Blue win cons edh

Fox Business Outlook: Costco using some of its savings from GOP tax reform bill to raise their minimum wage to $14 an hour. 

I always get the feeling mono blue control players see it as a win when their opponents are getting triggered, miserable or sad. 11 doesn’t even make sense. • 5 yr. 2 - Cast Tasigur and activate him a lot of times (at least enough to put your entire library on your graveyard, and then all your nonlands on your hand) 3 - Get creative. It has everything you could possibly need in EDH—it makes big mana, it draws cards with bewildering efficiency, and it has more than a handful of cards that can win the game almost on their own. Upvote 0. I usually end up voltroning up Derevi with swords and such and killing with commander damage. Seems simple but the longer games go, the more viable this win-con becomes. Updated Apr 02, 2024 by MagicalHacker using our MTG Deck Builder. Green doesn't have a lot of way to directly interact with other players, so it usually wins with an overwhelming board state. Monastery Mentor can deal a lot of damage very quickly. I've been playing with her a bit on TTS with a self made deck, but I've found that actually closing out games is a challenge. This deck's total mana value is 116. Played a few games last night and my human tribal deck won with [ [akroma's will]] to give flying which spirits will already have and the added double strike and dropping a [ [coat of arms]], seams easy enough to pull out in a spirit deck as well. 2Combat 1. comegan1998. For example, Mortal Combat requires 20 or more creatures in your graveyard to win, which might serve as a backup wincon for self-mill The win cons are Approach of the Second Sun, Azor's Elocutors, Barren Glory, Biovisionary, Chance Encounter, Darksteel Reactor, Door to Nothingness, Epic Struggle, Felidar Sovereign, Helix Pinnacle, Hellkite Tyrant, Laboratory Maniac, Mayael's Aria, Maze's End, Mechanized Production, Mortal Combat, Near-Death Experience, Test of Endurance, Revel in Riches, Simic Ascendancy, Triskaidekaphile It’s an enabler with entire strategies centered around it but it is not a definitive win con. Not every deck needs an infinite, but they should always have a wincon. $0. Jan 30, 2016 · Mono-Blue EDH Win Cons. This most likely comes as no surprise, but black is an extremely powerful color on its own. Cut the tutors and add more win conditions in their place. Dec 14, 2022 · How to enter our giveaway and possibly win a free CMDR VS Playmat: 1) Subscribe to the channel 2) Find a video you like 3) Share the link to the video with #MOCL on any social media When we reach 400 and 500 subscribers on our YouTube channel, 2 winners will be picked each time […] #alternate win conditions, #laboratory maniac, #praetor magic Jun 16, 2023 · Helix Pinnacle. Sephyrias. Other notables: - infinite land play combo coupled with Psychosis Win con's would include [ [ruin crab]] to mill out the table - milled them for 136 from one drop of Journey a few nights ago. 2- Biovisionary + Rite of Replication. Depends on the commander, my personal favorite mono blue commander [ [orvar]] tends to win either by draw X cards then lab man/ lab man on a Jace / thoracle after infinite mana has been achieved. More importantly, I've finally found a home for my beautiful foil Chasm Skulker. Etherium Sculptor is the blue cousin of Foundry Inspector and Jhoira's Familiar, and it should see play in any artifact-focused mono-blue deck. Though it isn't a competitive build, my main win cons are [ [Treacherous Terrain]], [ [Vicious Shadows]] and [ [Psychosis Crawler]]. Instant. May 23, 2013 · I've tried making some 3 color EDH decks recently, only one of which I cared for ultimately. 3Combo 1. Eligeth, Crossroads Augur // Siani, Eye of the Storm. by k y u u r i 1 1 7. [ [Dead Man's Chest]] isn't directly a wincon since I can whiff, but against aggro decks, it can be Your main concern playing Chulane should be "how do I stay alive in this 1 v 3 game I just started. Nevan-Colis. She basically has every aspect I could love about a commander: nonlinear, recursion focused, and including both white and blue. Introduction Blue Farm is a 4 color Turbo Naus deck that aims to cast Ad Nauseam as early as turn 2 and win the game off of it while being able to run some of the best compacted wincons in the format and having access to some of the most powerful cards because of being in high colors. They don't hate it because it wins too often; they hate it because it ruins the game for one player very quickly, and then that player has to sit there with nothing to do while the rest of the pod finishes. Edit: Try punching with your lands with [[Jorael, Empress of Beasts]] or [[Rude Awakening]]. There is a reason that Omnath, Locus of Mana is a popular mono green commander, and this card easily contributes to that popularity. Mill is perhaps the most popular and widely known alternate win condition in all of Magic. You can make this the primary win With Niv Mizzet, Parun, anything that helps you draw more cards is going to be your win con. Every deck should have a wincon, and ideally everything in your deck should be working towards it, or should have an out into a viable and hopefully synergistic alternate win con. Diving top looks like an all star for this deck so giving it mystic forge and aetherflux to combo with should help close games. Winconless decks seek to win using cards closest to the "useful spell" end of this spectrum. Blink is all about turning those little value ETB into long term value engines. You could use [ [hullbreaker horror]] he is super cheap right now and can bounce opponents everything, spells, lands, anything. Lock down play with [ [roil elemental]] and slowly smash face with everyones stuff. Blink allows you to scale small things over time and truly out value your opponents. Since Uro sacrifices itself you don't need a sac outlet. 12. These effects are easily the most popular alternate win conditions in Commander, thanks to their ease of use. If you're playing casual, even just a Serra Angel could work once you've locked up your opponent with sweepers, card advantage, and ways to protect your big creature with the counter magic in your hand. As for win conditions, this isn't budget at all, but I've been experimenting with a voltron build using the swords of protection. Mar 15, 2022 · Thassa’s Oracle; Jace, Wielder of Mysteries; Laboratory Maniac. if you're playing Beacon of tomorrows and Eye of the storm you're probably going to win an instant war. Black Roles: Backbone in most stax decks. Step 8: Cast [ [Oracle's Insight]], enchanting your Laboratory Maniac, allowing you to re-draw your Blue Sun. Arcum Dagsson r/EDH. Just move the Robe before you kill yourself though. CMC (Converted Mana Cost): 4. Mill + draw seems to be a good strategy to play with this deck. Instead, the goal is to be the last player remaining. Lotus Petal. Dec 9, 2020 · Let's see how the archetype is defined there: "'Aristocrats' is a [ Magic] deck archetype that seeks to sacrifice its own creatures, especially many low-cost and/or token creatures, to accumulate game-winning benefits. At its worst, Helix Pinnacle is an easy way to Contrary to 1-on-1 formats, removing one opposing player in a game of Commander does not inherently result in a win. As I said, this isn't really budget, and a deck this 1 - Generate infinite green or blue mana. Those wincons are absolutely awesome! So casual but so effective when pulled out! However, for the one involving Barren Glory, you need also something that makes you discard some cards, preferably at instant speed. For some extremely dedicated group hug decks, this often leads to their ability to choose which of their opponents Most non combat win cons in Esper colors are either infinites or stuff like [ [Torment of Hailfire]] and [ [Approach of the Second Sun]]. Cast Yawgmoth’s Will, then cast Windfall for ~80 again. There are several mono blue win cons, like mill, draw your whole deck + [[laboratory maniac]] or just plain old combat damage with big creatures. Paired with Intuition and two combo pieces to create game-winning piles with no out for opponents. Other options in mono-blue: Infinite combo wincons tend to be either mill or self-mill with [ [Lab Man]], or infinite turns. Combat simply seizes the win if you have 20 or more creatures Feb 10, 2021 · Typically, a deck will want to focus on one of two options: going wide, or going tall. Please consider supporting us on Patreon to remove ads for only $2/month. 4. They might be able to stop five goblin tokens, but not fifty. Right now it's main win con is burning through the deck while getting out Laboratory Maniac and/or Jace Wielder of Mysteries. Reply. Spellslinger 1UR. CardHoarder 157 TIX. Blue has access to control, card draw, and some very strong stax effects. 5 without lands. These decks use cards that reduce the cost of artifacts, put them onto the battlefield for free, make them indestructible, and may even take advantage of intricate synergies between artifacts to achieve an infinite combo. It provides unparalleled mana advantage in blue, is a perfect infinite mana outlet in the command zone, and even provides great protection in its Construct. [ [Lashwrithe]] or [ [Liliana of the Dark Realms]] for commander damage. Non-infinite storm was the biggest contender until I realized it would take me a good 10 1x Yavimaya Elder. Playtest v1. These three need no introductions. One second you'll have a confusing boardstate. Using Whispers of the Muse (again, good with talrand) is another draw to help you dig for your win con once you have infinite mana. Xander's Lounge. There are a lot of spells that kill everyone when you can cast them an arbitrarily high amount of times. 3. We've got taxing, sacrifice, bounce, and hand manipulation. 71 without lands. Join Date: 6/1/2009. Not only can it whiff but it’s a card that is used to get you to the win con, not necessarily a win con in itself. A "cute" card is Goblin Charbelcher. Great support if you're going with a discard sub-type. 'Blink', also called 'Flicker', is a Commander deck archetype that temporarily exiles its Niv mizzet, classic mono blue card, also that is basically an endless mana combo and a two piece combo win, pretty much what I stated I didn't want. May 7, 2024 · Threshold Alternate Win Conditions. It really is an enabler more than an actual win con though. So as a huge fan of the Umezawa clan and Kamigawa, a lover of brewing mono blue, someone who already has played [ [Lu Xun, Scholar General]] and who convinced my playgroup to allow me to play [ [Jace, Cunning Castaway]] as my commander, [ [Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive]] immediately jumped out at me. ####What this includes: - Cards that give you the win … PLAN A Blue Sun’s Zenith (USZ) is your main win condition. helm of obedience / rest in peace. Turn 2. Blue has a few alt win cons, but outside of thoracle combos they're pretty hard to do. • 7 yr. 1Types of Win Conditions 1. This is the list of win conditions in the deck: 1- Azor's Elocutors + Contagion Clasp + Contagion Engine + Inexorable Tide + Viral Drake. Opponents choose one of the 2 mana recursion spells to give you, other two go to your graveyard. Consider ovika enchantress, lots of interesting enchantments in both blue and red, and ovika only cares about noncreatures so you could also lean heavily into artifacts. So after playing a :symu::symb: Oona, Queen of the Fae control/draw go deck for quite a while, I've decided to change the deck into a mono blue deck. Since she's so easy to recast, it's not too hard to just get her back, throw a few equipment on again, and do work. Posts: 4,453. 3- Chance Encounter + Frenetic Efreet. 13% of 977 decks +9% synergy. I'm very happy with the deck. If your opponents are very commander oriented, [ [Heidar, Rimewind Master]] and any card that shuffles hands into decks, like: [ [Vendilion Clique]], [ [Commit//Memory]], [ [Temporal Cascade]], etc. Win cons are just win conditions, amd it’s how you design your deck to win the game. May 17, 2022 · 11 Mill. yes, this is a Degenerate Combo. Popular Group Hug EDH commanders. About This Site. com Getting everyone to die of boredom to [ [Eye of the Storm]], [ [Omen Machine]], and [ [Mind's Dilation]]. Archmage Overlord. And ofc, you can make the spell be some 1 mana inst/sorc that gives flying or unblockable to swing for the win. EDH Tips — Self Mill Cards/Win-Cons? Hey everyone! For the past couple of years I have really been into the graveyard-variety of EDH decks. Feb 7, 2019 · This combo by itself with 2 mana production gives you infinite drake's. You win by grinding out value through card efficiency and recursion until you overwhelm your opponents with difficult-to-answer threats. Your opponents each draw ~80 cards and you discard your deck and draw Yawgmoth’s Will. Win-cons can be whole strategies (going wide with tokens), strategy + card (board + Craterhoof Behemoth), Card + Card (Demonic Consultation + Thassa's Oracle) or Card ( Expropriate ). Overgrown Farmland. Interesting and fun blue win-cons, anyone? DECK HELP. Now that my MBC deck is close to being tuned and polished, I've been giving some thought to my next deck. [3] Alt cons are generally permanents, with triggered abilities It seems like you have one win condition and tutor for it every time. 6. Inifibte combos, etc. 99 / $27. m. This lets you draw your whole deck. Aristocrats decks use a combination of sacrifice outlets and cards that trigger when their creatures enter and/or leave the The most common wincon for Emry is [ [Mirran spy]] or any etb untapper that lets you repeatedly reuse Emry, you then use this plus stuff like lotus petal to make infinite Mana, or [ [Mishra's bauble]] to draw your deck on the next upkeep, then win with [ [thassas oracle]] or lab man. Lots of value creatures that synergize with her ability, a few beat sticks, counter spells & heroic intervention to keep the board safe if that's the plan. Cast Intuition off Kaho, tutoring up Snapcaster Mage, Mission Briefing, and Flood of Recollection. Venser, Shaper Savant + Displacer Kitten + Mana Crypt (2057 decks) Venser, Shaper Savant. Alright so, i've got a mono-blue combo deck, and it works absolutely fine. BorbFriend. Could anyone recommend me some win cons with instructions on how to execute it? Thank you guys so much. Jun 22, 2021 · Deep Analysis is series where we learn about an archetype using its Wiki page, then apply this new knowledge to build a deck. [ [Rest in Peace]] + [ [Helm of Obedience]], [ [Solemnity]] + [ [Decree of Silence]], etc Then just finish the game with a big flier. • 3 yr. $14. I did look at that the deck, but IMO your methodology of getting a win-con is wrong. Cinder Glade. Yeah I'm not opposed to infinites, just a couple of guys in my group don't like them and prefer non combo wins. com. 39. Make sure you have an [ [elixir of immortality]], one of the original eldrazi titans, and/or a lab man in the deck though. They’re much less common but usually slot into specific deck types. I also have a K&T group hug deck. Tetsuko Umezawa Win Cons. I'd play an instant at the end of your turn, then never let you take a turn again. Jace's Sanctum is another favorite of mine. So I really like [ [Sefris of the Hidden Ways]]. blue-win-cons. Originally, I thought I would plunder it for singles, but after trying the deck on for size on Cockatrice, I actually really like it. My alternative win-con of choice is life drain. This is a common way to win in token decks, like Krenko, Mob Boss or Rhys the Redeemed. You can also attempt to go wide with thopters, servos or myrs with their token producers and swimg for the win, or win through a [ [grinding Win cons for Sefris that aren't combo. Blink is about 3-5 turns from now. You draw a lot of cards. Cards like [[Grim Haruspex]] lets you draw a card whenever you sacrifice one of your creatures - combined with [[Sakura-Tribe elder]] you get two effects for the cost of one, and combined as well with savra Casterrr. Mana Crypt. Win Conditions in Mono Green. “Going wide” refers to assembling a critical mass of creatures to overwhelm opposing blockers. Your current win cons work well. This is a Ramos deck that looks to use all manner of weird and fun win cons to beat your … As for win conditions, there are three that I use in my Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed deck (link in my sig): Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion - The stereotypical B infinite damage combo. 4Commander Jun 21, 2022 · Urza, Lord High Artificer has been the most played mono-blue commander and one of the most popular commanders overall from its release until just recently. You "encourage" opponents to attack each other. My pillowfort deck has a few infinite combos to win the game: 1. ###List of all pertinent alternate win condition spells in EDH. You can just send it back to your command zone. ), blue spell cost reductions (like Arcane Melee Win conditions in blue/red. The problem is that i've been getting complaints that I don't "win fast enough" once the combo goes off. The term “Enchantress” is a slang term that refers to a creature or enchantment that lets its controller draw For discussing Magic: the Gathering EDH/Commander! Win conditions in Prosper, Tome Bound. By the time you're at the end game you probably have a LOT of curses stacked on the last opponent or two, and that's a lot of chip damage. Updates. Rest in Peace + Helm of Obedience exiles one library per turn. Step 10: Win! 7. Maybe [ [Aetherflux Reservoir]] or something else to dump infinite Mana into. Not only is Mortal Combat a fun nod to the popular fighting video games, but it's also a potent black enchantment that requires a moderate four mana. In this article, we'll be taking a look at a grindy, mid-range archetype that relies on juggling our creatures in and out of play. Jan 4, 2022 · White, perhaps surprisingly, is capable of enabling powerful combos. I have an Omnath deck and, while 90 percent of my wins are thanks to him, I'd like to have a backup plan in case something happens to him. May 4, 2020 · Failed to fetch. As a result I have found that my previous go-to win condition of “voltron up and beat face Mono-Blue Win Conditions. Win Cons are deck dependent. Hello everyone. The other common wincon is [ [sensei's divining top]] with The argument that "infect almost never wins the 4 player pod, so it's fine" fails to understand why people don't like infect. Everyone dies, but few ever win with NI copies of Time Spiral on the stack. Commander Deck Help forum Posted on Jan. Few are format mainstays and many have fallen out of fashion, but you will see these pieces if you play cEDH. BLUE Roles: Both a main player as well as a support color. I would like to play the deck as less of a control deck, and taking out black has taken away my drain life effects as well as noting being able to mill with Oona so going EDH Budget Win-Conditions [List] Commander / EDH* Budget Infinite Combo Multiplayer Primer. Jun 1, 2020 · For Beginners. You play white so you'll probably want a Stoneforge Mystic package anyway. Think of it as mono blue Nekusar. Search. Please read my description again, everything you stated goes against the 3/4 sentences I wrote. I have made some recent changes to my mono blue value deck, including removing its previous commander [ [Nezahal, Primal Tide]] in exchange for [ [Emry, Lurker of the Loch]]. Alternate-win cards provide additional means for winning the game other than reducing all opponents life totals to zero. wanna try my hand at dual colors. 25. The average mana value of your main deck is 1. Black is arguably the best color for stax. However, I am new to mono black and not familiar with any win cons for mono black besides mike and trike. Jul 20, 2021 · Let's see what the Wiki says about it. With Enter the Infinite and Scroll Rack you can stack the top of your deck so there are no lands in the library. [ [Forced Fruition]] can cause plenty of damage if used right and if your purpose is to Stax is a nice alternative but that doesn't really help you to win. 14% of 3480 decks +10% synergy. 10 is a combo that just generates infinite colorless mana. One interesting way to win, that's not instant, is to go with equipment, untaps, and blink. The fun part of having a 100 card singleton deck (for me) is variety. “Group hug” describes a playstyle where instead of opposing your opponents, you help them, providing them with positive contributions. Here's my take on Aesi. however, this pales in comparison to the CEDH version of him that tends to sit back, screw over others' wincons, then essentially drops infinite Feb 16, 2023 · A nice backup win condition I like as well is Magistrate's Scepter + Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus + Contagion Engine for infinite turns (if Scepter has a charge counter on it, activated the Engine to put 4 more counters on the Scepter then activate the Scepter to take an extra turn and repeat this infinite times). The name derives from an obsolete creature subtype featured originally on the Alpha card Verduran Enchantress. Enchantress is an EDH deck archetype named after the Legacy Enchantress archetype. Hold priority and discard your hand to Wild Mongrel. The next, you just won with Barren Glory. Since roon has trample, you can blink out blockers and do his full power in commander damage. Exsanguinate - Either one large one for a lot of mana or several smaller ones recurred via my commander. Feb 3, 2018 · If you look at my Narset deck in my signature these are the only two win conditions I run. The combat route is very straightforward: make lots of zombies and smash face. • 1 yr. You could also go for some two-card combos that give you a winning position but don't outright win you the game. I really want that to be my secondary win con though, so I've got a few other things in there to test out, the main one being red mana pumps (Storm Kiln Artist, Birgi, etc. –Mizzix of the Izmagnus. 2. A lot of Planeswalkers can easily win you the game without actually being cards dedicating to winning you the game, like Helm is. Slightly better is something like Blue Sun’s Zenith, which is a mediocre card draw spell, or Walking Ballista, which has a moderately useful board presence. 30, 2016, 9:20 p. Feb 17, 2021 · Artifact decks, as their name implies, assemble a large number of artifact cards to achieve victory over their enemies. 1. Blink allows you to turn a 3 for 1 value loss into a 1 for 10 value gain, in a couple turns. The median mana value of your main deck is 1 with lands and 1. Mortal Combat. UNTAGGED. Recently I have been thinking of building a generic mono black edh deck. ago. Some alternate win-cons require you reach a certain number of cards in zones other than the battlefield. Card Odds v1 Draw hand. If you are talking about non-infinite win conditions, Thada herself is a pretty good one. cardkingdom. 4- Darksteel Reactor + Contagion Clasp + Contagion Exsanguinate and Torment of Hailfire are in it, but other wincons include: [ [Revel in Riches]] - synergizes well with the shit ton of black boardwipes and creature removal. This revolves around winning from outta nowhere. Then you can thassa's oracle, infinite balista, force everyone to mill with BSZ, etc. Personally, Ad Nauseam is one of my favorite cards for EDH because even without running a storm combo kill I usually would win the game after casting it due to the sheer amount of card advantage gained from it. I'm leaning towards Keranos, God of Storms control/goodstuff but I'm having a hard time thinking of ways to close the game. The way the deck works I have not found that I need more than this. . Just pull out loxodon warhammer or something similar and end someone in a few turns after you have established board control. At 3 mana production you have infinite mana, which you can channel into Blue Sun's Zenith ing each of your opponents. 10 and 11 are not win cons. Of course, making a blue/white creature deck isn't unheard of. You can try to steal other people's wincons, which is fun to play because you have to work with what you can get. capsize (about to work in rings of brighthearth and basalt monolith for infinite mana and a way to copy helm triggers to kill 2 people a turn. Beginning with a [Tymaret, the Murder King] deck, [Gisa and Geralf], and now [Sidisi, the Brood Tyrant]! I’ve always LOVED the zombie tribal theme — the cards, the flavor, the spicy og black foils! I used to run altar of the brood as well, but transitioned into a super friends deck to abuse the multiple activations thanks to Aminatou letting you blink PWs as well. Niv does damage per card drawn, and you draw whenever anyone casts a spell. Draw tons of cards, double your commander's power after every hit and kill with commander damage. 13% of 3419 decks +5% synergy. [1] A related set of alternate-loss cards describe conditions under which their controller loses the game. Aggro: 7-10 (Everything 6 mana and above should be able to take out a player on their own) Combo: 3-4 (unless you don't have tutors/massive draw, then bump it up to 5-6) Really you should worry more about having a diversity of win cons as opposed to a set number. I, therefore, proudly present to you my alternative win conditions EDH deck. 10. [[Diviner's Wand]] - I've been trying this one out recently in a budget list. [ [Walking Ballista]] as an infinite mana payoff. Choose one: — repeatedly smack people with creatures. Card Kingdom $769 - 828. I am aware that the Eldrazi exist; however, they tend to draw a disproportionate amount of hate from other players in my experience. Recur and cast Intuition again, this time targeting Recall, Bond of Insight, and Pull from the Deep. Having a mediocre 1/1 become a 7/7 flier can be problematic for most people. Displacer Kitten. You can also do [ [Shipwreck Dowser]] + any 1 mana spell that targets and make a 3/3 prowess for each {U} you have. There’s actually a really unique one for that Commander if your playgroup is okay with land destruction as a win con - [ [Ugin, the Spirit Dragon]] with enough mana to sink into your commander to turn lands white will create a lock and exile your opponents lands. You could go hard ramp, control, blinks, and untaps to be able to lock other players with effects like mystic snake, fiend hunter, etc. My usual win con is [ [Kaya, Ghost Assassin]] infinite activations through [ [The Chain Veil]]. Mar 30, 2020 · Many of the ramp options in this color reduce the costs of particular card types or abilities. [[Chasm Skulker]] - an army of islandwalking tokens usually scares the blue players. •. You might have noticed by now that many green win conditions are mana hungry in one way or another, and Helix Pinnacle is, well, the pinnacle of that. Being able to change the colors of your opponent's blockers or even the color of protection on the swords mean you can usually connect for 5-7 commander damage. White is the color that struggles the most with closing out the game since it doesn't have any huge splashy effects like the other Largely though, it's a political deck where you use the curses that benefit you and an opponent when they attack a cursed player. Updated Apr 19, 2024 by Macharius5622 using our MTG Deck Builder. 13% of 4449 decks +9% synergy. With unlimited mana, cast USZ where X= cards in library, targeting yourself (Safety Tip: If you are able to be forced to draw a Y cards by an opponent, instead cast USZ for X where X is cards in your library minus Y, then cantrip to draw the rest with counterspells in hand as protection. Infinite mana, at the cost of your hand. You have a 100% chance of playing these on curve. more reply. " Potential Wincons: [ [Altar of the Brood]] [ [Aetherflux Reservoir]] both work well with drake/lion combo lines. Step 9: Cast Blue Sun once again making your third opponent draw 100 cards, and if you're playing a 4-player game, this should be the last time. 99. Turn 3. I think that's the thing that people are upset about. Submissions. For this, I have cards like [ [Shepherd of Rot]], [ [Gray Merchant]] and [ [Faith of the Devoted]]. Might be my experience though xD. These are mutually exclusive deck styles. Be-702. 262K subscribers in the EDH community. [2] Alternate-win or -loss cards are called “alt cons” (from "alternate win/loss condition") by R&D. Posts: 2,222. Member Details. Spoiler Timeline. Dec 18, 2022 · These are the 10 best alternative win cards in Magic: The Gathering! Mortal Combat. Then next turn you trigger prowess equal to the number of lands you have and attack. A classic. Location: Tokyo, Japan. You've got infinite with Mind over Matter, and another, more incremental win this way. [ [Mirroring Beseiged]] and [ [mechanized production]] are interesting alternative wincons for artifact decks (the first one especially for ermy, as she likes a packed up grave). Join Date: 5/25/2008. Hi r/EDH ! I just picked up the incredibly cool Planar Portal precon with [ [Prosper, Tome Bound]] at the helm. Jul 24, 2019 · Phelddagrif is the very first group hug commander, and one of the more popular ones to date. Reply reply. I'm trying to overcome my aversion to using counterspells, so I'm attempting to making a white/blue control deck using Grand Arbiter Augustin IV as Commander, but I can't think of anything I can include as a win con Typically, blue/white tends to have a flying fatty as a win condition. Hallie SantoJune 1, 2020. mind over matter / temple bell. Official blog for Card Kingdom, delivering Magic: The Gathering cards and supplies from Seattle to the world since 1999. White is the alternative win color afterall! :3 <3. . Referencing the card "Millstone," Mill decks seek to put cards from the top of an opponents' library directly into their graveyards, whilst also often drawing players additional cards. 1Alternative Win Conditions 1. Thassa’s Oracle is generally seen as the more powerful one, and the other two are generally better suited to more casual levels. Draw your deck with Ad Nauseam + Angel’s Grace, make lots of mana, cast Brainstorm putting Yawgmoth’s Will on top, then cast Windfall. Look at all the ways you can win: Wild Mongrel + Renounce + Barren Glory ---> Cast Renounce. It isn't entirely a wincon on its own, but [ [Gravitational Shift]] is really good when you have a IMO the most consistent wincon for uro is infinite mana into infinite casts. 18 with lands and 1. [ [avenger of zendikar]] last night I made 20 50/51 plants and swung in with [ [akromas memorial]] during one turn. See full list on commander20. — commit very little to the board and hardly ever attack. Mine is kind of a kitchen sink sort of deck, but there's a blink subtheme for value, and lots of equipment and Stoneforge Mystic. Doesn’t do much, but in a pinch can remove a truly problematic permanent. There are numerous ways in which a player can win a game of EDH, either by removing their opponents or by satisfying Alternate Win Cards. 1245 decks. gf cy bp wm rf kh ff cn wn nj