:10; Acts 13:38-39); cleanse (1 John 1:7-9); impart eternal life (John 5:40; 10:10; 1 John 5:10-12). “Bring them to the point to decide. ISBN: 9780882707884. “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. Download Church Planner. 9:17 Out hearts should be stirred as we realize the terrible fate of the soul without Christ. WHAT IS IT TO WIN A SOUL? This may be instructively answered by describing what it is not. “Be witnesses” (Acts 1:8). In Acts 2:42 it by. Look up Luke 15:6,9,23-24; Psalm 126:6; 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20 – and With that being said, here are some practical ways of how you can win souls to Christ…. The Bible teaches in Proverbs 11:30, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever captures souls is wise. The goal is to live a holy life and walk in the love of Christ in a way that challenges unbelievers and ignite in them a burning desire to know the Saviour. It also means that you are ready to face challenges Soul-winning is practical. As Christians share Christ with unconverted people—on their own territory like First Century believers did, they rediscover the most rewarding ministry that Christ ever committed to His fol-lowers—being His witnesses. Show them the importance of the truth; it is life or death. This fourth quality really is a combination and summary of the other three qualities. If souls are not won, if saints are not matured, our ministry itself is vain. Over the last number of successful years of ministry in Toronto, we have had the opportunity to give out 1000’s of tracts to people, leading many to Christ, including those that contact us online. To show forth the power of God. For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. Father of life, I desire that you set aside my best knowledge and wisdom, and move in your mercy, almightiness and power to bring a mighty harvest of souls in my catchment area, my harvest field in this end time, in Jesus’ name. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. My companion's soul has been redeemed by Jesus Christ. Salvation is of God Maintenance mode is on. Honest Witness. For the love of Christ constraineth us” ( 2 Cor. Lesson 5: An Exemplary Soul Winner. 2500 souls to Christ through personal soul winning efforts. How does man “seek after God?” _____ 5. Telling others how to have an eternity with Christ is achieved by labor, and this labor is not always easy. The soul-winning strategy of ministering with spiritual gifts. ” LT Nov 16, 2010 · A. Mar 19, 2018 · An effective soul-winner presents a Christlike example. #4 Talk To Acquaintances And Family. Colossians 1:15 tells us that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, and the firstborn of all creation. NB: Preaching the word to win souls is popularly called evangelism. The bigger picture is to make disciples of course ( Matthew 28:18-20 ), but only one who is saved first can be a disciple. We retraced our steps to where we entered the building, finding the shuttle bus waiting for us at the door. (Acts 8:26-27) The Bible says, “He arose and went. THE COST OF SOUL-WINNING 4. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Rent and save from the world's largest eBookstore. “the second cannot be carried out without the first; without fullness of life within there cannot be an overflow of life to others. “Converteth the sinner” (Jas 5:20). “To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Only in this life will there be the blessed opportunity to win souls to Christ. TEXT: Luke 16:27-31; Luke 15:1-7, 10; Mark 5:18-20 TITLE: SOUL WINNING Luke 16:27-31 Jul 22, 2021 · Soul winning is preaching the word of God, giving someone an opportunity to give their lives to Christ and save them from going to hell. ’. Apr 5, 2019 · Soul winning includes an invitation. One is often saved by the effort of another. #2 Bring People To Hear The Word. Pray and ask God to give you a boldness and courage like never before! The key is sharing your faith. In 1 Peter 4:8, believers are encouraged to The soul winner should also be neatly dressed. 40 Prayer Points For Soul Winning. Satan hates Man. As Christians, we are confident that when we lead a soul to Christ, he will become a new creature. Read John 10:10. Preparation Of Your Tools. Now if you have a little trouble in the church, go soul winning. They are trained. Jul 21, 2013 · Phillip – A Soul Winner. This page has SOULY been set up to win souls for Christ. Through this, the person can become a child of God, enjoy Jun 2, 2021 · This post encourages you to reach out and win souls for Christ. There are mouth. How to win soul for christ - Facebook Get Textbooks on Google Play. They dread “bothering people” or are embarrassed to talk about Christ. T. St. . Holy, Good and Just; and that is our Lord Jesus Christ. Jul 8, 2020 · 6. Show that the way to be saved is to BELIEVE IN (i. Some seeds fall by the way side, and the person doesn't get saved. One of the mightiest soul-winners I knew was Colonel Clarke, of Chicago. 12:4–8; 1 Cor. Winning souls, according to Spurgeon, is "the chief business of the Christian minister" and the "most royal employment" of every believer in Jesus Christ. Motivation for Soul Winning Matt 28:19-20 I want us to look at soul winning today and some things that should motivate us to get busy. Healing and deliverance are theirs to grasp. God himself wins not souls without wisdom, for the eternal plan of salvation was dictated by an infallible judgment, and in every line of it infinite skill is apparent. This classic book by England's master preacher provides valuable insights on the meaning and methods of evangelism for everyone from seasoned preachers of the Word to laypeople who feel-as Spurgeon himself did-the call of the Great The servants of Christ are in a large measure responsible for the well-being and the salvation of the world. 1 Peter 1:23. Be baptised in water as a believer. And old things pass away and all things become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Jesus Christ. Studd – and so does every soul-winner! Compared with the value of one precious soul, whatever we lose in order to win one soul is relatively nothing! If we have a passion for souls, we shall rejoice when a soul is saved. The only Place in the Bible that directly Refers to Soul Winning Is Found in Proverbs 11:30. Freely you have received, freely give – Matthew 10:7-8 (NKJV). Therefore, it is an essential in our witnessing life. Share a verbal personal testimony (John 9) 3. O Lord, give me open doors for evangelism and soul winning that I may win souls and populate your kingdom (1 Cor 16 :9) The Soul Winner's Compassion. The devil knows Sep 1, 2016 · Sixty three years ago the greatest joy a person enter my life, Jesus became my personal Saviour. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul exhorted Christians to imitate him as he in turn imitated Christ. Principles of Prayer - REVIEW QUESTIONS. Allow Christ to be seen in your every word and activity 2. rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was the price paid for every soul ( 1 Pet. Just as every organ in the body has a unique design and specialized function, so it is with every member of the body of Christ. Our One Object: To Win Souls . Some friends happened to sit next to us on the shuttle ride back Apr 17, 2021 · Here’s a short list of scriptures on evangelism and soul winning: Soul winning is part of the GREAT COMMISSION ( Mark 16:15 ). Believes In Instant Conversions. God commands it (Matt 28:19-20) Go and preach and make disciples b. 1:8 The „20-20‰ Vision May 5, 2021 · We remember our confidence: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” ( 2 Corinthians 5:17). A good salesman tries to avoid baggy pants, dandruff, or an unshaven face. It's something you plan for and carry-out systematically. Philip obeyed God without question. Secure a Surrender to Christ Before Presenting Doctrines and The Testing Truth A. The second is much the same as the first, only the first head sets forth our unconscious influence, and the second our Feb 3, 2024 · God almost always uses people to reach people for Christ. To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. The first step in leading a person to Christ is to show him from God's Word that he is a sinner. Faustina’s Diary, and you’ll find spiritual gems. ‘Soul-Winning’ Proverbs 11:30 (KJV) The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. Global Total Member Involvement is a call for every church and every member to become actively involved in making disciples using Christ’s method. If we can win somebody to Jesus together, we will make it all right. Language: English. Jesus told St. Lesson 2: The Message Of The Soul Winner. This is your 10 Most Wanted List . Determine To Be Clean, Neat, And Polite. When He ascended to heaven, His disciples took A biblical strategy for disciple-making evangelism. Participate in Praise (celebrative) Worship especially in the singing of praise Mar 13, 2009 · There are six basic reasons why every Christian ought to win souls. 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit …. Get Convert Cards. The soul winner bears testimony to a sure salvation received through faith in God's incomparable Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. What should be our purpose in teaching the lost? _____ 4. To learn the why and the answers to the other questions concerning the what, where, and when, read the textbook Guilt is a poor motivator: 2 Cor 5:14-16, “For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. 1 Thessalonians 2:19 15 Strategies to Win Souls for Christ and to Effectively Grow the Ekklesia. God distributes different spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ (Rom. Now, go ahead and thank God for answer to prayers, in Jesus’ name. On the cross of Calvary, Jesus stands How to Win Souls. ” The New Testament continues to emphasize the winning of souls by teaching us to make disciples in Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15-16. Be Sincere And Loving. Know And Be Comfortable With The Subject. Spurgeon identifies three things soul-winning is not: 1. His exhortation in 1 Corinthians 9:19-27 provides a timeless blueprint for effective ministry that reaches hearts without compromising the message of the gospel. Dec 2, 2014 · This sermon hopefully will help motivate fellow believers to get busy evangilizing the lost. #2 Endowed With The Spirit Of God. The Bible mandates that prayer is foundational to our lives as believers (see John 15:1-16). A confident soul winner knows how to draw the net and get the fish in the boat. Lesson 4: Simple Presentation of the Gospel. After the fall of man in the Book of Genesis, things change from the initial plans of God for creating man in His own image. Soul winning is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the power of God. Someone cared about your soul. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS? 3. 20 REASONS FOR SOUL-WINNING 2. 4:11–16). 2. Don’t be afraid. Invite everybody we meet to come to this church (Luke 14:15-24) 2. In Revelation 9:11 Satan is called “Abaddon” and “Apollyon. It’s WISE to win souls ( Proverbs 11:3 ). #3 Acting As Witnesses. In other words, the best way to win over a lost person to faith in Christ is to let them see Christ in you. 31. We take for granted that the object of the Christian ministry is to convert sinners and to edify the body of Christ. He is in Heaven now. We will love each other again. Psalm 1:3 “ And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. At Souls for Christ Ministries we have a goal to spread the Gospel anywhere we can. Learn John 3:36; 5:24; Acts 16:30-31 – and John 1:12, which shows us the unconverted. #4 Pleader for Christ. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved May 1, 2012 · Habit 1: Soul Winners Are Prepared. 3. It is not a church growth program. In this practical volume, he shares a wealth of personal anecdotes illustrating important principles of one-on-one and "open air" evangelism. You will grow deeper in Christ by sharing Him with others. They are spiritually prepared. “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt 4:19). Feb 8, 2012 · It is possible for us to be better than average in the area of soulwinning but to still be far below normal. It is a sad commentary that today many churches in the United States are full of idle talk. We are especially passionate Winning Souls for Christ. 2 The Review and Herald, March 10, 1904. Choose An Area To Visit. I want to be a soul winner and bring the lost to Christ, That they His grace may Literature and Tract Ministry. Think Through Possible Situations And Bible Verses To Use. Spirit of Prophecy Counsel: 1. _____ 3. The theme that attracts the heart of the sinner is Christ, and Him crucified. This interpretation fits the general evangelical belief that Christians should do whatever is necessary to “win souls for Christ” and to get all manner of people “saved” before they die. He, likewise, dispenses various witnessing styles to reach people for Christ. Mar 12, 2024 · In the heart of his letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul unpacks the “how” and the “why” to winning souls for Christ. Comfort---a full-time evangelist---believes there's nothing more important than winning souls for Christ. The invisible God became visible through Jesus Christ. We David Brainerd did that also – and so did C. It is not a spiritual gift. Lesson 3: Soul Winning Scriptures. Choose A Soul Winning Time. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand. #5 Write Letters For Your Lord And Master. Ask the right questions at the right time. He walked from town to town proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. God urges us to help each other. Know that it is The Soul-winners Appearance A. The church is YOU – your body is Christ‟s body and He can and will only witness and minister through you and me. We are here to spread, what the Lord gives to us, with others. ”. The Bible calls us to evangelize. Soul Winning - PREFACE. CHRIST-REJECTERS. They walk closely with Christ and maintain a consistent devotional life. Apr 8, 2021 · Gone Fishin’: Practical Soul-Winning Tips. Someone led you to Christ. The Holy Spirit is the best strategist. The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God in the salvation of souls. INTRODUCTION: A. Types Of Soul Winning: #1 Preacher To Preach Soul-saving Truth. This is the great motive for doing personal work. Th r se of Lisieux (1873-1897): "We have only short moments of this life to work for God's glory. This is because at new birth the person receives forgiveness of his sins and becomes a new creation. Evangelism. Mark 16:15 – “And he said unto them, Go all of you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Introduction: When God sent orders to Philip to leave Samaria and go down the road that led from Jerusalem unto Gaza, Philip was obedient. Jan 4, 2022 · Being motivated for soul winning is a good thing, but we must define some terms first. Sure Of Our Salvation. Humorous and Gracious Response. e. In leading someone to Christ, you simply explain the four basic truths of the gospel. ” Disappointed if He is Only Our Converts. We can save nobody, not even ourselves. This a sure sign of your new faith in Christ 3. 5. We are called to win souls. Faustina:My daughter, give Me souls. However, if that is what this passage means, then holy Scripture is broken (see John 10:35 )! Such a reading contradicts numerous other clear biblical congregation who wished to join the church or make a decision for Christ. We are not here to judge anyone. We are all brothers and so we must love each other's souls. Nov 19, 2019 · Turn to any page of St. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament…. Adversely therefore, to win souls certainly glorifies God. Street evangelism is one of the methods of evangelism that has been in existence for as long as the gospel has existed. Indeed, our passion for winning souls will increase as our passion for Christ Himself and our walk with Him become stronger. 4. Someone prayed for you. enormous Efforts. C. We do not regard it to be soul-winning to steal members out of churches already established, and train them to utter our peculiar Shibboleth: we aim rather at bringing souls to Christ than at making converts to our synagogue. Obedience a. Every soul won to Christ is in turn a potential soul-winner. Paul was also motivated by an overwhelming compassion that caused some to say he was not mentally stable – that he was “beside himself. After the sermon my wife and I made our way through the crowd of worshippers filling the hallways. God’s Power Behind. Because God Commands It. We To accomplish such a work, a man must be wise, for to win a soul requires infinite wisdom. Oh Lord I thank you for the salvation of my soul and I thank you for the gift of our Lord Jesus Christ, who you gave to die for my sins and the sins of the World, (John 3:16). His own ministry is living proof that evangelism is a doable work as mandated by the Lord. disappointed when we fail to win souls. Two of the best ways to strengthen our Christian walk are to read His Word daily and to pray continually. No faithful minister can possibly rest short of this. Mar 2, 2019 · Here are 25 Bible verses about soul winning that will change your life. Site will be available soon. This verse emphasizes the wisdom of leading others to the source of eternal life. When dressing for soul-winning remember who you represent 2nd Corinthians 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. Evangelism is at the heart of the Great Commission ( Matthew 28:19–20 ). BEST WAY TO WIN SOULS FOR CHRIST. A. We will see the world as Jesus sees it. Father I ask that you fill me and the church with the ever burning zeal and desire to win souls for you regularly, in the III. Make a list of 10 names of people who are in close proximity to you that you want to pray and lead into the Kingdom. Ask for an ‘Evangelistic Burden’. Get A Pocket New Testament. The wise who win souls, Proverbs 11:30. ARE. We are born again by the Word of God. prayer Let us tract forget distribution. A good passage to use for this is Romans 3:10—12. Look up Mark 5:19; Luke 8:39; and compare John 1:41; Acts 16:30-34; and notice the last part of Acts 9. This book challenges and teaches Christians to win souls - at the factory, the park, on the streets, in their homes. Jesus said we were to be witnesses for him, this book will reach you how to be an effective witness. Verses one and two of this song says: “I want to be a soul winner for Jesus every day, He does so much for me; I want to aid the lost sinner to leave his erring way, And be from bondage free. Christians are called to be witnesses of their let the First Century passion for lost souls be rekin-dled in you. Individual’s lives and purposes are at stake. Let him read these verses. That means we are making soul winning part of our nature. Rice and I have a fuss. Proverbs 10:5 “ He that Jan 31, 2024 · Being a soul winner is not a mechanical task but a manifestation of compassion and love. Th Mar 1, 2019 · [391 words] Proverbs 11:30 states, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise. hr sp vt lm kj vg sw ln pz bg